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(S67) D - Daman Veyalon, TPE: 30


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Hey there @Viknegar and welcome to the VHL.


Good to see other fans of Canadian teams joining the site. I'm the GM of the Las Vegas Aces of the VHLM. The development league here. And I'd like to offer your defenseman a role on our second pairing. It would include close to 30 minutes a game and plenty of power play and penalty kill time right off the bat. That will all steadily increase as your player improves. 


Las Vegas is always a competitive club and we just started our season. Were still a young team, but have plenty of upside. If you are interested, quote this message and reply accept and we'll have you on your way to a successful career in no time


#StackTheDeck :veg:

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Hey there @Viknegar and welcome to the VHL. 


I was looking over your build and I just want to say it's a pretty stellar start, and with the right building blocks I think you'll become a very successful defenseman in this league. That being said, I am the GM of San Diego, we're an expansion team in the VHLM and I want to offer you 2nd line & 4th line minutes on the team with possibility of PP/PK minutes as you improve and progress through the league. We're attempting to make a big push towards a cup run and we really do need defensemen to make that happen, so you'd be a crucial piece to our puzzle. 


if you choose to accept our offer, just quote this saying "I accept" and we'll be in touch. If you choose to go elsewhere, best of luck on your journey and enjoy your stay! 

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Welcome @ViknegarI'm Minessota Storm's GM, we're the defending champs this year. We would love to have you on our roster, and unlike other teams, we can offer you meaningful minutes from the start while you grow your player. It's gonna be an amazing season and we'll have it tough competing for the championship, but with the additions of players like you we can do it! Sign with us for a 1,5M contract and the amazing opportunity that Minnesota can offer you. You just have to quote me saying "I accept".

PD: You can have 2nd or even 1st line minutes with us;) quite nice huh?



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Hello there @Viknegar I'm Radcow, AGM of the Mississauga Hounds, one of the VHLM's new expansion teams this season. At the moment, we have the best goalie of the draft class and some great forwards, but one piece is missing: defense! If you sign with Mississauga, We can guarantee you'll be placed on our top 4, and if you're active, I can pretty much guarantee you'll crack the top line (you would just need to earn a mere 2 tpe).


If this sounds good to you, feel free to quote this offer and say "accepted" with it so our GM @GustavMattias can offer you a contract on the portal. 


Good luck this season, and feel free to ask me if you have any questions!


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Hi @Viknegar! I'm GustavMattias, and I believe @Radcow said it all--we're looking for active defensemen and we'd love to have you! If you're interested in joining our team, you can quote and accept either one of our posts. We'd love to have you on board!

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Hello there and welcome to VHL!


As a GM, I want to offer you a spot on a young but growing team!


We are the Houston Bulls and we want you to understand that there are only a few cities worth playing for - and HOUSTON IS ONE OF THEM! We are fierce and we can help you grow and become a star! We had an amazing first season and we believe we can return to playoffs! Wanna be a part of it?


You might ask yourself - why should I join? We are the 2nd-year team under a new GM and amazing players that like to help each other and have fun along the way! We believe in greatness and we believe you are greatness! Currently, we can offer you Top 2 time but that might change along with your progression and the way how our team is gonna set up. Currently - think about our offer and tell me what you think.


@Viknegar, if you want to be a part of Houston Bulls - quote this and write "Accept!"


No matter which team you decide to go for - welcome to VHL and I hope you will have a great time here!


FrostBeard, GM of Houston Bulls

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1 hour ago, Radcow said:


Hello there @Viknegar I'm Radcow, AGM of the Mississauga Hounds, one of the VHLM's new expansion teams this season. At the moment, we have the best goalie of the draft class and some great forwards, but one piece is missing: defense! If you sign with Mississauga, We can guarantee you'll be placed on our top 4, and if you're active, I can pretty much guarantee you'll crack the top line (you would just need to earn a mere 2 tpe).


If this sounds good to you, feel free to quote this offer and say "accepted" with it so our GM @GustavMattias can offer you a contract on the portal. 


Good luck this season, and feel free to ask me if you have any questions!



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