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1. @Pandar
2. @omgitshim

3. @diamond_ace

4. @Kendrick

5. @Molholt

6. @Bring Back Player 2 (Tri)

The list after the randomizer is done, it is a snake draft so it'll be starting with  @Pandar12 hour time limits per pick


F -  Franchise Cornerstone

F - Rudolph Schmeckledorf

F - Sergei Komarov
D - Pablo
D - Luka Volkov



F -  Gabriel McAllister
F - Felix Savard
F - Fredinamijs Krigars
D - Keaton Louth
D - Colton Rayne
G - Markus King



F -  Bo Boeser
F - Fook Yu
F - Aksel McKnight
D - Mats Johnsson
D - Michael Kinkaid
G - Norris Stopko


F -  Chase Keller
F - Aleksei Fedorov
F - Niko Bogdanovic
D - Jake Scheel
D - Brandon Hood
G - Jacob


F -  Shawn Gretzky

F - Mattias Forsberg
F - 
D - Casey Jones
D - Ko Kane
G - 


@Bring Back Player 2 (Tri)

F -  Jasper Canmore

F - John Locke
F - Noel Roux
D - Ay Ay Ron
D - Slava Aleksei

G - Ike Arkander

Edited by Bushito
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  On 4/22/2018 at 6:25 PM, omgitshim said:

If I'm good to pick, then I'll go Norris Stopko. Didn't want to cut the line even if the time had passed, unless someone said to do it (I'd actually been following this thread last night at work)

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