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Too Good to Practice. Literally.


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Tukio 2 Good 2 Practice


Tuomas Tukio, the goaltender for the New York Americans and reigning MVP of the VHL is just too good to practice. "Can I get some extra depreciation over here?!" Tukio screamed at defenseman Jake Wild of the Helsinki Titans after he shut them out in back to back games. Tukio is the first player to ever have more TPE than attributes to put them. Tukio is now banking TPE even though he is forced to retire after this season. He currently has 9 TPE banked after getting 99 in every available goaltending attribute.


Total Points Earned: 1379; (9 Banked)

SK = Skating: 99
SZ = Size: 99
AG = Agility: 99
RB = Rebound Control: 99
SC = Style Control: 99
HS = Hand Speed: 99
RT = Reaction Time: 99
EX = Experience: 86
LD = Leadership: 99


What does one do when they don't need to practice anymore?

Well it leaves the Finnish netminder lots of time to check tinder and eHarmony to see if any mucklers have labeled him as 'hot'. "I go on 2 or 3 dates every day now that I don't need to go to Americans practice" said Tukio. "Name a race, age group or gender, I've been with them all this week" he added.


Some teammates are fine with Tukio's habits like Connor Low who said "I hate that guy, thank god he's not here, seriously he always pronounces my name with an o, it just sounds stupid!".


Other teammates aren't so happy with Tukio missing mandatory practices. Logan Laich had this to say, "Damn it, Tukio's not here again? I'm going to be the slowest to skate the circles again".


XXX is pretty rattled as well. "He went on a date with my sister the other day and then told me he scratched Asian off his bucket list".


You want proof that Tukio is the biggest player in the league on AND off the ice?




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