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Everything posted by Victor

  1. Lol that's a lot of goals against.
  2. No Rasputin, fake news
  3. Members tag only once a season so spread the trivia love through your LRs. It's week 2 of S75 trivia, found in the handy link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjuRIsAmTrCjMI7KYjdgC8LqeDWxJYYR_s1SHSEV0MpaGjIQ/viewform?usp=sf_link Each correct answer is worth 1 capped TPE at the end of the week. Don't reveal the answer in public, but if you're not sure, ask around, here, or in the special trivia Discord channel. You also get 1 uncapped TPE if your question gets used. Submit questions by PMing me.
  4. London could definitely tho
  5. Still valid
  6. You told us I'd tell you to fuck off?
  7. Big game by @GrittyIsKing09to bring Krishna's save % down.
  8. Bored so lemme go down the standings until I hit 150, 175, 200 or whatever the word requirement is for these things. Calgary: Very good, I keep picking them for the cup maybe they'll finally do it, they definitely have the offence Seattle: Speaking of offence, theirs is stonking London: Fuck off Helsinki: Alright, you have a track record Warsaw: Fuck off Chicago: If you're doing so well, why isn't Downey? My VHFL team depends on it Vancouver: Gonna shithouse another cup probably Prague: Thomas Landry HC Moscow: Wooo we're not totally shit D.C. Slightly confusing as got a bunch of top scorers and still mediocre. Guaranteed to win a wildcard round though. Toronto: Surprisingly high scoring Malmo: You were the chosen ones, you were meant to bring balance to expansion, not destroy it Riga: Lol what are you doing up here Davos: For fucks sake lads New York: I'd feel a bit more comfortable for your rebuild if you had anything resembling a fire sale but you just kinda died Los Angeles: I'll be nice purely because Josh is on my team now And by being nice I mean I'm not gonna say anything. Thank you for your time, good night.
  9. Them be some wild results, I'll take it.
  10. SBA names are wild. Had to Google ocelot.
  11. Welcome back Bernard
  12. @Quik you can finally listen to my sulky tones, plus I said your name.
  13. Shoulda spread those NY goals around a bit.
  14. Good god Bernard.
  15. We're really mediocre but I guess this is progress.
  16. It's also S75 trivia but I'm not risking the wrath of an edited members tag post.
  17. @chatfan036
  18. We're back and so, I think, is the @Members tag! It's week 1 of S74 trivia, found in the handy link here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd0KA8P17rSHBmrXejMW3Aepur5cGl4fatBvFG3NOac-RULCg/viewform?usp=sf_link Each correct answer is worth 1 capped TPE at the end of the week. Don't reveal the answer in public, but if you're not sure, ask around, here, or in the special trivia Discord channel. You also get 1 uncapped TPE if your question gets used. Submit questions by PMing me.
  19. G Jimmy Spyro @TheFlash
  20. Rasputin miles ahead of Bernard tbh
  21. Please channel this energy in responding to my PM - I'll put a good spin on it.
  22. Devise is getting confused as that is a blue-only power haha. But I also won't out who it was, not in public anyway. It's OK, being one of the 4 yes votes and also the person putting up the ballot, he's not going anywhere anyway.
  23. The SHL. Wow, that's a name I've not heard in a long time.
  24. I feel lovvvvvvvvvve
  25. Fleeting moments of the real Bernard and Lahtinen, this is good
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