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  1. Fire
    Arce got a reaction from scoop in The Injustice of the Madrid Thunder   
    A beautiful city with a cool name and just a sick logo, the Madrid Thunder. Who were they and what happened to them? The Madrid Thunder were founded by GM Zach Arce in S16 to replace the boring, bland and cursed Vasteras IK Iron Eagles. The Vasteras logo at the time described the team perfectly. It was plain, no sustenance, it was a complete joke! They had not been to a Continental Cup Final since their victory in Season 1! When I took over the reigns of a broken franchise, and has been for a while I knew what needed to be done. The team had to be gutted the right way and rebuilt. This included a change of scenery, a fresh brand. What upsets me is I currently do not have the Madrid Thunder logo on my current computer, so I will update once I find it. It was a badass logo, it had a god/Thor-like titan wielding a hammer with a lightning bolt behind him and then our team name.
    The main beef with it was people did not like the association of Spain and hockey. Really? We had a team named after a MAKE BELIEVE town! Avangard is not a real place, so we are allowed to pretend a town is good enough for hockey but we can't place it in one of the most popular cities in the world? We can put a team in cities that don't even have 200k people in them, but Madrid is a problem? The most maddening thing is THEY MOVED MADRID BACK TO VASTERAS AFTER! What is the obsession with Vasteras? I have not heard one good thing about Vasteras. Our friend @Shindigsand Sweden native was very ant-Vasteras based on that city alone. Not only did they move the franchise back to Vasteras, but guess what it failed in Vasteras AGAIN. Who would have thought? Didn't work out the first time so let's move on back. Oh and the kicker is, they decided when they formed the VHLE that Vasteras would be a fit choice for one of the teams. At this point we deemed Mexico City fit for hockey but not Madrid. The Madrid Thunder should have 100% been a choice over going back to a city known for failure.
    Madrid was also successful during it's brief phase in the VHL. After taking Vasteras and breaking them completely down, I made the proposal to the board for our relocation which to my delight was approved. We had no assets in S16 with Vasteras so I spent that whole season selling and building up assets to start making the turnaround. After acquiring draft picks for S17, I was quickly able to get VHL ready players including holding Kevin Brooks' second player hostage for a few seasons. We were able to compete in S17 but were scurried out in the first round. That off-season I was able to complete and initiate my plan. We were all in for S18, a big turnaround from zero to hero kind of run. The gamble paid off and we got to the finals. The problem? We ran into the Matt Bentz/Jardy B Calgary stocked team. Not even being the top dogs in the league could stop the insane streak Calgary went on to get into the playoffs that year and there was no doubt they would take it. I built a great team, but Matt had simply built a better one and the results showed literally in the games. We had a chance to turn the series around but Simon determined that would not happen as it always does.
    I heard who the keys of the team were left to after I departed the league did a great job running things into the ground. Maybe that is why they were moved again, he had done such a poor job that only me being there to defend my own move could keep the team there. I do however think with all these other teams formally being brought back should put the Madrid Thunder back in the hat for the VHLE. The name, color scheme and logo would be attractive for anyone to GM/anyone to play for.
    Words: 703
  2. Cheers
    Arce got a reaction from Will3 in The Injustice of the Madrid Thunder   
    A beautiful city with a cool name and just a sick logo, the Madrid Thunder. Who were they and what happened to them? The Madrid Thunder were founded by GM Zach Arce in S16 to replace the boring, bland and cursed Vasteras IK Iron Eagles. The Vasteras logo at the time described the team perfectly. It was plain, no sustenance, it was a complete joke! They had not been to a Continental Cup Final since their victory in Season 1! When I took over the reigns of a broken franchise, and has been for a while I knew what needed to be done. The team had to be gutted the right way and rebuilt. This included a change of scenery, a fresh brand. What upsets me is I currently do not have the Madrid Thunder logo on my current computer, so I will update once I find it. It was a badass logo, it had a god/Thor-like titan wielding a hammer with a lightning bolt behind him and then our team name.
