BluObieZ 1,125 Posted March 11, 2019 Share Posted March 11, 2019 (edited) If you have not read one of my script write ups and wonder what this is, or if you want to know the story read the first part Orion:Beginnings EXT.SCHOOL.DAY Orion walks out of the school intently, girls follow him trying to get his attention but he does not care. He jumps on a motorcycle that is parked nearby. He starts and rides off like a bad ass kid. EXT.STREETS.DAY A quite street is interrupted up the sound of a speeding motorcycle. As it nears, it’s the bike that Orion stole. But he is no longer on it. I jumps a curb and smashes into a house. Just as Orion who now changed back into his adult self flies over head. EXT.SKY.DAY Orion comes out of the clouds to fly above them. He is wearing what can only be described as a superhero suit. It is Black and Grey with an “O” on the chest. An F-22 Raptor comes out of the clouds and tries to keep up with Orion but cannot. INT.F-22.DAY Pilot Base, I do not know what is going on but the UFO seems to be a man. A man flying… Not a plane or anything. He is just flying. I am at Mach 2.2 and he is well ahead of me. He must be going at least Mach 3? I don’t know Orion speeds up and disappears Pilot What? (Looks around) He’s gone! He just sped up and disappeared. How is this even possible? INT.NEWS STUDIO.DAY News Anchor The spacecraft has appeared to have stopped right above One World Trade. We at this moment do not know what they are want. If they are friendly or if they are here on an Independents Day manor. Till we are able to contact them, the nation, the world will watch and wait. This is truly history making day. Not just for us in New York but everyone alive today can say they were alive on the day we made contact with a species not of this planet. Just then something smashes into the side of the space craft and disappears inside News Anchor Something has just hit the spacecraft. Reports are that it was traveling at a high rate of speed INT.SPACECRAFT.DAY Orion slams into a wall and stops. He is quickly surrounded by VHL’ers (pronounced Whellers) Orion looks at them before punching one guard sending him clean across the ship and out the hole that Orion came in. Orion Who’s next? The VHL’ers lower their weapons when their leader Keb @Beketov approaches Keb Now, now no need for hostilities Orion. We come in peace you do not have to protect these people. We are simply here to observe Orion You do not know what peace is. I am not here to protect anyone. For I do not care about these humans. I am here because I hate you. Keb Hate is a strong word. You merely came across some bad eggs in the VHL’ers race Orion glares at Keb like Larry David does at a person he suspects is lying Orion I do not have time for this. I will keep an eye on you. But I have bigger problems then you right now. Keb Salatian Hooker problems again? Orion glares at Keb before disappearing once again just as fast as he came INT.CLUB HOUSE.EVENING A worried looking Steve Mulligan @TheLastOlympian07 walks around the club house that he built for him and his friends when a thud can be heard. Moments later the door flies open and breaks like it was made of cardboard. Kid Orion stands there, looking around the club house. He then looks at Steve Orion This is a club house? Where I come from, it’s filled with cool shit and Salatan… Steve Where are you even from? Orion Don’t ask questions that you don’t want the answer to Steve Steve But I want to know Orion Steve! Orion says in a loud thunderous voice Steve Whoa! How do you do that? Orion Steve. Shut up. I say that in the nicest way possible. We are dealing with great evil and you are fixated on something that does not matter. I need to come up with a plan before it’s too late Steve Oh boy… do I even want to know? Orion Of course! You are vital to my plan. A plan that I have not come up with, but none the less you are vital Steve Great… How long will I get grounded for this one? Three maybe four years? Orion If I do what I know has to be done, then your family unit will praising you and not punishing you Steve Does this have anything to do with Terrance? Orion The Noodletonian? Steve Le Sigh… yes him Orion He is the key to this all and tomorrow I will find out what exactly that is Steve Great… should I just start the day in the principal’s office? To make it easier on him INT.SCHOOL.MORNING Orion walks into the classroom and looks around. He sees Terrance @tfong sitting next to Steve. Orion glares at Steve before sitting in front of them but not facing forward. He glares at Terrance. Terrance What choo problem doodle? Orion SCUM! Steve Orion! Stop that Terrance Okay. No. Me fry and you lie Orion I see past your little disguise Terrance You see through noodle? Invisible noodle? Where? EXT.SCHOOLYARD.DAY Orion is stalking Terrance around the school yard. Girls hanging near him is making it hard for him to track Terrance but Orion moves them aside before jumping in the air and landing on Terrance like a lion on its prey. Orion looks down at the defenseless Terrance. Orion You die here. You can tell your little buddies to go home to where you came from Steve tries to pull Orion off but Orion swats him