Bored so lemme go down the standings until I hit 150, 175, 200 or whatever the word requirement is for these things.
Calgary: Very good, I keep picking them for the cup maybe they'll finally do it, they definitely have the offence
Seattle: Speaking of offence, theirs is stonking
London: Fuck off
Helsinki: Alright, you have a track record
Warsaw: Fuck off
Chicago: If you're doing so well, why isn't Downey? My VHFL team depends on it
Vancouver: Gonna shithouse another cup probably
Prague: Thomas Landry HC
Moscow: Wooo we're not totally shit
D.C. Slightly confusing as got a bunch of top scorers and still mediocre. Guaranteed to win a wildcard round though.
Toronto: Surprisingly high scoring
Malmo: You were the chosen ones, you were meant to bring balance to expansion, not destroy it
Riga: Lol what are you doing up here
Davos: For fucks sake lads
New York: I'd feel a bit more comfortable for your rebuild if you had anything resembling a fire sale but you just kinda died
Los Angeles: I'll be nice purely because Josh is on my team now
And by being nice I mean I'm not gonna say anything. Thank you for your time, good night.