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(S64) Builder – Matt Lynch @Tagger


Member since: A long time ago. 2013ish.

Positions Held: Board of Governors, VHL GM, Recruitment/Retention Crew


I always find it disappointing on some level when Hall of Fame Builder articles are left unwritten. There's always an innocent explanation, which in this day and age is that the people most qualified to write them are often too busy to do so and we don't want them done for the sake for it – they need to do justice to the person honoured with the induction. Writing this at the beginning of Season 73, there are still only 37 members who have been immortalised in the VHL Hall of Fame as Builders, a prestigious list and one which I believe is most rewarding when you enter it, not necessarily when your article is published. Nonetheless, it leaves a bad taste and it's about time we catch up with our Season 64 inductee.


This slightly laboured introduction fits perfectly with a man I believe to be one of the most underappreciated members in the VHL. Matt Lynch, better known as Tagger, or to members of a certain vintage as YEAH!, or perhaps as one of the many incarnations of Edwin Encarnacion, has been in the league for over half of its existence now. He has never held the highest profile roles, although long stints on the Board of Governors have marked a large part of his time here and on more than one occasion he was offered the biggest league jobs but tellingly declined. Tagger is more of an ideas man rather than necessarily someone who wants to dedicate countless hours to running the league and members like him are just as valuable. You always need someone outside of the bubble offering a fresh perspective and I could populate 500 words just by listing the many ideas Tagger has contributed to the league over the years. Something as simple as automating the trivia process so it's done through Google Forms, which has now seeped into the fantasy zone, is a suggestion that came from this man.


I may have always had a bit of a bias towards one of the few fellow Europeans in the league (or UK inhabitants, Brexit does after all mean Brexit), but I've greatly appreciated the contrast between the man hell bent on setting PIM records and creating increasingly ludicrous back stories for the army of Reencarnacion, Preencarnacion, Threencarnacion, and now THE Encarnacion (although not THE original Encarnacion) and the very serious suggestions and views on legitimate VHL issues around the league and in the BOG. I've historically found Tagger one of the least biased members on the board, willing to offer a balanced and nuanced view which was especially refreshing in a time of serious in-fighting. What was also refreshing was his commitment to member retention when it seemed like everyone else had given up – in the early 60s, Tagger's draft rankings were some of the few positive shoutouts in a pretty quiet league and many key members can probably trace the reasons for sticking around to him.


These are all the intangibles which secured Tagger's place in the Hall of Fame, but we shouldn't gloss over the more mainstream achievements throughout his time here. The first notable player may have been a very elaborate (and to be honest, statistically very successful) joke player, but the follow-up, Reencarnacion, was a slam dunk induction into the Hall of Fame. More recently, Preencarnacion and THE Encarnacion have been top level players, but Tagger has continued to experiment more than most members with career backup (and all-time save percentage leader) Threencarnacion and the random number generator player whose name escapes me every time. On top of that, there was a successful stint as GM of the New York Americans, picking up a team built by Advantage and steering it to the championship in S47 and then delivering a rebuilt team for Devise to take and win two cups with.


All in all, not bad going for someone I'm still not convinced has ever watched a game of hockey. Sorry it took so long Tagger, but at least you're still here to read it. Congratulations on a deserved induction as a VHL Builder!

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9 minutes ago, Beaviss said:

Tagger is the only reason I hung around during the dark VHL days. Very underrated member. Very worthy of the builder.


Oh, can we rescind his induction?

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Great write up Vic. Tagger is legit one of the more underrated members here. How he was properly able to put ego aside and healthily evaluate where and how his league contributions could be best utilized is a blueprint for how to approach league responsibilities. Turning down something doesn't always have to mean being forgotten, or not eligible for it in the future. His unique approach to player building can't be understated either.


On a personal note @Tagger I'll always remember the times we grouped up with Kyle and Chris to play Overwatch fondly. Even despite my Hanzo main play haha.

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Awesome job @Victor, thanks for writing this! I was always kinda worried as to how a builder article for myself would look since I know a lot of what I brought to the table was behind-the-scenes stuff  or ideas here and there rather than specific roles, but you did an excellent job with this!


1 hour ago, Victor said:

Matt Lynch, better known as Tagger, or to members of a certain vintage as YEAH!, or perhaps as one of the many incarnations of Edwin Encarnacion, has been in the league for over half of its existence now.



It's pretty funny to be that I wound up sticking with the Tagger name, I only changed as a joke (I was tagging everyone to take part in the lottery) and then here it is still to this day! I believe this might also still make me the only member to have a forum named after them, although you've got the league named after you so you got me beat there!



All in all, not bad going for someone I'm still not convinced has ever watched a game of hockey. Sorry it took so long Tagger, but at least you're still here to read it. Congratulations on a deserved induction as a VHL Builder!


Funnily enough, I watched my first ever hockey game this March just gone at my local ice rink! We (Manchester Storm) lost 2-0 and they haven't played a single hockey game since. I've clearly offended the hockey gods with my presence.


1 hour ago, Beaviss said:

Tagger is the only reason I hung around during the dark VHL days. Very underrated member. Very worthy of the builder.



That's the achievement I'm definitely most proud of, when I read that I've helped people like yourself get invested in and enjoy taking part in the league. It's crazy to think it's been just over three years since you joined the Aces and the subsequent rise up the ranks both you and @Spade18 had since then, although I always had high hopes for the pair of you from our lengthy discussions (The PM Mock Drafts with you in particular!) 


1 hour ago, Devise said:

Great write up Vic. Tagger is legit one of the more underrated members here. How he was properly able to put ego aside and healthily evaluate where and how his league contributions could be best utilized is a blueprint for how to approach league responsibilities. Turning down something doesn't always have to mean being forgotten, or not eligible for it in the future. His unique approach to player building can't be understated either.


On a personal note @Tagger I'll always remember the times we grouped up with Kyle and Chris to play Overwatch fondly. Even despite my Hanzo main play haha.

GET ON THE HIGH GROUND RYAN! ? But for sure those were extremely fun times, I hear Overwatch 2 is going to have a lot more in-depth PVE stuff so that should be fun to give a go once that comes out! Also thanks for taking that NYA team to those consecutive championships! 


P.S. I'll have your own HOF article up at the weekend.


37 minutes ago, solas said:



YEAH! I think you're one of the few on here that remembers when I got that name in the MFA when you were the Office Linebacker Dwight Schrute!  Was psyched  when I got to grab one of the most reliable and loyal members I've met in that league.

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On 7/22/2020 at 6:10 PM, Beaviss said:

Tagger is the only reason I hung around during the dark VHL days. Very underrated member. Very worthy of the builder.



Same, Tagger dragged me kicking and screaming into the VHL lol.

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