    The main beef with it was people did not like the association of Spain and hockey. Really? We had a team named after a MAKE BELIEVE town! Avangard is not a real place, so we are allowed to pretend a town is good enough for hockey but we can't place it in one of the most popular cities in the world? We can put a team in cities that don't even have 200k people in them, but Madrid is a problem? The most maddening thing is THEY MOVED MADRID BACK TO VASTERAS AFTER! What is the obsession with Vasteras? I have not heard one good thing about Vasteras. Our friend @Shindigsand Sweden native was very ant-Vasteras based on that city alone. Not only did they move the franchise back to Vasteras, but guess what it failed in Vasteras AGAIN. Who would have thought? Didn't work out the first time so let's move on back. Oh and the kicker is, they decided when they formed the VHLE that Vasteras would be a fit choice for one of the teams. At this point we deemed Mexico City fit for hockey but not Madrid. The Madrid Thunder should have 100% been a choice over going back to a city known for failure.
    Madrid was also successful during it's brief phase in the VHL. After taking Vasteras and breaking them completely down, I made the proposal to the board for our relocation which to my delight was approved. We had no assets in S16 with Vasteras so I spent that whole season selling and building up assets to start making the turnaround. After acquiring draft picks for S17, I was quickly able to get VHL ready players including holding Kevin Brooks' second player hostage for a few seasons. We were able to compete in S17 but were scurried out in the first round. That off-season I was able to complete and initiate my plan. We were all in for S18, a big turnaround from zero to hero kind of run. The gamble paid off and we got to the finals. The problem? We ran into the Matt Bentz/Jardy B Calgary stocked team. Not even being the top dogs in the league could stop the insane streak Calgary went on to get into the playoffs that year and there was no doubt they would take it. I built a great team, but Matt had simply built a better one and the results showed literally in the games. We had a chance to turn the series around but Simon determined that would not happen as it always does.
    I heard who the keys of the team were left to after I departed the league did a great job running things into the ground. Maybe that is why they were moved again, he had done such a poor job that only me being there to defend my own move could keep the team there. I do however think with all these other teams formally being brought back should put the Madrid Thunder back in the hat for the VHLE. The name, color scheme and logo would be attractive for anyone to GM/anyone to play for.
    Words: 703
  3. Like
    Arce got a reaction from Spartan in The Injustice of the Madrid Thunder   
    A beautiful city with a cool name and just a sick logo, the Madrid Thunder. Who were they and what happened to them? The Madrid Thunder were founded by GM Zach Arce in S16 to replace the boring, bland and cursed Vasteras IK Iron Eagles. The Vasteras logo at the time described the team perfectly. It was plain, no sustenance, it was a complete joke! They had not been to a Continental Cup Final since their victory in Season 1! When I took over the reigns of a broken franchise, and has been for a while I knew what needed to be done. The team had to be gutted the right way and rebuilt. This included a change of scenery, a fresh brand. What upsets me is I currently do not have the Madrid Thunder logo on my current computer, so I will update once I find it. It was a badass logo, it had a god/Thor-like titan wielding a hammer with a lightning bolt behind him and then our team name.
    The main beef with it was people did not like the association of Spain and hockey. Really? We had a team named after a MAKE BELIEVE town! Avangard is not a real place, so we are allowed to pretend a town is good enough for hockey but we can't place it in one of the most popular cities in the world? We can put a team in cities that don't even have 200k people in them, but Madrid is a problem? The most maddening thing is THEY MOVED MADRID BACK TO VASTERAS AFTER! What is the obsession with Vasteras? I have not heard one good thing about Vasteras. Our friend @Shindigsand Sweden native was very ant-Vasteras based on that city alone. Not only did they move the franchise back to Vasteras, but guess what it failed in Vasteras AGAIN. Who would have thought? Didn't work out the first time so let's move on back. Oh and the kicker is, they decided when they formed the VHLE that Vasteras would be a fit choice for one of the teams. At this point we deemed Mexico City fit for hockey but not Madrid. The Madrid Thunder should have 100% been a choice over going back to a city known for failure.
    Madrid was also successful during it's brief phase in the VHL. After taking Vasteras and breaking them completely down, I made the proposal to the board for our relocation which to my delight was approved. We had no assets in S16 with Vasteras so I spent that whole season selling and building up assets to start making the turnaround. After acquiring draft picks for S17, I was quickly able to get VHL ready players including holding Kevin Brooks' second player hostage for a few seasons. We were able to compete in S17 but were scurried out in the first round. That off-season I was able to complete and initiate my plan. We were all in for S18, a big turnaround from zero to hero kind of run. The gamble paid off and we got to the finals. The problem? We ran into the Matt Bentz/Jardy B Calgary stocked team. Not even being the top dogs in the league could stop the insane streak Calgary went on to get into the playoffs that year and there was no doubt they would take it. I built a great team, but Matt had simply built a better one and the results showed literally in the games. We had a chance to turn the series around but Simon determined that would not happen as it always does.
