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S70 Trivia - End of Season Payout - One More Time

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As per very sad news, this is the last instalment of the end of season trivia payout: https://vhlforum.com/topic/78957-changes-to-uncapped-tpe-opportunities/



But this doesn't mean we can't have one last celebration of uncapped TPE for S70. Final leaderboard and TPE allocation below.  @Members


6 uncapped TPE goes to:
Acydburn 16
Berocka 16
Bob Helminen 16
CowboyinAmerica 16
cxsquared 16
Dalton Wilcox 16
DMaximus 16
DollarAndADream 16
Doomsday 16
Enorama 16
Esso2264 16
fever95 16
flyersfan1453 16
frescoelmo 16
Garsh 16
gorlab 16
Greg_Di 16
GRZ 16
GustavMattias 16
Hulkhogan 16
Jbeezy76 16
jRuutu 16
Jtv123 16
Jubo07 16
KC15 16
Kekzkrieg 16
Legend0985 16
McWolf 16
MexicanCow123 16
Motzaburger 16
Mr_Hatter 16
Oilmandan 16
Patrik Tallinder 16
Peace 16
philliefan 16
Rayzor_7 16
ROOKIE745 16
solas 16
Spyro 16
Studentized 16
STZ 16
Tape-To-Tape 16
Telkster 16
TheFlash 16
Viperxhawks19 16
Zepheter 16
Zyrok 16
Victor 16
.sniffuM 15
Alex Bridge 15
Beketov 15
Corco 15
5 uncapped TPE goes to:
Anthony Matthews 14
aye my name jeff 14
Brewins15 14
Chillzone 14
Cusemode 14
Dil 14
DirtyDerek 14
DoktorFunk 14
enigmatic 14
Erik Summers 14
Ferda 14
fonziGG 14
FrostBeard 14
Garrett 14
Jacobaa19 14
Josh 14
Jubis 14
Kendrick 14
kiddingsoda 14
Matmenzinger 14
McLovin 14
ng1291 14
OrbitingDeath 14
Proto 14
Renomitsu 14
Spaz 14
Tagger 14
Tate 14
Velevra 14
rjfryman 13
4 uncapped TPE goes to:
Antone10 12
Barzalgoat 12
Big Mac 12
bluesfan55 12
Brrbisbrr 12
Grant 12
Grape 12
hedgehog337 12
Jackie4967 12
jared 12
JeffD 12
Kylrad 12
leafsman 12
Midnite 12
Nykonax 12
PadStack 12
pennypenny 12
SlapshotDragon 12
Smarch 12
Snussu 12
wcats 12
Zetterberg 12
3 uncapped TPE goes to:
animal74 10
DaftRaincloud 10
Gwdjohnson 10
Little Ri-Dog 10
Lockdown Defense 10
Pengu 10
Ricer13 10
Thranduil 10
VinCal 10
Weretarantula 10
2 uncapped TPE goes to:
Ahma 8
Beaviss 8
BigIrish 8
BoucherFan12 8
Caboose30 8
dasboot 8
David O'Quinn 8
Edustava 8
KillaScrilla 8
Kyle 8
littleboi 8
nethi99 8
omgitshim 8
Poptart 8
scoop 8
Sonnet 8
Tbeez99 8
Gavin Minton 7
Matt_O 7
Phil 7
1 uncapped TPE goes to:
73MPL4R 6
Capsfan18 6
Chacet 6
Chip Chiperson 6
ColeMrtz 6
DangerGolding 6
Domkey 6
DrHexDex 6
Eaglesfan036 6
efiug 6
Elmebeck 6
goldenglutes 6
Harpskii 6
Krice13 6
Liberty_Cabbage 6
NumberJ5 6
sebster03 6
Spade18 6
Steve 6
Walter Fizz 6
sjs88speed 5
Advantage 4
BaReZ_Regrets 4
Bushito 4
Cornholio 4
Da_Berr 4
diacope 4
diamond_ace 4
Frank 4
Giles Rigel 4
GlowyGoat 4
HenrikZoiderberg 4
I'll change this later 4
Insomnia 4
Keygan 4
Lefty_S 4
Munk 4
Nothing but goals 4
Reverb 4
SDCore 4
Spence King 4
TacticalHammer 4
Inflastud 3
TheLastOlympian07 3
Trifecta 3
BladeMaiden 2
boltzy 2
Boomcheck 2
Btown03 2
Bucky___lastard 2
cartoes 2
CF Punk 2
Da Trifecta 2
Daniel 2
Devise 2
DilIsPickle 2
Dilly Dilly 2
Donno100 2
Doug 2
Erik 2
Gaudette 2
HearnNation67 2
Ieafsman 2
JaredN 2
Jayrad28 2
JDGraves 2
Joe Proto 2
Martev 2
ngine4 2
NyQuil 2
okochastar 2
Patpou22 2
Seth 2
Siddhus 2
Spartan 2
brenden rose 1
CosmicStorm 1
Goatman 1
Matt Sovick 1
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  • Admin
4 minutes ago, flyersfan1453 said:


I was all set to give you 0/2 grammar for this, but then I learned this is another one of those fancy English spellings.

correct* English spellings

How did I only get three TPE when I got every question correct? Also user Krice13 is me, I changed my username half way through the season to ricer13 @Victor

Edited by Ricer13
  • Admin
4 minutes ago, Ricer13 said:

How did I only get three TPE when I got every question correct? Also user Krice13 is me, I changed my username half way through the season to ricer13 @Victor

yup, agreed. Link to this post for 6 TPE.

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