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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. huge fan of the font work as a whole. really does well with the render placement. good work
  2. eazy breazy
  3. how good my drafting skills were ? I drafted 2nd, 5th, 6th, 9th, 40th and 47th all time best No luck, I promise
  4. Here's the best draft possible F - Unassisted 225,4 F - Maxwell 221,6 F - Fook U 212,2 D - Sokolov 338,6 D - Federov 267,6 G - Moon 230,85 top 5 were Roman Sokolov 338,6 Aleksei Federov 267,6 Tomas Syndergaard 244,8 Alexandre Kachur II 242,6 Guntis Petenis 233,4 time to change the pt system, amirite
  5. @punkhippie @Strtlght (i thought you would be interested) I've made a spreadsheet with every player's score, so if anyone wants to just gather the points for their group, it's up to them vhfl.xlsx
  6. so yes, it would be =(PCT*SA)*0,07 which would give that
  7. @punkhippie can't see a goals allowed stats in the index and I thought SA meant saves instead of shot against, fuck me I think calculating the saves would be a pain in the ass tbh
  8. @Smarch @Kyle @Frank @Corco @Velevra TPE Pay : 1st : boubabi 5 tpe 2nd : Smarch 3 tpe 3rd : Velevra 2 tpe 4th and below : Frank Kyle Corco 1 tpe
  9. had nothing to do, so I did my group (3) @punkhippie
  10. can someone count that shit for em tpez
  11. that may be right, but dunno, I've heard some shit about conditional thing as well, anyway, frank must be right
  12. is this even legal ? I thought those conditional thing weren't possible during my time @Higgins @Smarch @Will
  13. edit : nvm
  14. dominos falling
  15. just need a city to destroy
  16. I have high expectation in life. High as the ''Emoji movie'''s rating on Rotten Tomatoes

  17. shall work on the skin now ! hope yo uguys will like it
  18. Naw man. Full 20 for me
  19. Heyyy goaltenders
  20. Savard and ron doing the business
  21. who knew ???
  22. can't beat em join em
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