    I heard who the keys of the team were left to after I departed the league did a great job running things into the ground. Maybe that is why they were moved again, he had done such a poor job that only me being there to defend my own move could keep the team there. I do however think with all these other teams formally being brought back should put the Madrid Thunder back in the hat for the VHLE. The name, color scheme and logo would be attractive for anyone to GM/anyone to play for.
    Words: 703
  4. Fire
    Arce reacted to Will3 in Shubham Anand Considers His Future   
    I have enjoyed my first season as a consistent contributer on the San Diego Marlins. But the VHL in all of its forms moves quickly and the time to consider where you want to be tomorrow is always today. As a waiver signing, I will be available in all three of the S89 drafts. I will take a moment to go over the teams I would to play for both in the near and distant future to producea picture of what  I want my hockey journey to look like 
    Focusing on the far horizon, I will first consider my options for the big boy clubs. The first VHL team I am interested in is the Las Angeles Stars. Many of us San Diego waiver players have managed to sneak up the coast in our free time to catch some Stars games. We have been impressed with what the Stars have been able to do this season. The Stars' GM has clearly built a team set to contend for the the next couple of years. California has been good to me. It would mean a lot to me to continue to play in and for this place. Another team I would like to play VHL hockey for is London United. I have never let old feuds effect my decision making. I have played with a couple of Brits and they have showed me nothing but love and support. I have faith that the fans, management, and players of London United would support this player from a former colony. It also helps that they have been set up as contender in their division with the GM making one seismic move after another to make it so. I think I would fit in nicely in London. Last point, I have no clue where Riga, Malmo, and Davos even are.
    Moving back to a couple of seasons away, it is time to explore my options in the VHLE. I haven't been able to pay much attention to the VHLE this season, but I do have teams I am interested in. One of those teams is the  Istanbul Red Wolves for a couple of reasons. I believe that this untraditional hockey market would do more that welcome an untraditional player who is closer to them than most average players on the ice. It is also the only city in all of the VHL with a reasonable flight time back to India of about 6 hours. This means not only that I might get some time at home, but I also might even get some of my family and friends over for home games on a semi regular basis. On paper, Istanbul is the perfect place to continue my hockey career. I am also considering the Bratislava Watchmen as a team to play for. Will, the ex-player who mentored and inspired me to join the VHL system played for Bratislava long time ago. He loved everything about playing for the Watchmen. The team, the management, and the city, all was clearly enjoyed. I would love to go that place he talked so much about and maybe it will all click for me as it did for him. This being the VHLE, I will probably be playing somewhere in cold Scandinavia.
    The time has come to review the VHLM and elaborate on the opportunities open to me for next season. If it were possible I would like to stay in San Diego. The climate is great, the citizens are nice, and the hockey club is good. The city has become a second home to me and it will be sad to leave. If I do have to leave, I would rather go to Mexico City or Miami. Any of the warmer cities would be better for me that than the northern cities as I haven't fully adjusted to the bitter cold winters yet. I don't feel safe in Texas and Vegas just doesn't fit my personally, so that leaves Mexico City and Miami as my best options for next year.
    The VHL moves quickly. Things don't always work out the way you want. You have to accept the opportunity that are given to you and I am more than willing to take what the leagues give me. This is just a collection of my thoughts for whatever it is worth to any of the GMs out there. I am committed to my hockey first and I will remain committed no matter what happens. That is all I have to say. Goodbye.

  5. Like
    Arce reacted to samx in New WJC Commish   
    Thank you to everyone who applied. There were a lot of great applicants and it was a tough decision to make. Before I announce who we picked I would like to thank @Ricer13 for his time as a WJC commish and wish him the best going forward. Now the time you have all been waiting for..... the person to deal with my chaos now is
  6. Like
    Arce got a reaction from vincentlg2007 in Lavelle Looking to Maintain Pace   
    Moscow Menace forward Ronan Lavelle has had quite the history of fast starts and the flame burning out towards the end. Lavelle usually finds himself leading the league in points at one point, or near the top then falls short of the 100 point mark somehow at the end, and loses out on the scoring title. A quarter way through the season, Lavelle finds himself in a familiar spot. Leading the league in points with 36, 3rd in assists in goals and tied on a long list for 6th in goals. Lavelle, usually reliant on his goals has been more of a playmaker for linemate Tomas Sogaard thus far. This could also be attributed to the fact Lavelle a natural winger, is playing center this season for Moscow. The Menace needed someone with the skillset and Lavelle definitely had it, just had to learn and practice it. So far the transition has paid off as Lavelle's stats are good and he holds a 55.7% in the faceoff dot. That is good for 8th overall in centers. Not bad for the first year transition at the position! Can Lavelle hold on and maintain this pace? Will he be able to try to cross that century mark for the first time?

