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Unsung Heroes - The Women of the VHL


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Unsung Heroes - The Women of the VHL


Image result for manon rheaume


We're fortunate to operate in a co-ed league. Female star players like Tzuyu @tfong have paved the way for the next generation of women such as Cinnnamon Block @omgitshim to emerge, and for future daughters of the league to carve the ice. It wasn't always this way. The VHL has had a turbulent history with cross-gendered play, as evidenced in its championships and expansions of the past. Female players are often overlooked, and the S68 Continental Cup champions didn't include a single female player. The VHL has traditionally been a men's league, and there will be a considerable cultural shift required before these breakout players become the rule and not the exception.


Image result for Marie-Philip Poulin


One such potential solution is an increase in women's tournaments. National tournaments are no new thing in the big wide world, with the Olympic Canadian Women's team jerseys being a continuing best seller in the True North. Not only are the incentives cultural, they're economic. Women's hockey is an untapped market for viewership, ticket sales, advertising revenue, and merchandising. Just as every little boy grew up wanting to be Wayne Gretzky, thousands of little girls grew up wanting to be Manon Rheaume after she debuted for The Lightning. 


Some naysayers will comment against rolling a female player, or say that they should be left to the IRL women in the league to play out. We're a male-dominated culture, the overlap between role-players and hockey fans is sparse enough as it is. But I believe the league can grow and change in that direction. Take it as you will, because women are definitely an unsung hero of the VHL, and are the future of this league.



285 Words

TPE for week ending December 22, 2019

Extra TPE for unsung heroes week


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