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The Art of the TPE Whore


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I feel like I've explained the weekly cycle to a lot of newcomers lately, so i figured that I would get it down nicely in one place so that I can just link anyone else here for an explanation of what I (or most people) do each week to hit cap and some ways to make it easier. I've been a consistent TPE whore since joining and the only week in which I've missed cap was my very first week where I made 10/12 capped because I didn't feel like reviewing.


Main PT (Graphic, Media Spot, or Podcast) [6 TPE] - the decision here comes down to whether you're better with pictures or with words. The MS needs to be 500 words long, and that has always been a stretch to me, so I generally tend to slap together a graphic. Graphics are easier for me as well since I can go on a creative kick and create 4-6 graphics at the same time and them I'm set for the next month and a half. Although, funnily enough, this is going to meet my MS requirement for this week.


Welfare [4 TPE for newcomers, 5 TPE for veterans] - never claim this, it replaces your Main PT and therefore costs you 2 TPE unless you plan to do every other possible task or pick up a job to fill out the 12 capped limit. 


Press Conferences [2 TPE] - you can either ask or answer questions, so this makes a very easy task for newcomers. 100% would recommend, I did this weekly until picking up an Updater job.


Reviewing [2 TPE] - I don't want to start a fight here, so all I'm going to say is that it isn't worth the effort in its current state.


Trivia (Answers) [2 TPE] - This one may seem daunting for new members, but with the new Google Forms way of submitting and the activity and general helpfulness of other members on the discord, this actually only takes 5 minutes or less of work. Trivia does usually shut down for the offseason though, so you'll likely have ~2 weeks where you'll need to replace it with reviewing in order to hit the cap.


VHL.com article or Player Card [2 TPE] - Essentially a mini version of the main PT. A VHL.com article is a minimum of 150 words and a player card is just a description for any (relatively) low-effort graphic. This should only take a couple minutes so I would do this every week, plus if you have a bit of money you can buy the uncapped TPE packages available on the store which make completing this task even more valuable.


So, to cap during the season, I would combine Main PT [6], Pressers [2], Trivia [2], and VHL.com article [2], then swap out Trivia for Reviewing in the offseason if you still want to cap. As you can tell, hitting cap really isn't that difficult. Where the real fun begins is hunting for those uncapped opportunities.


I won't dive too far into them because I've already made my word count and there's really a lot to uncover, but the true key to separating yourself from the pack is to identify and complete as many uncapped opportunities as possible. Of course, there's a weekly practice facility, but make sure to keep an eye out for tasks such as HOF articles, VHL Lottery, VHL Fantasy, recruitment, and much more. Just take the time to poke around the forums every now and again and you'll often stumble into a way of earning that you hadn't thought of before.


599 words.

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36 minutes ago, Enorama said:

Reviewing [2 TPE] - I don't want to start a fight here, so all I'm going to say is that it isn't worth the effort in its current state.


You got one

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14 minutes ago, Peace said:

So if I earn capped plus one or two... I’m I a TPE whore? 


Have a look across the league at how many people actually cap every week. It's a lot less than you think.

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S57'rs are probably one of the greatest generations of the VHL. Three of the active 8 are still adding TPE and hold positions 1,2,5,10,14 and 17th in the top 25 all time TPE earners. They're all pretty much point per game earners and most have solid stats all around. Good luck to the next generations trying to take over.

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  • Commissioner
3 minutes ago, Exlaxchronicles said:

S57'rs are probably one of the greatest generations of the VHL. Three of the active 8 are still adding TPE and hold positions 1,2,5,10,14 and 17th in the top 25 all time TPE earners. They're all pretty much point per game earners and most have solid stats all around. Good luck to the next generations trying to take over.

To be fair they were the first generation that got to really benefit heavily from the increased weekly cap as well. That extra 3 TPE a week adds up big time. We’re gonna see a few seasons I imagine before the TPE records stabilize.

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11 minutes ago, Exlaxchronicles said:

I agree but not until the later stages of their careers.

Which is why I said it’ll take a bit to stabilize. They won’t be holding these records long. It was held for awhile before we bumped the cap but then McCallister broke it, Stopko broke his, Jonnson broke his, and Canmore is like to break this one. All in the span of a season. As players come in that have had the larger cap longer the record will continue to be broken.

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9 hours ago, Beketov said:

Which is why I said it’ll take a bit to stabilize. They won’t be holding these records long. It was held for awhile before we bumped the cap but then McCallister broke it, Stopko broke his, Jonnson broke his, and Canmore is like to break this one. All in the span of a season. As players come in that have had the larger cap longer the record will continue to be broken.

Makes sense what you've said.

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