    *In before Garsh comes in and says "No."
  7. Like
    Arce got a reaction from BOOM in Lavelle Looking to Maintain Pace   
    Moscow Menace forward Ronan Lavelle has had quite the history of fast starts and the flame burning out towards the end. Lavelle usually finds himself leading the league in points at one point, or near the top then falls short of the 100 point mark somehow at the end, and loses out on the scoring title. A quarter way through the season, Lavelle finds himself in a familiar spot. Leading the league in points with 36, 3rd in assists in goals and tied on a long list for 6th in goals. Lavelle, usually reliant on his goals has been more of a playmaker for linemate Tomas Sogaard thus far. This could also be attributed to the fact Lavelle a natural winger, is playing center this season for Moscow. The Menace needed someone with the skillset and Lavelle definitely had it, just had to learn and practice it. So far the transition has paid off as Lavelle's stats are good and he holds a 55.7% in the faceoff dot. That is good for 8th overall in centers. Not bad for the first year transition at the position! Can Lavelle hold on and maintain this pace? Will he be able to try to cross that century mark for the first time?

    *In before Garsh comes in and says "No."
  8. Fire
    Arce reacted to nurx in VSN Presents: S88 VHLM ASG Selections   
    Last players in:
    BK Whopper @Cyrxlian
    Eric Queefson @twists
    Otis Boudreaux Jr @Otis Boudreaux Jr
    Fradin McGryer @Fradin99
  9. Fire
    Arce got a reaction from Spartan in Lavelle Looking to Maintain Pace   
    Moscow Menace forward Ronan Lavelle has had quite the history of fast starts and the flame burning out towards the end. Lavelle usually finds himself leading the league in points at one point, or near the top then falls short of the 100 point mark somehow at the end, and loses out on the scoring title. A quarter way through the season, Lavelle finds himself in a familiar spot. Leading the league in points with 36, 3rd in assists in goals and tied on a long list for 6th in goals. Lavelle, usually reliant on his goals has been more of a playmaker for linemate Tomas Sogaard thus far. This could also be attributed to the fact Lavelle a natural winger, is playing center this season for Moscow. The Menace needed someone with the skillset and Lavelle definitely had it, just had to learn and practice it. So far the transition has paid off as Lavelle's stats are good and he holds a 55.7% in the faceoff dot. That is good for 8th overall in centers. Not bad for the first year transition at the position! Can Lavelle hold on and maintain this pace? Will he be able to try to cross that century mark for the first time?

    *In before Garsh comes in and says "No."
  10. Fire
    Arce got a reaction from vincentlg2007 in VETOED - MIS/SDM; S88   
  11. Cheers
    Arce got a reaction from McGriddy10 in VETOED - MIS/SDM; S88   
    Want to thank @vincentlg2007 for his patience and my AGM @McGriddy10 for taking the initiative on this and bringing it to our war room, then closing the deal. Love the fact my AGM was able to get valuable experience and did a great job doing so. We wish @Enragednothing but the best. He wanted to switch it up which I completely respect as giving our new members the best experience is the goal here in the VHLM. We will miss you,  you were a valuable part of our top 6. Best of luck in Mississauga!
  12. Like
    Arce reacted to vincentlg2007 in VETOED - MIS/SDM; S88   
    3rd round pick is conditionnal. Condition: I will give San Diego the 3rd round pick if Macavoy is still on the roster the day the season ends. 
