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Speculatoria: Team Analysis #1 [1/2]


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Speculatoria: Let's look at OSLO! :osl:


Speculatoria, the magazine version, has not died. I've seen the comments, looked at stuff and have come to the conclusion that despite there being good advances in increasing the quality, I would like to further investigate and do a little researching on how to make it better, but at the same time, also faster for myself as it's too time consuming for the amount of reward. Due to this fact and myself being busy as fuck at work, I've missed some key opportunities to bring about a scouting report or two and captivate the eyes of all our readers and those who give a shit (or as Robbie would add, who don't give a shit. Because I don't give a shit!). This will be our little extra project in the mean time - and you can likely expect two of these a week with some other little projects on the go too. This week, or to start things off with the team analysis, we're going to be taking a look at this seasons Oslo Storm. So, without further delay, let's take a look.




The management is strong with this one. Led by Head GM @Laflamme who later partner up with EX-Bratislava GM and current Seattle Bears GM of the VHL,  Blake Campbell (myself). These two haven't been working together too long behind the helm of Oslo, but since LaFlamme brought in Campbell, the two have been working hard, constantly and quickly to bring about the best hockey for fans in and of Oslo. Their experience together is pretty good and both have been around for sometime. A big props could be in order for LaFlamme too for bringing in a strong presence in Blake Campbell to help guide the teams direction and help start moving things in order. We look forward to seeing what else they come up with, but as of late, they've been killing it. They brought in both Campbell's agencies players in Vyacheslav Smirnov and Maxim Kovalchuk - who both are on a roll. Then they picked up two more signings in @BBNAT's player and @Beerfridge



LaFlamme: 7.7B @Laflamme

He's a good manager and he's stepped it up heavily the last while. The fact he went active the last time around has some likely concerned, but we feel as time gradually moves on, his score will do the same and will likely increase. He's done a great job and the two together should really bring Oslo to new heights.


Banackock: 8.8A

Not being cocky, but I feel it's accurate. I have huge experience in the league and while a little out of touch with the rules and shit, I know how the system works. Campbell made some decent moves at the draft and is behind all 4 new players signing in Oslo. Furthering, a quick made up draft list could be credited for their strong draft - picking up a goalie when @Daniel could be missing in action this year and Riga's plan to call him up and shit the season away could be in order. Past success and recent management is a reflection of his overall score.




We're not going to waste our time with players that haven't logged in for a few weeks. I'm not that hungry for words and it's literally just a waste of time. If they ever want to come back to life, they can find their way in one of these reports but for now, tough shit. For Oslo, it's the opposite as they have found themselves a decent set of new players, with a mix of older guys to lead the way. They have the group moving froward that could likely contend this season and we have them as the #2-3 seed team this year. In my eyes, I think they can go far this season. I expect to see them in the finals.


Vyacheslav Smirnov @Banackock

Future Rating: 9.5A

Future Range: 9.0B - 9.5A



He's their best player when it comes to effort, consistency and what he's likely to become. The fact he is part of the Campbell agency, but also the Seattle core means that he likely won't fuck up and you can expect him to go balls to the walls. He's a player that maters, so you can expect him to also matter to Oslo's success this season. While we could rate what they currently are, we're more so going at what they'll become. Smirnov is going to be a very strong player in the future



Josh Stronk @Beerfridge

Future Rating: 7.5C

Future Range: 7.0D - 7.5B



Pretty fucking to see such opposite numbers or ratings hey? Strong has struggled to somewhat find consistency - not so much in production, but more so in development. He's just at the cap right now for the VHLM, but he's a little bit older of a player. Furthering, he was just moved from calgary to Quebec (if not mistaken) in a trade. Despite all these things, his importance to the team is huge and upon signing, he became the teams best and biggest player this season. In my eyes, you can expect him to light it up, put the team on his back and really take charge of Oslo this season offensively. 


Shawn Mendes @evrydayimbyfuglien

Future Rating: 8.0B

Future Range: 7.0B - 8.5B



Mendes, for me, the concern would be activity. He went inactive some what on his previous players and the agency only just made the return a while ago. Despite this, he's looking healthy, good and seeming to have a bunch of activity all while enjoying the site. On top of this, his personality traits really help him but the rating reflects our concerns slightly. He could grow, ranging from that 8.5C or 8.5B range, or he could drop and just become a really strong, consistent depth player that you need and love to have on your team.


