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Claimed:On Jonathan Killeen: Part I [Reviewed]


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Apologies in advance for the shitty written media spot


Although some of you are probably very unaware of this, Dmitri Dadonov was not my first player in the VHL. Technically he is, as he's my first player ever to actually play in the VHL but as I near my one year anniversary of joining the Victory Hockey League, I feel like I should write a little bit about my first player and my first impressions of the VHL. (This turned out longer than expected so I'll split it into two articles).




One fateful Friday night in late August last year, I was in that inevitable area of boredom on YouTube where I was watching random "Best Shootout Moves 2015" and "Sickest Dangles and Dekes" type videos and scrolling through all the shitposting in the comment section when I came across a comment from a user called "underhandedtoss" some online hockey league where you could make your own player and get drafted to different teams and so on and so forth. My first thought was that it was a lame as fuck idea. I checked out the site that night and closed it down without thinking too much into it at all. But the next day I was bored again so I thought, fuck it, why not see what it's all about and created a player. I named him Jonathan Killeen after some kid I went to high school with, and went about trying to make a great player. I remember writing my first point task and spending an entire afternoon researching stats from the sim for it, and having a great idea of how I wanted Killeen to play. I saw how well guys like Thomas O'Malley were doing in the VHL at that point and thought I could build something similar, being determined to hit the 1000 TPE mark with my player. I was so invested in the site those first few weeks, and I honestly have some great memories of that time here. Then I joined the SHL as well, and that combined with university starting up again basically caused me to go inactive overnight. After the great start I'd made to Killeen's career I logged on maybe three times more before he was drafted by Cologne in S46. I never even signed with Cologne and went inactive again for the final time in Killeen's career. 


Winter break soon came around and I found myself with a load of free time again. I really regretted in a lot of ways how my first go at the VHL had turned out, so I decided that in this holiday break I would get back into the league with a new player. I retired Killeen and decided to go with a goalie this time around, and while I was at it, changed my username from dankoa to Daniel, probably where all the assumption about me being a first gen came from. I spent a load of time those few weeks back in the chat room with guys like boubabi and Draper just chatting about anything and everything and I feel like those interactions are a big reason of why I made such a better go at it the second time around. I applied for and got a GM job in the VHLM which I loved, kept active and got drafted by a team I loved in Quebec before reaching the point where I became a fully fledged GM in the VHL, something I was and still am incredibly excited about. My second attempt at VHL greatness is still young; Dadonov is only in his draft+3 season, but I feel like I've done things so much better this time. So basically, thanks for a first really enjoyable almost year in the VHL to everyone I've had the pleasure of talking to so far, and here's to many more to come. 



(Next time I will actually talk about Killeen as a player lel)

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glad to see you stuck around as you are a great member. Although LAP sucks :) 


I came back after a 16 season layoff in S31 under a new name but i couldnt kick the habit of going inactive :P until this past year i guess now that i've been coming around and finally have a player be active more than like 3 seasons. @Victor thinks i will still go inactive at some point here with Muller though so i gotta keep on proving him wrong because he cant be right about everything!

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