    @ArceCould you please confirm this 
    @Gustav  @Spartan the Rulebook says to ping the commish if there's a conditionnal pick so here we go 
  13. Cheers
    Arce got a reaction from vincentlg2007 in VETOED - MIS/SDM; S88   
    Want to thank @vincentlg2007 for his patience and my AGM @McGriddy10 for taking the initiative on this and bringing it to our war room, then closing the deal. Love the fact my AGM was able to get valuable experience and did a great job doing so. We wish @Enragednothing but the best. He wanted to switch it up which I completely respect as giving our new members the best experience is the goal here in the VHLM. We will miss you,  you were a valuable part of our top 6. Best of luck in Mississauga!
  14. Haha
    Arce reacted to Josh in Adding injuries to the VHL   
    I think we all know which player would get a career-ending injury first.
  15. Cheers
    Arce got a reaction from Fradin99 in Games: 111-120   
  16. Like
    Arce got a reaction from Spartan in Moscow Menace Press Conference   
    1. I’d say Murdock found his game during our wins and our depth players have been producing. When both lines can produce I don’t see anyone beating this team in a series.
    2. We have 2 of the 3 best scoring defensemen in the league currently. We would not be seeing this success without either Voss or AK. It has to go to one of them right now. 
    3. I’d give Lavelle an A based on the fact he’s leading the league in points currently. I’d love to see him notch in some more goals but I cannot complain about him setting up the other boys. I’m also always looking for his. I need to improve in the face off circle. 
  17. Fire
    Arce got a reaction from Will3 in Games: 111-120   
  18. Like
    Arce reacted to Fradin99 in Marlins Gambled on Gamble   
    San Diego recently signed right winger Keegan Gamble as a free agent pickup two weeks into season 88. An even bolder move was to slot him into their top 6 after the departure of former winger, Cyrus Dallas due to forced retirement of inactivity. 

    Keegan Gamble, or "Keegs" as he's been referred to around the locker room has already found his home in San Diego. All smiles no matter where he's found. The young forward immediately became one of faces of conversation around the room, going from guy to guy cracking jokes and telling stories. He seems genuinely happy to be there, and who wouldn't be? The Marlins are off to a great start and even by the numbers, have only gotten better adding this player. 
    A smaller player, clocking in at around 145 pounds at five foot six. Relying heavily on his speed and puck handling to get himself where he needs to be. And this is reflected on his goalless start to his career. In six games he has 4 Assists and 0 goals, despite his 18 shots on net. Although he's not coming in and ripping holes through the back of the net, the Marlins second line is playing noticeably better since his addition. His ability to get up the ice and distribute to his teammates has created another reliable scoring centerman in the form of Joseph Neelson for the Marlins. Neelson has 5 goals in his last 4 games, now in a three way tie for first in goals at 12 for the team. Four of these Five goals were assisted by the new blood. 
    The young forward at practice has also been skating with defenseman Fradin McGryer. The Alternate Captain running through one on one drills, defensive breakdowns, and how to cover for an out of position defenseman. The pair were also seen sharing tips on laying the body, which has been shown through the newbie laying 12 hits in his 6 games. The on ice leadership has taken a note of this player's offensive skills and have taken the initiative to mold him into a proper two way player to fit the Marlins play style. This years team under new management has made it clear from their play that they value the offensive and defensive skill of their players and choose to fully utilize that. Marty Byrd will often swap with a winger to put the puck in the net, using his long reach and hard play the defenseman has put the puck past the tender 10 times this season with 13 assists. 
    A heartwarming thing you love to see in the VHLM. Players fully embracing a new member who took his first step into the water a bit later than the rest. With impressive goaltending on the season already, solid defensive numbers as a whole team and a big nod to the pair of stars on the blue line shaking things up in their own right, number 16 (Gamble) giving new life to this Marlins second line is only another gold star pickup for an impressive run by GM @Arce. If this is the talent this management can find in free agents, they're set up to have an excellent draft history in the coming years.
    541 words for week ending in 4/23/2023
  19. Cheers
    Arce got a reaction from BOOM in Games: 163-174   
    200 career goals for Lavelle!
  20. Fire
    Arce got a reaction from Spartan in Games: 163-174   
    200 career goals for Lavelle!
  21. Fire
    Arce reacted to Gustav in Mississauga GM Hiring (Again!)   
    I said yesterday that we'd want to make a very fast change in the Hounds department, and I'm here today to follow up on that. We're very glad to have received a decent applicant pool in a very short time--and if we didn't pick you today, please know we'll have eyes on you in the future if you continue to apply yourself.