Marvin Harding @.sniffuM

Future Rating: 8.0C

Future Range: 7.5C - 8.0B



This guy is a tough cookie to call. His determination, activity and all that great shit is there, but at the same time, activity in the future could be an issue as it has been in the past. While we don't believe this will be the case, you never know. For Oslo this year, Harding is their #1 guy on the Wing and will be counting on him and stronk to heavily lead the way offensively. For the future, he could pick it up a tad, while it likely won't be a whole lot, or he could slow down a little bit while still being that nice depth piece every roster needs. It'll be interesting to see how he turns out, but we got a feeling this season all he's gonna do is TURN UP for OSLO!


Rauno Palo  @jRuutu

Future Rating: 8.5B

Future Range: 8.5C - 9.0B



Currently, he's the 2nd line centre for the Oslo Storm with the strong potential of being the first line guy next season if he doesn't make the jump. His agency has made some great players in the past, but well see if he continues with the consistency he has found thus far. We have a feeling, there will at times be welfare and other shit claimed - just liked others and while you can gain other TPE to make up for the loss, we're unsure if this will always be the case here. Either way, we expect a good - if not, great player out of him and you can see this in the Future Range rating. 





Maxim Kovalchuk  @Banackock

Future Rating: 9.0B

Future Range: 8.5A - 9.5B


He's part of the banacock agency and like Smirnov, he's come out flying. He's gained all the TPE available to him right now and it's likely that he won't slow down for sometime. HOWEVER, he's their second player in the agency and the other player automatically goes to Campbell's Seattle bears so if there's ever a time when one of the two players struggles or doesn't have as much gains, it's likely going to be on Kovalchuk. We do, however, expect him to become a solid #1-2 guy on any team in the league in the future. 


Lukas Novacek @ADV

Future Rating: 8.0B

Future Range: 7.0C - 8.5B


This one is another wildcard, due to recent events of him walking away from the league and having some form of distaste. However, his attitude and presence in the league went from limited/nothing to back in black, baby. He's not going balls to the walls and that's why he has no rating above a potential 8.5B. Though, when all said and done we feel like he's going to end up asa  good player - maybe a better depth piece than most and there's nothing wrong with that. 



Jacob Smith @jacobaa19

Future Rating: 7.5C

Future Range: 7.0D - 8.0C


I've always liked Jacob Smith and thought he had a lot of potential, but despite this potential, it hasn't actually been put out or turned into much and I think this has been reflected int he ratings. I think the most likely thing to happen here is that he becomes a nice depth piece if everything works out. Obviously, the alternatives are that I'm wrong and he turns it up and becomes a true great piece, or he regresses further and falls off the map. Currently, it seems he's busy in life and has hit a speed up so just like the many where your eyes are glued to, you should be watching him closer too.



Future Rating: 8.0B

Future Range: 7.0D - 9.0B


He's new so it's really hard to scout and give him ratings. Honestly, anything could happen. He could be an amazing first gen who takes the league by storm, or could completely shit the fucking bed and never become anything on here. Right now? He's kicking huge ass and I've had quite a few talks with him to know he's a great guy who is enjoying the site pretty decently. He fits in good and if he sticks with it, will become a good player and great member. My concern, being the new guy so well have to keep our eyes on him. This is reflected in the future range. 




We're not going to blab a whole lot here, as there clearly aren't as many goalies on a team as there are other positions. For Oslo though, they got Daniel (Arvid Aamo), who likely will be playing in riga and Osmond Kingfisher. Because Aamo is likely to play on a garbage Riga team (poor guy), we're going to skip him and head right onto IKF.


Osmond Kingfisher  @Spade18

Future Rating: 9.0A

Future Range: 8.5B - 9.5B


He's the GM player for the New York Americans and if there's any trend that's easy to follow, it's that GM players likely turn out to be hardworking players, with consistent, high levels of gains and obviously... they're good. Being named the possible #1 guy at such an early stage in the season and IKF's career must be nerve racking, but we feel by the time Oslo needs him, his ratings will be good enough to help them fight through it all. We have no worries with this player here. Good member, good agent and has  avery strong future ahead of him. 


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2 hours ago, Beaviss said:

@Banackock good write up.


It would be very interesting to see if you did these for each team in the VHLM and VHL each season at some point.

Noted. I'll likely wait tomorrow to bring out an easy one. I'm swamped next week at work soo..


Shopping for some dress clothes and normal clothes tomorrow. 

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