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All Cast Questions Thread


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So I just started thinking about this, and man we got ourselves a super healthy podcast run going on right now in the VHL. Schedule wise things aren't always every week for everyone, but we are consistently seeing a ton of podcasts go up per season. I think it's great for the league but one thing that does kind of bum me out is having to go and ask questions in twenty five different questions threads. Not that it really is that much of a hassle, but I figured why not put this out here. 


Post questions for anybody on any cast to take their chance at answering. Could give a range of topics for people to discuss and give a better idea of some of the differing opinions on the board in a more clear cut way. Plus imagine all the inter-cast smack talk people like my Hombre, @Jericho could get into. So yes casters I encourage you come to this thread and thief questions for all of us. 



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This makes so much more sense! I'm the same way in that I'm fine asking questions but just the chore of going through so many question threads put me off. I'll post some questions here for anyone who wishes to tackle 'em:


- Last off-season was obviously most noted for the Wranglers FA that saw them sign four of the most prominent players in the VHL. With all of these players currently set to enter Free Agency next season, do you foresee another season where the bulk of the FA's join one team or do you believe it will be a more evenly distributed FA?


- If you think they will, which team do you believe would be the most logical destination for them to join and why?


- Season 52 Draft is approaching, talk about one prospect that you feel is currently going under the radar but you think will go on to have a good VHL career. 


- There's been a lot of suggestions recently thrown about as to how to improve the VHLM (this thread would be the best place to see them if you haven't already), which of these ideas would you like to see implemented the most or do you have your own idea as to how to improve the VHLM?


- Looking around the board recently, it seems like more important threads and jobs have been lagging behind as of late (Examples would be the TPE Index that hasn't been updated in a while (I stepped down so you can't blame me!), magazine articles being submitted later than usual and the Trade Tracker currently behind by two seasons). Do you think therefore that there needs to be a greater incentive thrown people's way in order for these jobs to be done in a timely manner? 


- SPECIAL TASK FOR THE EXTRA DILIGENT PODCASTERS: With Season 44 players now set to retire, we've now seen ten seasons worth of draft classes (S35-S44) play out their entire career on this invisionzone forum, rank each of these draft classes from best to worst. 

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Who is better in general, Hitler or the WNBA? (Everyone)


Is Jericho the "handsome hunk" of your podcast or will you be inviting @Phil on some time soon? (Everyone but Jericho)


Growing up, which NHL player did you hate the most? (Everyone)


Who is the member in the past 5 seasons who has surprised you the most in regards to their player?

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How many waifu body pillows does Jericho have?


Have you ever borrowed one of them (to device or advantage), if so, how would you describe her personality?


Do you think VHL would ever allow a rebrand of NYA? Are people serious when they talk about this? I know I always take it as jokes, but IDK lately...


What's the biggest tip (percentage) that Jericho has ever received while waiting tables?


Is Jericho said doublelift left team solo mid, and has he been training to try out as his replacement?

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Do a ranking of all the casts in the VHL. Strengths/Weaknesses of every caster. 


How much has the league evolved in the time caster has been here? What are some of the things they have liked about the evolution of the league, and disliked?


Assume the VHL restarts, ignoring player position preferences and assume everyone you draft fits with the positional need of your team, pick 11 players (6 forwards, 4 d and a goalie) to make up the bulk of your team soley based on which members you'd love to play with/expectations of how good their players may be. 


There has been a lot of relocation talk, should it be taken seriously, will any teams not in the VHLM actually undergo a relocation? If so, where/what team? 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Crazy idea: every year before the VHL Draft, we have a "Scouting Combine", where every draft-eligible member (or, to narrow the field, those that sign up for the event) gets their own team of bots and it's just them on the team, going up against other 1-man teams, including 1-man goalie teams for our goalie prospects. What Builds would thrive in this sim? Would this be a fun way to keep the VHLM active, where this event happens halfway through the season and right before the draft?

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Headed into a draft, would you rather have a player like Franchise Cornerstone that has 99 PA and 99 SC and 75 PH or would you rather have a more structured build like a 99 SC and 92 PA and 85 PH with a bit of other stuff? Does that build work well just because they're dominating control of the puck or does the decision engine not really matter as much as once thought? Will it work well early in the VHL?


Pastrnak has not been doing as well as I wanted, only 6th among LW. Do I just need to wait for my time to come in Yukon?

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