    Our last couple hirings involved people we know and love, who have been around the league for years, and we made those hirings because we love the impact that those sorts of members can bring to our league. We also, however, love it when someone who's newer steps up to the plate and impresses us. Our newest Hounds GM has been very active as of late, comes in with multiple recommendations from those with VHLM experience, and we're really looking forward to seeing what he can do in his new role.
    So, without further ado, please welcome...
    @VHLM GM
    @VHLM Commissioner
  22. Like
    Arce got a reaction from Keegan Gamble in (S89) RW - Keegan Gamble, TPE: 72   
    Welcome to the VHL! Feel free to reach out anytime with any questions you may have!
  23. Like
    Arce reacted to sadie in my S88 VHFL and Super Coach thoughts   
    With this season being the first with the new Super Coach fantasy opportunity (and because I need TPE), I thought I would review my fantasy picks for S88. While I can't exactly gauge how good my Super Coach team might be, I think this VHFL squad is the best I have ever drafted in my entire 3 seasons of it. I have high hopes which hopefully don't come crashing down too quickly.
    F - Brendan Marner @MetalToday Pick #6 (absolute steal)
    At 5th overall on the VHFL leaderboards and the 2nd forward, this was the pick that made sense at #6. Marner is the player with the highest TPA across the VHL, leading The Board Game Clue on Skates by more than 50. With a staggering league leading 111 points last year, similar numbers would be awesome and a total even higher than that would give me a huge boost. They score, pass, hit, and lead Warsaw, crucial to their success in every game. If shot blocking numbers get a bit higher this year, Marner would be even more of a perfect VHFL player.
    S87 rank:
    -5th among skaters
    -2nd among forwards
    F - Landon Wolanin @jacobcarson877 Pick #7 (absolute steal)
    Wolanin will no doubt tear apart the league's defense and goaltending for another year while playing with the likes of Daniel Janser and Leandro Goncalves as well as Marlins legend Vincent Laroche-Gagnier. Coming hot off a 99 point season and looking for more, Landon the Marlins legend has seemingly succeeded in fighting off hard hitting depreciation, still ranked top 10 in TPA. In S87, he was ranked second in goals to only the insane season of Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems and 5th in overall points. I only see Calgary becoming stronger this season after winning the Continental Cup and with them, Wolanin's fantasy stats. 
    S87 rank:
    -14th among skaters
    -5th among forwards
    F - Vasile Lamb @dlamb Pick #18 (absolute steal)
    Lamb, my 3rd round pick and perennially one of the best in the league, looks lined up for another great season to round out my forward group. With 945 TPA to their name, they will work with Hulk Hogan 2 and Tavish Degroot to try to get Seattle deep into the playoffs. Lamb ranked 1st overall in VHL hits last season and put up an impressive 85 points and although depreciation will have taken its toll, the players they are surrounded with will make up for any impact that may have I hope. Taking all three forwards with my first 3 picks seems to have panned out really well considering I still had such good defensive and goaltending talent left on the board.
    S87 rank:
    -9th among skaters
    -3rd among forwards
    D - Siyan Yasilievich @badcolethetitan Pick #19 (absolute steal)
    After posting what has been by far the most stellar season of their career with NINETY FOUR POINTS and 23 goals as a defenseman, Yasilievich, an S83, looks to repeat their greatness. They had triple digits in hits and blocks as well as 19 points in 16 games in aid of Davos' finals run. Not to mention, winning the Alexander Beketov trophy for most assists. Siyan's move to London shouldn't slow them down too much as they now have the opportunity to play with Hari Singh Nalwa and forwards the likes of Molly the Cat, Igor Molotov, and Marlins legend Leonard Triller. A more than solid pick I was certain I wouldn't get as low as 18 and one I am very glad I did.
    S87 rank:
    -12th among skaters
    -8th among defensemen
    D - AK92 Wit da Hoodie @hedgehog337 Pick #30 (absolute steal)
    AK92 Wit da Hoodie is starting the season off the right way with 14 points in 9 games, already solidifying my faith in what was an amazing grab at 30. Tied for 3rd in league scoring, they look to be on their way to an even better season than last year. Having had 66 points, 218 hits, and 168 blocks, the huge boost in TPE this year to above 1100 is going to drive the numbers up and should place AK92 as one of the best defensemen in the league. They will play with Hammar Voss in Moscow, the player with the third most TPA leaguewide, and have dynamic stars like Ronan Lavelle and Tomas Sogaard to feed the puck to, something that has happened many times this year already. 
