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About NUCK

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  1. Only reason I updated was cause I like Banacock, no point continuing
  2. Don't talk to me about improper handling. You knew what my reaction was going to be and you choose not to even inform me. That's piss poor management on your part, don't pass it off on me.
  3. If you want me to play for you pm Banackock as he has 24 hours to move my player or I will happily retire. If someone needs me and can use me I will continue to update.
  4. @Dangles13
  5. If you heard Key Perought talk, one of the first questions you'd ask is "where are you from?". Perought was born August 21st, 1995 to Nadine and Marco Perought in the beautiful city of Aussperren, Switzerland. Though the city was not as big as Zurich, it offered ample opportunity for a child to grow up, live their young lives happily and find their place in the world. For the city of Aussperren, it offered exactly that. The city went from one piece of the river to the other. On both sides you had your schools, hospital, shopping centres and grocery stores. Everything you need or whatever it was you wanted, you could find it there. For Perought, oddly enough, it was playing hockey. Now hockey isn't the biggest thing for Switzerland, but they always found time to play it. Though no huge stars reigned from there, It was in Perought heart from a very young age to compete and play at a high level. It was his goal to represent his nation and be one of the first to be found in the spotlight. However, it never seemed like his dream was going to be achieved. Key Perought didn't grow up like those gifted and privileged to play hockey. He didn't live a life of glamor or wealth. His father was a banker, his mother worked at one of the local stores selling baked items and pastries. While they made a good amount of money, they never made enough to fully enjoy themselves as parents. Every meal time there was food on the table, the heat was on in the house when it was cold and They had new clothes on their bodies. They never struggled. They were never unhappy. They just didn't live "dream" lives. For this, they were treated as such in the community of Aussperren. Throughout school, young Key never had a lot of friends. He wasn't made fun of, he didn't have it "tough", he just liked to keep his group close. Him and his 4 best friends were inseparable. They would literally do everything together. When schools finished for the summer, it was very rare to catch one without having the other 3 trailing closely behind. Were they trouble makers? Of course. What kid isn't? But, at the end of they day everyone knew they were simply.. just.. kids.As they grew older, their interests changed but they always seemed to have things in common enough to stay friends. They entered junior school and all joined the schools hockey team together. While they said it was for credits, they soon learned to love the game of hockey. After the season finished, they decided they wanted to join an actual competitive league rather than just playing for the schools team against few other schools. Eventually during the summer off from school, they found a team. The Aussperren Eagles were a local team in a Tier 2 ranking league. They weren't the best, but they were the furthest thing from being average. That Spring, Perought made the biggest life decision he's made since (though, he didn't know it then). While looking on the web one night with his friends, they came across a posting regarding hockey equipment for sale. It just so happens one of his friends was looking for some new sticks to try out. It wasn't that though. Their eyes stared blankly at these orange, white and black pads + goalie equipment. The post read "Pretty well brand new, $400 takes it. Need money for new baby". Perought ran straight to his parents and quickly stated "this is what I want for my birthday". When August 21st rolled around, Perought looked at his gifts and automatically knew that for the upcoming season he'd be playing next for the Aussperren Eagles.Now, as the seasons went on and the boys aged, they began to gain wisdom with their years. Hockey was teaching them discipline, respect, responsibility and that hard work pays off. It was shaping them into fine young men. Another thing it taught them was that no matter what, the group of friends that they had was more than family. They had been through blood, sweat and tears together. They battled the corners, blocked shots and had been doing this since day one (not of hockey, we're talking way, way back when - ok, 17 years). While all of this was true, there was one thing it taught them the most - not to give up. The year was 2012. Switzerland had one of it's worst Winter's in recorded history. The snow fell and fell and fell. The most it stopped, it somehow found a way to start again. This, however, did not slow things down for the boys. Hockey was still a thing and they finally found their way to a Tier One league. One finding a new home on the wing, the other 2 defenders and Perought still taming the net (in those sick pads). All was find and dandy for the longest time it seemed. They were scoring, hitting, crashing, blocking and saving the day. They were unstoppable, until one night. Driving to one of their final games, one of their friends and his parents got into a motor vehicle accident. While the parents were rushed to the hospital with critical but stable conditions, their friend did not make it once pronounced dead at the hospital. An incident like this would shatter any child's life, and it was no different for the group here. They took a break from the league as the team postponed the next 2 games. As the season started again, the team finished 4-7-2 without the boys (a much different record than 23-5-1 which they posted with the boys). They couldn't seem to play. It was something they did together and couldn't find a way to get on the ice without him lacing them up to. Of course there was the odd game they missed together, but nothing like this.Then, they decided they had to. They couldn't give up and it's not what their friend would want. They decided to lace them up for the first round of playoffs against Zurich Bombers and put in an incredible amount of efforts. In the 7 game series, they dropped it 4-3 but put in every amount of effort possible. They showed the community of Aussperren that anything is possible and when things seem tough, it's time to come together - not break and fall apart. Following the season, Key Perought found himself scouted by a VHLM and VHL scout. He was on his way to bigger and better. A childhood dream and a goal he had wanted since losing his friends. To this day, on his jersey, he stills wears the number 77 on his right shoulder. He looks to become a dominant player with his new VHL organization, the Seattle Bears. --------------1,153 words
  6. I was masking but never could find the chemistry to make it look good.
  7. Thanks guys, I just wish I had not scewed his skin colour so badly.
  8. I got lit the fuck up...........
  9. Shows how much I'm actually paying attention LMFAO Wasn't intentional, at all man. Was my guess correct?
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