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European expansion destinations


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The word 'expansion' made an appearance in the Board of Governors this week. OK, it was solely in one of my posts and not a serious suggestion, but as we continue to see strong draft classes in consecutive years, I believe this will be a topic entering the discussion in the not so distant future.


Given I made a list of possible destinations some time ago and have nothing else to write about, I might as well speculate about some destinations now. If/when the expansion topic starts to rear its head properly again, I will definitely be a proponent of return to the old NA/European Conference system for a few reasons, chief amongst them the balance such a layout creates, as well as what I think is a riper ground for real league rivalries. Yes, conferences do not necessarily guarantee rivalries, but familiarity does breed contempt and the chances of running into the same team several seasons in a row are much lower in the current World Conference set-up. Either way, I think at least one European team would be necessary for a two-team expansion, so the below list will be useful for something, or perhaps the future will hold a North America to Europe relocation by one of the current five NA teams.


That's the background to why I am making this – and I stress this again – speculative Media Spot, so without further ado let's look at some European locations where VHL hockey might thrive.



Image result for german hockey

I will never not believe that the Cologne Express were hard done by contraction and would support that franchise returning to the VHL in the future. At its peak throughout the 40s the Express was a lot of fun and throughout its history Cologne was a likeable team. Equally, I see the counter arguments – the Express were not great for most of their history and there is no great need to retread that path, especially given the situation with the team's founder.


If it's not Cologne though, it doesn't mean it can't be another German city. Germany has numerous attractive cities, from Hamburg to Munich to most obviously Berlin, as well as a strong hockey heritage, particularly in the real world but also occasionally in the VHL. Overall, a VHL team in Germany would be nice to see again, but it's not quite the staple of VHL history where it's essential, plus the country did get its chance before.


Prague, Czechia

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Despite being historically one of the best hockey nations in the world, the Czechs haven't received much love in the VHL – both in terms of player power or team presence. Prague was floated around as an expansion option in S30, before Cologne got the team, and I would be completely on board if anyone was interested in placing a team there in the future. A great city, a rich hockey heritage, and some excellent name options. For me, Prague Knights is a concept that seems to work in my head, but I'd be happy to see any consideration for the Czech capital should expansion start to gain support again.



Image result for swedish hockey

It is a strange VHL world without a Swedish team. Once upon a time, there were four Swedish teams – Vasteras and Stockholm in the VHL, Vasteras and Gothenburg in the VHLM. Even as most of those moved away, including to Riga and Oslo, the Swedish flag continued to be flown by Vasteras in their Iron Eagles guise and then by the Stockholm Vikings after that cursed franchise's one last relocation. On a player level in the meantime, Team Scandinavia, although also supported by Finland and the occasional Danish flurry, has always been one of the stronger entries in the World Cup, until recently having a better all-time record than Canada and the US.


Despite all that, it does feel like the... err, viking ship has sailed. We've now had two franchises in Stockholm and they didn't bring home the cup in a combined 24 seasons. Vasteras is dead and hopefully buried. Gothenburg was very unlucky to be moved to Oslo (especially when they initially became the Screaming Seamen), but isn't exactly a well known location and I doubt anyone has much sentimental value for the former VHLM team. It's a great shame, but I don't see a feasible scenario where the VHL returns to Sweden.


London, United Kingdom

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I don't actually know how I'd feel about this, despite living in the UK and quite close to London too. However, I feel a British VHL franchise does have some merit, for a few reasons. We've always had a steady British base, both in terms of players and members based here. London is one of the most recognisable cities in the world and certainly more obviously associated with Europe than Riga, Davos, or Helsinki. Even in the real world, the British team has actually made it to the top tier of international hockey meaning it's not the most unrealistic hockey location the VHL would have – looking at you, Madrid. There are definitely a plethora of potential team names – could go for an alliteration like London Lightning, or play off its financial power with something like the London Millionaires. There is definitely potential here though.



Image result for russia

If we've had a lot of Sweden in the past here, then we haven't had anywhere near enough Russia. There was the predecessor to Davos – the Avangard Havoc, a highly botched team name which was meant to be based in Omsk but couldn't grasp how KHL team names worked. Much later on there were also the Moscow Red Wolves, a decently successful VHLM franchise which did get culled when we realised that 10 VHLM teams was about 6 too many. Both Russian teams won a cup at their respective levels, while Russian players have been a constant in the VHL, which makes sense given that aside from Canada there probably isn't a bigger hockey nation than Russia.


There is a limited number of good locations – it would probably have to be Moscow given St. Petersburg has unfortunate potential to be confused with Florida. Even in Moscow though, there is much fun which can be had with a VHL franchise. Potential names might be the Revolution or the Warriors. I suspect this would be an enticing destination for quite a few league members.


Milan, Italy

Image result for milan

Finally, let's end on a slightly left-field suggestion. I'm not a huge fan of non-hockey locations used in Europe given how few teams we have, which is why I'm maybe not as sold on the idea of London as much as I could be. The VHL's only experience in southern Europe was Vasteras' foray to Madrid, as well as Avangard/Davos bizarrely having their VHLM affiliate in Toledo for a while, and why anyone thought Spain was a good idea is beyond me. Italy is not exactly a hockey hotbed, but it certainly has more of a presence than Spain, especially in the north of the country which is where Milan happens to be. Milan is also a major European city associated with fashion, so there is some potential there for creating a classy, haughty franchise. Spitballing names, I'd suggest something like the Milan Stallions, or maybe even just a basic HC Milano. I personally wouldn't put Milan ahead of Prague, Moscow, or London, but it's a decent concept I think and maybe something for someone willing to not go down the well trodden path.

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I'm all in favor of a Prague team


EDIT: it's probably the only way I'd consider returning to GMing in the bigs, although still probably not but it would be interesting to do an expansion team

Edited by diamond_ace
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8 hours ago, Quik said:

Wait...was that not Toledo, Ohio? Lol

Well it was in the European Conference so....


7 hours ago, diamond_ace said:

You could have easily found some other concept to rattle off bits about for 300 more words :P

Maybe, although I don't really care much for the rule anyway so that's not something I consider much while writing a MS.


And although I'm sure I could, I do like all of the above destinations, while I can't think of any others that would be massively interesting to me. Maybe Vienna. Or Kiev. Or Copenhagen maybe, but nah.

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5 minutes ago, Victor said:

Well it was in the European Conference so....

I'm not doubting you, lol. I just had no clue there even was a Toledo, Spain until this thread haha. I always assumed it was the American city, and figured it was only in the Euro conference because they were tied to a Euro team...

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