    S87 rank:
    -20th among skaters
    -11th among defenseman
    G - Lachlan Summers @kirbithan Pick #31 (absolute steal)
    Lachlan Summers, a true Marlins legend also known as the Mad Aussie, is a wild card pick for this year, but one I think will be one of, if not the biggest breakout star this year. I picked him to win the Stolzschweiger because after placing top 3 in GAA and SV% last year (despite the small sample size) my confidence is high. Davos is going to be a force for another season this year, looking to repeat their finals run and secure the championship this time. Boosting my confidence is the presence of dependable defensemen like Jake Thunder and David Jokinen the Marlins legend who will further aid in Lachlan's attempt to win me both my VHFL and my Super Coach TPE (as that is of course his primary aim).
    S87 rank:
    -17th among goalies (rookie in S88)
    I think every one of the players I selected should have been gone before the point where I picked them, some by a significant margin. If things play out how I think they will, which of course there is no guarantee of, I have an excellent chance at those 6 TPE.
    Super Coach
    LW - Nezuko (cost - 10)
    For my big cost player, I picked Nezuko partially because I couldn't afford a Wolanin or a Marner as it would leave me with very little room to maneuver with my other players. Nezuko also simply had an insane 98 point season last year, a solid jump from 84 the season before and they are also surrounded by 4 other 1000+ TPA players in Miglaskems, Maloish, Murray, and Vandelay. Hopefully they can be of similar value to those very top players at an excellent and efficient cost.
    S87 rank:
    -22nd among skaters
    -11th among forwards
    LW - Sadie St-Louis (cost - 6) @sadie
    Well I've gone and picked myself. After having a good season with 59 points last year, Sadie St-Louis the Marlins legend should improve even more this year playing with teammates like Daniel Weaver and the Frenchman (who I totally didn't also pick). She had triple digit hits and for only 6 cost, should be one of the best value picks at that cost to make this work. Also, if I had a good season and didn't pick myself, I totally would have regretted it.
    S87 rank:
    -84th among skaters
    -47th among forwards
    C - The Frenchman (cost - 😎@OrbitingDeath
    The Frenchman, after a large resurgence with 77 points in 72 games after having 51 in S86, is one of the players I am most optimistic about this year. OrbitingDeath from what I have seen, finds ways to build amazing players season after season, and hopefully the Frenchman is no exception. I depend on Riga and their young core for my Super Coach team to work at all, and they are going to lead them into the future. This year, they should break the 100 hit mark and I hope for somewhere in the 80s in points if not just for the sake of Super Coach, but for the sake of Riga and St-Louis' fortunes.
    S87 rank:
    -69th among skaters
    -39th among forwards
    D - Skor McFleury (cost - 6) @Alex
    To finish out my over-dependence and bias towards the Riga Reign, we have Skor McFleury. McFleury was one of the most exciting young rookies this league had to offer last year, placing 8th in rookie scoring as an S87 defenseman among many S86 players. I think playing with Max Torq is going to be an absolutely massive points boost for Skor and the fact that Riga SHOULD be more competitive in general certainly won't hurt. They are definitely the 6 cost defenseman with by far the most upside and I am excited to see what happens for them.
    S87 rank:
    -98th among skaters
    D - Tater Tottingham (cost - 5) @Trunkxolotl
    To finish out my Super Coach skaters, we have Tater Tottingham. They had a quiet but very solid 100 hits and 150 shots blocked last season, which along with their 35 points was good enough to lift them into the top one hundred skaters for VHFL. As the defenseman with the highest TPA on the Toronto Legion, Tottingham should see a lot of playing time and hopefully will get to create with the likes of Mac Atlas on the power play as well. The big minutes Tottingham may play give me hope for a big breakout season and I hope this is a good underdog pick.
    S87 rank:
    -92nd among skaters
    G - Lachlan Summers (cost - 7)
    i have said my piece on this australian man already, 3.82, 3.62
    Well there we have it. My fantasy hopes for the S88 VHL season. One team full of players that I am brimming with confidence in, and one team with a much more uncertain future. I'd say it is definitely unique though which I believe counted for something. Please be kind to me simon.
  24. Fire
    Arce reacted to Will3 in Shubham Anand: On Life in the States   
    We recently caught up with the India native San Diego Marlins star Shubham Anand to ask him about how he is settling in to him new home, what he is doing in his free time, and what he finds strange about life in the States. 
