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(S77) C - Paul Atreides, TPE: 80


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Welcome back to the nuthouse, Hatter!


I have a third line center that I fear has gone inactive, and I can offer you a third line spot right away! Simply quote this adorable little post and say, "#SaskyBois," to get started!


- Dooms

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Hello Hatter, we would love to have you in Yukon for the remainder of the season if you are interested. We currently hold the 8 seed in the playoffs so you would get to jump into a potential playoff run right off the bat. What do you say? Want to join up with one of your fellow VSN content producers and kick off your player's career with a bang?  If you are interested quote this post and reply with #FeelTheRush.

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1 hour ago, InstantRockstar said:

sup Hatter, 


I have your GM here, I can give 4th line mins on a winning team. It won't be a lot, I'll be honest due to how deep the lines are, but winning > 


let me know, quote this bad boy. 

Accept; I hereby proclaim that the House Atreides pledges its support for House Marlin in this upcoming conflict. @OrbitingDeath my trusty Swordmaster and trainer will of course be joining me.

Timothee Chalamet Dune GIF by Nerdist.com

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Also, RP aside, thanks everyone for the offers. SDM is probably the best place for me to go right now, though I know any of the other destinations would have served me well. Good luck for the rest of the season, and you'll have a second shot at me come draft time :P 

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