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The Colin Kaepernick Debate


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Why the hell this is such a big deal ?

Well, actually, I get why it's on the news, but of course, dumb people makes it a dumb subject.

As you may know, I'm french canadian, therefore, I might not be the most patriotic american out there, but isn't the Kaepernick protest the most American things possible ? I mean, it's clearly using the first amendment. People may seems offended because they think kneeling for the anthem is disrespectful for the war veterans ? What the hell ? He never include those people in his statement he said that it isn't about anyone who love the country, it's about the brutality the black people are currently living, which is obviously true. You migh be living in another planet if you think this isn't the case in the US, because it is. 


ANyway, no time for the long ass essay about that, because I'm just not fluent in my writting to debate much, but I just think this is a dumb ass debate for dumb asses persons.


Oh yeah, why the fact that he is playing in the NFL, he can't complain about shits happening inside the country ? I don't see why it's actually the part of the debate. 

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Yes. Such a hero. Being a dick sitting during the national anthem for something he has never dealt with in his life. Let's give him a round of applause (slow claps). I hope San Fran cuts him. He is an attention whore and should find his way to the CFL or something where he belongs.

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5 minutes ago, Da Trifecta said:

Screw sackorpick. He is an attention whore.

An attention whore that is standing up for his rights and beliefs... Gotcha. I must've missed all those opportunities he's had to push his newest sponsorship or take the time he's had in front of the camera to push his want to be Starting QB. If you think he's an attention whore, you're mad about the wrong reasons. 

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1 minute ago, Wasty said:

An attention whore that is standing up for his rights and beliefs... Gotcha. I must've missed all those opportunities he's had to push his newest sponsorship or take the time he's had in front of the camera to push his want to be Starting QB. If you think he's an attention whore, you're mad about the wrong reasons. 


No. He is parading around like an idiot. Standing up for what rights? That piece of shit has NEVER dealt with oppression. If he wants to stand up for it or whatever, he should do something instead of sitting around like a sitting duck. Go make a difference somewhere where it actually matters.

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23 minutes ago, Da Trifecta said:


No. He is parading around like an idiot. Standing up for what rights? That piece of shit has NEVER dealt with oppression. If he wants to stand up for it or whatever, he should do something instead of sitting around like a sitting duck. Go make a difference somewhere where it actually matters.

How is he PARADING AROUND during a peaceful protest? Umm he wears his oppression on his skin, everywhere he goes people see that he's black. He also has been a part of numerous charities and spends countless hours with them. Also he's donating all his jersey sales (which have been #1 in the league since kneeling first.) to charities and because of his actions the 49ers matched his million he donated and is donating that to charities in the area as well. So his actions you may not agree with but they ARE making a difference. Also by acting for his beliefs he's allowed other players around the league join in and support his beliefs. 


You must REALLY want him to stand and respect the flag right? He MUST do it because he should do it right Trifecta? Sounds like you and North Korea would be a great fit then cause they love that forced patriotism. 

Edited by Wasty
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5 minutes ago, Wasty said:

How is he PARADING AROUND during a peaceful protest? Umm he wears his oppression on his skin, everywhere he goes people see that he's black. He also has been a part of numerous charities and spends countless hours with them. Also he's donating all his jersey sales (which have been #1 in the league since kneeling first.) to charities and because of his actions the 49ers matched his million he donated and is donating that to charities in the area as well. So his actions you may not agree with but they ARE making a difference. Also by acting for his beliefs he's allowed other players around the league join in and support his beliefs. 


You must REALLY want him to stand and respect the flag right? He MUST do it because he should do it right Trifecta? Sounds like you and North Korea would be a great fit then cause they love that forced patriotism. 


You really sound completely like a ignorant fool. What oppression has he faced? Not even ONCE has he faced anything. The whole jersey sale thing and what not is just a charade he is putting on. It's similar to why Tim Tebow was in the NFL. The whole God thing was just a fad. This will fade soon enough just like Sackorpick will.


And should he respect the flag? You are god damn right. You are an American citizen. People out there sacrifice their lives so this piece of shit can continue to play football. It's a slap in the face with what he is doing. If I was him or any other owner of a team that had one of these idiots on my team, they would immediately be cut. Me and North Korea? Sounds like you and your low IQ should visit a school or two. All he is is a disrespectful piece of shit and that is all he will ever amount to.

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3 hours ago, Da Trifecta said:


You really sound completely like a ignorant fool. What oppression has he faced? Not even ONCE has he faced anything.

Hate to say it but that is an ignorant comment. He may have faced oppression and chances are very high that he has, but how are you directly going to know that unless you walk in his shoes for his entire life? Hard to just say a guy hasn't faced oppression without knowing him his entire life.


That's like me saying you have never faced hard times in your life. I don't know that, hell I'm sure you have at some point but it's a blanket statement with no real conclusion answer on my end.

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13 minutes ago, Kendrick said:

Hate to say it but that is an ignorant comment. He may have faced oppression and chances are very high that he has, but how are you directly going to know that unless you walk in his shoes for his entire life? Hard to just say a guy hasn't faced oppression without knowing him his entire life.


That's like me saying you have never faced hard times in your life. I don't know that, hell I'm sure you have at some point but it's a blanket statement with no real conclusion answer on my end.


I am quite certain he hasn't. These NFL players grew up in rich families. Hell he went to Nevada. It's not cheap going to college.

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4 hours ago, Da Trifecta said:


I am quite certain he hasn't. These NFL players grew up in rich families. Hell he went to Nevada. It's not cheap going to college.

Has Mr. Trifecta never heard of a scholarship before?


Also it took me two seconds to find something on google that disputes the idea that NFL players typically come from rich backgrounds. I didn't even know people thought that was the general thing going.



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4 hours ago, Da Trifecta said:


I am quite certain he hasn't. These NFL players grew up in rich families. Hell he went to Nevada. It's not cheap going to college.

Have you even bothered to look at that guy's Wiki Page if nothing else?


"Kaepernick was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, to Heidi (Zabransky) Russo, a 19-year-old white woman who was single and destitute at the time. His birth father, an African American, left before he was born. Russo placed her son for adoption with Rick and Teresa Kaepernick, a white couple who had two children—son Kyle and daughter Devon—and were looking for a boy after having lost two other sons to heart defects. Kaepernick became the youngest of their three children."


Adoption may not be cheap but you can bet your ass that if that family is raising three children in a small wisconsin town (the town there he lived has a population under 45 000) they aren't exactly in the 1%. His wiki page also points out that he was given a scholarship to attend Nevada. Don't claim to know everything about a person's background if you can't even be bothered to do the smallest amount of research.


Also, I'm not sure if anyone is arguing it here but, anyone saying that it's disrespectful to veterans who fought so that he could stand as respect that flag needs to realize that those veterans fought for his right NOT to stand and respect the flag. Fact is, they fought to keep the country free which means free choice to do and think what you believe in. Protesting the national anthem isn't spitting in the face of veterans, it's respecting what they fought for. He has every right to protest any way he see's fit and if it does something then great. God knows the US needs some major change regarding race relations right now.

Edited by Beketov
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