    Being a foreign athlete far from home can be hard on a young man. Indeed, some athletes have left their teams because they were homesick. With that being said, how are you adjusting to living in America?
    Very well actually. I learned English at a young enough age that I understand the language quite well. My teammates are very supportive and great friends. If I need something from my culture, I go to Little India. They have the food, clothing, and activities of home here in San Diego. I have even taken some of my teammates there as a part of cultural exchange days. That is the GM's idea of pairing up teammates and sending them out into the city to learn about each other's cultures and to bond with each. There are quite enjoyable and an eye opening experience.
    Another thing that helps with homesickness is being busy. I hear you are are a very busy fish. What are some of the things you have been up to while a part of the San Diego Marlins family? 
    I have indeed been busy. Apart from practice and bonding, my charity work with the Mission Valley Bluegill is important because it is apart of my anti-racism campaign. Hatred and ignorance are sadly still too common in this country. If I can help teach the game I love while breaking stereotypes and have a positive impact on the hockey players of tomorrow at the cost of a little bit of my time, I consider that time well spent. The other thing I have been working on is a education. I am working on a Batchelor's degree in Business online. This degree is planned to be a stepping stone to greater things as I have plans for my own company. I have already made initial preparations and very excited to make this dream real. That is all I can say about that for right now. I will reveal everything about this new endeavor closer to the startup day which should be sometime around the next offseason.
    Alright then, keep your secrets. One more question for you. What has been the biggest surprise about life in America?
    I was warned that Americans love beef. As a practicing Hindu, I have never eaten cow, nor do I plan to eat any cow meat here in the States. What surprised me was how much of a staple beef is in the American diet. Ground beef joints are seemingly everywhere here. Thankfully, my GM and teammates have been very supportive of my religion convictions. They have always been there with plant based hamburger or a chicken sandwich whenever we are out.
    Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. Good luck out there.
    No problem. I will see you around then.
  25. Like
    Arce reacted to twists in Drama in the VHL   
    Drama in the VHL

    I love our dog shit drama as much as the next person, but I figured I'd offer some advice to those that get involved with it first hand. First off, this is the VHL. Unless things have drastically changed half the members are probably around 16 years old. So yes, you're probably arguing with a 16 year old. The remaining half of the VHL probably has a mental illness because we spend all day posting things on a forum, or talking in discord instead of experiencing actual real life. To summarize, if you get into an argument its either with a 16 year old, or someone who literally doesn't know how to communicate with people IRL. Just let that sink in for a minute. In general, the internet acts no where near how people act in real life. In fact, people are more likely to go to extremes on the internet because there are literally no repercussions and you have a cloak of anonymity on. If you're an older member, just stop for a second and realize that the person you're about to get into an argument with doesn't represent how people act in real life. Thank god for that. This isn't just true in the VHL, it's also true on Reddit, Twitter, honestly just about any form of social media. If you're one of our younger members, in time you'll realize that things that happen online, in different countries, in your government, etc. have no affect on you whatsoever. Regardless of what you want to believe, most things just do not matter. At most they'll cause a slight inconvenience for you moving forward. Another fun realization you'll have is that nobody actually cares about what your opinion is on X. You can yell, scream and shout, but it won't matter. Life goes on around you. 
    Suffice to say, I'm not telling you to just accept things you don't like. You always have the option to leave. The VHL isn't going to suddenly decide to allow bigotry, so if your name starts with an Achilles you may want to throw the towel in. If you aren't having fun and just feeling frustrated, leave. Don't fall into the trap of "I used to like this thing, but now its different so even though I hate it, I'll force myself to stick around". That's called the sunk cost fallacy. 
    Finally, if it feels like drama follows you around everywhere....well you're the reason. If you're constantly getting into arguments and you think the world is out to get you...well maybe its because your opinions fucking suck. We all tend to always believe our opinions and thoughts are the right ones, but that is almost never true. Be willing to see other peoples' sides of things, even if you do completely disagree with it. Being understanding has never hurt anyone and normally helps you change your beliefs, or maybe reinforce your current ones. Just don't automatically assume someone is wrong because their opinion is different. 
    Thats it, that's my old man yelling at clouds rant. Try not to fight amongst each other because its never worth it. Well, it's worth it for those of us who get to view it independently, but thats not the point.
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