away and sending him into a mud puddle Orion Stay out of this simpleton! He is going back to where he came from Steve THAT’S FUCKING RACIST! I cannot be friends with a racist. I just can’t do it anymore. Steve stands up and walks up to Orion and punches him in the face. Orion doesn’t even move. Steve goes to punch Orion again but his fist is caught by Mrs Draper. Mrs Draper OFFICE NOW STEVEN MULLIGAN! INT.NEWS STUDIO.DAY News Anchor We are being told that the aliens are about to broadcast worldwide a message. So let’s go live to it for this historic broadcast. INT.SPACECRAFT.DAY Keb Dwellers of Earth. We are the VHL’ers, an advanced species from a planet that is about forty light years away. We come in peace, we have traveled this great distance to observe you and determine if you are deserve to learn of technology that is far superior to yours. Technology that can help you jump many years ahead and gain the vast knowledge waiting out there in the cosmos. All we ask is for a meeting with the President of United States. So we can determine can make such a determination. INT.PRINCIPAL’S OFFICE.DAY Principal Ted Johnson sits in his chair looking at a mud covered Steve. Ted Tell me what happened Steve It’s Orion, he has issues with Asian people. I cannot stand by and let him pick on that poor kid anymore Ted So you punch him in the face? Steve Sir, Orion. He maybe evil. He does not like Asian people. I think he may hate others but isn’t one race bad enough Ted You literally are talking to the wrong person here. I do not care about a little racism in the school. It makes everyone tougher. You Steve are weak. You must know that the Chinese are coming and they will rape your family. Do you want that? Steve WHAT? Ted Listen. I will tell you what I told that punk kid Orion. I maybe racist but you cannot prove it. I am the be all and end all in this school. You are just some snot nosed kid that needs to be shown his place in all this. So it’s either you fall in line or you will be expelled. Steve Expelled for not being racist? Ted Precisely Steve But… but, I swore if I ever came across someone that is racist or suspected to be racist that I would punch them in the face Ted Cry me a river kid EXT.SCHOOL.DAY Orion is walking like he is following someone when he spots Steve riding his bike. Orion picks up a rock and beams Steve right in the head with it. Sending Steve to the ground. Orion stands over him looking down. Orion Done being an idiot? Steve FUCK You! I got suspended for punching you Orion Good! As you should be suspended. But now I must ask you one important question Steve Which is? Orion Will you help me take down the fucking noodletonian or will you continue to be a little nat in my way? INT.NOODLE DOODLE NOODLE HOODLE.DAY Terrance walks into Noodle Doodle Noodle Hoodle and sits down at a table. He pulls out his math homework and begins doing it as an old Asian lady comes up to him with a giant bowl of noodles. Woman Son Unit Terrance Mother Unit The begin bowing to one another, it goes on for a while before an old Asian man walks up Man Son Unit He turns to the woman Man Wife Unit The bow to each other, almost like they will never stop till Orion and Steve walk into the restaurant and sit near Terrance. Orion begins to glare are Terrance who sees him sit down Steve What is it with this guy? Why do you hate him? Orion One does not simply hate a Noodletonian. One despises them. Wants to end their existence. Line them up and end them all. Steve Whoa! Hold on there lil Hitler Orion I do not know this Hitler you speak of Steve How can you not know about Hitler? Dude was fucked up Orion stands up as the old lady and man walk away. Orion walks over to Terrance and swats the bowl of noodles away from him Terrance Waste of Noodle no goodle. Why you here? Not there or where? Orion You can play the dumb card all you want but you being here with the VHL’ers this is not a coincidence. I must end you now. Before your little plan becomes a reality. Terrance Plan? I know not what you say otay? I learn hard for father unit. He want me to numbers know. So I goes to school for older human peoples and learn bigger numbers so my brain grow Orion You would like that wouldn’t you Terrance I know I would like it doodle Orions anger grows. The lights in the restaurant begin to flicker and outside becomes dark as thunder can be heard. Terrance Oh no, no the noodle must no go or noodle doodle can no be noodley Orion ENOUGH! I lightning bolt hits the building surging throughout the building bursting all the lights as Orion’s godly voice fills the building. Orion picks up Terrance by the neck and slams him against the wall. Steve dives into action and latches onto Orion’s leg Steve I will not let you do anything to him Orion ignores Steve Orion Tell me who you really are and I shall make this quik. TELL ME! Terrance Terrance Fong. Son of Yi Fong Son and Ki Fong Son. You put me down now? Okay Orion tightens his grip around Terrance’s throat Orion I shall end this before it starts. I banish you. Steve What kid says banish? Is this the kind of kid I hang out with? No wonder I get suspended regularly Just then the door is kicked open and in walks Quik Slowly @Quik and his partner Quintina Dollar @DollarAndADream. They approach Orion Quik Put the Asian down Orion looks behind him at the two detectives. He knows that he can easily get away but for some reason puts down Terrance and pats him on the head Orion This isn’t over little boy Terrance You little as I Quik STEP AWAY FROM THE ASIAN! Orion steps backwards slowly, easily dragging Steve with him INT.INTERROGATION ROOM A.DAY Steve sits at a table with his hands cuffed in front of him when Quintina enters the room. She sits down across from him. Quintina Make this easier on you guys and tell us why you went into that restaurant to spew hateful speech. You may be a minor Steven but you are in deep trouble. You want to talk to me because my partner isn’t so nice. Steve Hate crime? Hate speech? I was trying to stop him. I was holding onto his legs to stop him. I do not hate anyone. Everyone deserves to equality. Please let me explain. Its simple Orion is crazy INT.NOODLE DOODLE NOODLE HOODLE.DAY Terrance is eating noodles out of a new bowl as his father sits down in front of him Father Fong Why does boy no like you son? Terrance I no know father unit. But what he no know angers him so Father Fong If that so then no know is a go INT.INTERROGATION ROOM B.DAY Quik Now you listen here you little punk. I happen to love that noodle hut and you go in there with your little hate speech and you expect the LVPD to just let you do whatever you feel like? Orion Yes actually that’s exactly what I expect and my people though that you people were morons Quik I AM A MAN! A GROWN UP! SHOW SOME DAMN RESPECT!...KID! Orion I am. I said you are not as stupid as I thought you were. Isn’t that good enough? Quik You are in deep trouble. You are most likely going to do community service or even time in juvie Orion Gods don’t do time Quik You are not a god, you are just some kid that thinks that they can do anything they want Orion Wrong Quik Oh. Am I wrong? Please correct me Orion I know that I can do whatever I want. So much so, I will be leaving in a few minutes and there is nothing you can do about it Quik smirks Quik Oh really now. I would love to see this. INT.NOODLE DOODLE NOODLE HOODLE.DAY Father Fong Preparations are prepared son unit Terrance I make noodle calculations father unit and we be ready Father Fong They no see what they no can see coming Terrance Generally how no seeing go INT.INTERROGATION ROOM A.DAY Quintina walks back from the door to the room and stands in front of Steve Quintina Orion just told my partner that it’s all your fault. That you are the mastermind racist and he was just trying to hold Terrance away from you. Which would explain why you were on the ground. Steve Are you seriously that stupid? If he was trying to protect him then why would he have his hands around his throat? Quintina I don’t know Steve You don’t know or this is the worst attempt to play us off each other I’ve seen since episode fifty eight of CSI Toronto INT.NOODLE DOODLE NOODLE HOODLE.DAY Terrance pulls out an object from his book bag and shows it to his father Terrance Soon know we go Father Fong Slow we go so they no know Terrance Exactadoodle INT.WHITE HOUSE.DAY Keb enters the White House passing by a board that keeps track of how many days since the last person quit which is 1. Secret Service lead him to the oval office. A man stands behind the desk. As Keb approaches the man turns around and it’s Donald Trump. Trump Vladi I have to go. Talk soon about the upcoming elections INT.INTERROGATION ROOM B.DAY Quik Are you going to leave now? Orion Nope Quik How about now? Orion It’s not smart to mock a god Quik You are just a… Orion in a flash disappears out of the room, leaving a large hole in the wall. A dumbfounded Quik looks around in shock Quik Kid INT.INTERROGATION ROOM A.DAY In a blink of an eye Steve is taken out of the room the sound of two explosions can be heard. One of Orion entering and then leaving. Showing just how fast he is going INT.SKY.DAY A now adult Orion is flying through the air while holding Steve who is screaming for his life Orion Shut up. You should be thanking me for saving you from those two morons Steve Who the fuck are you? Orion I am your buddy Orion. Steve No you are not! Orion I am indeed. I am a fucking god and you will recognize. The sooner the better little Steve because I will need help with the impending doom that these two alien species bring upon earth Steve PUT ME DOWN! Orion Okay Orion drops Steve who screams as he falls towards earth. Before he hits the ground Orion swoops in and grabs him. Orion Will you shut up and listen now? Steve Just leave me be Orion So you rather be a flat Steve pancake then hear me out? I can make it happen Steve Fine Orion I as a god can grant you great powers. Powers that can and will help me defeat these alien scum and save this sad thing you guys call a planet. Steve What if I say no? Orion Then you will parish like the rest of them INT.WHITE HOUSE.DAY Trump Linda please bring the finest Hamberders for McDonalds for our fine guest. We are on the cusp of a great agreement. Linda Andrew just quit. Your new intern is Dillon Towns. Trump Send him, it’s on me but make sure he gets a