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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. jesus christ, I hope not
  2. and by past, you mean 2 months ago ?
  3. thing to know devise perma banned me, but in the end, he kinda perma banned himself
  4. Toronto vs. Seattle, Semi-Finals GM 5: SEA 3-1 New York vs. Helsinki, Semi-Finals GM 5 New York win 3-2 Seattle vs. Toronto, Semi-Finals GM 6 TOR 3-2
  5. nah man, WE GOT THIS Drouin's Mom basement got it covered
  6. time to get the priority pick on any french canadian player like we used to ?
  7. time to go into a lockout to settle 1st oa pick
  8. Can I report the horrible performance by King ? Anyway, Kendrick will probably report that post anyway
  9. holy fucking shit thanks m8
  10. oy
  11. New update scale plus you can add those 60 tpe right now Amirite commish
  12. after b2b cups, b2b mvps
  13. Not quite sure of the tint going on. The mix of green/yellow background is really clashing with the blue of the helmet and the white of the jersey, which creates a switch of focus quick rapidly. The render efx are nice. The text is meh, but its no big deal
  14. Willy, aka the coding genius Also, yeah I was kinda scared for a moment @DollarAndADream. I mean, I had like a 20 pts lead mid season lmao
  15. Campbell MVP Points Goals Assists 2 Way Forward Top Offensive D Top Defensive D
  16. good luck against toronto
  17. xander finn kinda blew my point lead but anyway
  18. the chump went crazy
  19. The white stripe is a little bit off indeed. I messed up my UV mapping, but i was too lazy to fix it. The line is supposed to end when the curvature starts
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