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Jardy's Fucking Nostalgia Podcast


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~1:40:00.  It's been too long since I've posted in this forum!  I was going to split this into two podcasts, and post one for tomorrow, but that's too much work for a technicality.  Thus, I'm going to claim two points for two weeks anyway, AND THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO TO STOP ME!   I talk about:


- Myself and my past (~30 minutes)

- Random Nostalgic musings (~40 minutes)

- Question Period (~30 minutes)


Sticking with the nostalgic themes, here's some old threads I enjoyed digging through.


An amusing Fan 590 I wrote.  The picture's gone, but it was of Coach and his GF.  Classic Jardy racism:  http://z11.invisionfree.com/vhl/index.php?showtopic=48878&hl=


Assassination of David:  http://z11.invisionfree.com/vhl/index.php?showtopic=53141&hl=


I forgot about this entirely.  This one's mostly for Jericho.  He'll appreciate the last entry: http://z11.invisionfree.com/vhl/index.php?showtopic=53452&hl=


Stafford's Online Dating Adventures.  Still worth the 16 page read, three years later:  http://z11.invisionfree.com/vhl/index.php?showtopic=62343&st=0


Never mentioned this in the podcast, but classic Llama Story:  http://z11.invisionfree.com/vhl/index.php?showtopic=62417&hl=



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Wow that was some unexpected praise, favorite first-gen, yay, Green can't win this one everytime I guess! Thank you and great listen of course :). Does my picture really come with every e-mail, damn I totally forgot about that... Stupid inactive Google+ account :D

Edited by RomanesEuntDomus
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This podcast was waaaay fucking better then Device's.

Swear words =/= better.  I'm just a foul person, and often say "fuckin'..." instead of "uhh..."  It's a poor habit.


Even so, I agree.  Thank you!

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Context: 3/3 - You sound different than I thought you would. Overall pronunciation is very nice. That's an interesting way to get here to the VHL. Don't worry, no one in America knows where Saskatchewan is. All I know is that it is <--- that way. I find it pretty funny you remember that you got a 5.25 on your first media spot. You've been simming for 3 years? Damn. And Damn, I didn't know Jason was GM of Calgary for that long. Expansion is the first "big" thing that I was here for. I think it was d3vilsfire who wanted to expand the VHLM. Viet needs to comeback. He would be the prototypical welfare member. No veggies on "regular" pizza, but a white pizza with broccoli is actually pretty good.


Professionalism: 2/2 - Yup.


Editing: 1/1 - Nice commercial break. 


Overall: 6/6

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I got a 6 on it, thanks to Matt, but David Knight gave me a 5.25 because apparently he's always been a FUCKING PRICK. I don't believe I've ever gotten less than a 6 on a MS.  I think I have on a podcast or two though.

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Also, speaking of expansion, I gave Knight a lot of credit in the podcast, but I never mentioned diamond_ace which I just realized I should have.  Expanding the VHLM was a bit more complicated since me or David never really took in into our calculations, so we never really knew if we should expand it as well or tuck in a couple "ghost teams."  But Jason did a really good job of writing up a proposal that made expansion in the VHLM work, and he deserves a great deal of credit for that too.

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