receipt so I get reimbursed. But we will tell everyone I paid. I will be seen as the greatest human ever not just President. I will broker a deal for this new technology and I will keep all to myself. The world will fear me and my power. HOUR LATER Trump shuns away Dillon @Trifecta as he welcomes Kep into the dining hall. He hands Kep a diet coke and cheers it with his own Trump Gotta watch my obese figure Just then Orion literally crashes the party tackling Kep to the ground. Trump Who is (takes a bite of burger) this man Food flies out of his mouth as he talks Orion I am Orion. A god and this being is not here peacefully. He is here to destroy all lifeforms on this planet. Trump looks down at Kep in shock Trump Why didn’t you tell me this? We are not so different you and I Steve tries to talk Orion into stopping Steve Orion, enough is enough. We can get in big trouble for being in the white house without permission Orion Gods do not need permission Steve Not this again Orion Let me do what I have to since you are a wimp Orion picks up Kep by his throat and begins to choke the life out of him Trump You unhand that fine alien. He is a good alien. Not like you. You are the bad kind of hombre I am trying to keep out. Security make sure he goes back to south side of the border. Maybe find a cage to put him in. Orion tosses Kep aside Orion I’ll show myself out. Off this planet and let all you humans suffer at their hands. Orion disappears out of the room leaving a hole in the ceiling. Trump looks at the two holes Orion has created. Trump We will say Hussein did those and it was like that when we got here. He looks at Steve who is still in the room Trump Who are you? INT.SPACE.DAY As Orion leaves earth at high speed he looks back Orion Good riddance earthlings INT.WHITE HOUSE.DAY Trump and Kep are about to sign a treaty when Kep stands up as a beam of light can be seen. Terrance literally appears out of nowhere. Terrance Guess who here and no there Kep Terrance you arrive just in time Terrance In time for takeover no takedown. To uncrown a clown you must no frown. Trump looks at Terrance in shock Trump CHINA!!!!!! FADE TO BLACK End credit scene INT.SOMEWHERE NEAR MEXICO BORDER.DAY Steve is in a cage in a room with other kids in cages as he screams out “Orion” Edited March 11, 2019 by BluObieZ Da Trifecta, DollarAndADream, Quik and 1 other 3 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator Baozi 1,664 Posted March 11, 2019 Moderator Share Posted March 11, 2019 Its Terence. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BluObieZ 1,125 Posted March 11, 2019 Author Share Posted March 11, 2019 2 hours ago, tfong said: Its Terence. Nope. Not in this. It's a joke that the name is misspelled so bad you have to be an alien Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator Baozi 1,664 Posted March 11, 2019 Moderator Share Posted March 11, 2019 1 minute ago, BluObieZ said: Nope. Not in this. It's a joke that the name is misspelled so bad you have to be an alien Fair enough Rub. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BluObieZ 1,125 Posted March 11, 2019 Author Share Posted March 11, 2019 Just now, tfong said: Fair enough Rub. Go back to the Noodle Hoodle Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BluObieZ 1,125 Posted March 25, 2019 Author Share Posted March 25, 2019 Claiming this again for the week ending March 24 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BluObieZ 1,125 Posted April 1, 2019 Author Share Posted April 1, 2019 (edited) 3400 words. Claiming for 3rd and last time. Edited April 1, 2019 by BluObieZ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLastOlympian07 2,389 Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 Review These are always a blast to read. Since you're such a rich guy you should fly us out to you and we will make this a movie. hey guys @tfong @DollarAndADream @Quik @Beketov @BluObieZ Baozi, DollarAndADream and BluObieZ 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissioner Beketov 9,236 Posted May 22, 2019 Commissioner Share Posted May 22, 2019 3 hours ago, TheLastOlympian07 said: Review These are always a blast to read. Since you're such a rich guy you should fly us out to you and we will make this a movie. hey guys @tfong @DollarAndADream @Quik @Beketov @BluObieZ I might know where you can get an editor... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moderator Baozi 1,664 Posted May 22, 2019 Moderator Share Posted May 22, 2019 I'm down with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLastOlympian07 2,389 Posted May 22, 2019 Share Posted May 22, 2019 7 hours ago, Beketov said: I might know where you can get an editor... @Sandro Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commissioner Beketov 9,236 Posted May 22, 2019 Commissioner Share Posted May 22, 2019 31 minutes ago, TheLastOlympian07 said: @Sandro You cut me deep sir. TheLastOlympian07 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BluObieZ 1,125 Posted May 22, 2019 Author Share Posted May 22, 2019 4 hours ago, Beketov said: You cut me deep sir. Nice pun sir Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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