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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Victor


    God damn I couldn't help but notice either but I didn't tell him. Sounds like LeBron is the basketball version of Ronaldo.
  2. well shit I've been re-instated
  3. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
  4. a good one
  5. Also shame Rockstar is inactive, could have been a lethal combination with Robbie and Trifecta.
  6. your brother is a disgrace
  7. @ADwyer87 have a word @flyersfan1493 too
  8. savage
  9. First impressions are what we're all about. You just wait til you see the dark side of the VHL.
  10. Dynamite and Komarov got off easy.
  11. Why even bother with other positions Greg, just create a center from the start every time.
  12. Ouch Ottawa @JardyB10
  13. Stud.
  14. There's still lots of politics, murder, and other stuff. Also it's a play where someone portrayed Sansa.
  15. Do you not have access?
  16. Yukon claims Forsberg as Bern prioritises Petenis.
  17. Ruutu stahp
  18. Damn those trades were a mistake.
  19. And we're back on track!
  20. Unfortunate, but first goal from @Digg right off the bat!
  21. Perfect.
  22. Wow that was some Inception level shit. Except I cared. God fucking damn it not just Hodor, another direwolf. I feel like the show is going overboard with wolf deaths, I think GRRM has them playing a larger role. Oh well. ------- other points: - DID ANYONE REALISE THERE WAS NO KING'S LANDING?! - Jorah so close but so far fuck you show, why does he have to have rock disease #BringInJonConnington - oh no I just read someone linking him to Victarion and his treatment by the red priestess. Fuuuuuuck that'd be cool. - Euron's coronation seems like it would have a very high fatality rate. No way Balon went through that. - Speaking of Balon, Nymeria now the Balon Greyjoy of direwolves? Yes. - looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool remember Dorne? - is anyone else hype about Brienne going to Riverrun? And we all saw the trailer with Jaime leading an army somewheres. Jardy, you are hype. (especially if your mention of Thoros coming back is real) so wait Lord of Light is real. So are dragons and white walkers. Ye cool, Melisandre fucked up with Stannis. She may be onto something with Jon. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE DROWNED GOD HUH?! (we all know the Seven is just the Catholic Church and a web of lies) hahaha fuck I just remembered about Sam and Oldtown and the maester storyline. Oh lordy lord this season is gonna be something else. oh yeah completely forgot my early favourite bit - the play in Braavos. Pretty near representation of how people view politics, I like it. Good dose of realism in this madness.
  23. That was my main argument against it before.... I mean, it would work it'd just be shit.
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