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Laine Gets Spanked


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"If you're just tuning in we are in Helsinki joined by 20,000 fans. It'll probably be the final faceoff as Helsinki leads by one in the final minutes… Wait a minute, what's going on… Spaz just dropped his gloves, but it doesn't look like he's going after the opposition. HE'S GOING AFTER LAINE…. After a few words Laine now drops the gloves, he takes a right hook at Spaz, and it connects, he almost lost his balance, but stays on his feet somehow. Spaz urges Laine to take another swing, and he does this time he misses. Spaz capitalizes as he puts Laine's jersey over his head…. What is Spaz doing now….. OH MY, HE JUST PUT LAINE OVER HIS KNEE AND NOW HE'S SPANKING HIM. WHAT IS GOING ON I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE YOU CAN HEAR LAINE'S SCREAM THROUGH THE WHOLE ARENA…. It's finally been broken up by the refs after a couple of spanks, and both Laine and Spaz will be ejected for the rest of the game."


Thank you for tuning in as that just happened in Helsinki today, and fans are going crazy about it. We aren't sure what all is going on, but we will have more coverage as we head into the press conference.


"Spaz, you dropped the gloves with your own teammate, what caused you to do that?"


Well I needed to get a point across and I think that's what I did.


"What point did you need to get across?"


I had some issues of him taking some of my routines and I didn't like that. I warned him about it, and he just ignored me. It continued though the game, and that's when I said it enough was enough.


" Spaz, when you dropped the gloves you looked like you said something to Laine, what was it?"


All I did was have a little talk with him. I didn't want to fight him. I just wanted him to listen to me, and that's when he started to give me an attitude, so I told him he better drop that attitude before I spank it out or him.


"Spaz, is coach going to have to move one of you guys? If not how will it affect locker room morale?"


No. Definitely not. I don't have a problem with Laine, and I would hope he wouldn't have one with me. At the end of the day we're all family, and that's why instead of fighting him I spanked him till he couldn't walk. To the team morale I believe it'll be fine if not better now.


"Were you guys fined? How is the league looking into this?"


From what I'm informed so far is that we both will be fined 500,000 with no suspension at the moment, but the league is definitely looking into it, and you will have to keep updated with coach on that one.


"Have you talked to Laine since? And is this something you would do again if needed?"


Not yet, but I will see him tomorrow in practice in hope that he will move on, and honestly I would do it again, and urge more veterans to teach these young punk rookies, and sophomores to respect their elders.


"Thank you, that's all the questions we have for you today."


If you're just tuning in that was the media speaking with Jared Spaz who just not even 24 hours ago spanked his teammate Patrik Laine. Next we will have the PIAA state world junior ultimate frisbee highlights.


Edited by Spaz
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