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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. thanks young buck
  2. link updated
  3. gottem
  4. Gifford Shock
  5. dun dun dunnnnnnn
  6. That would be optimal, yes.
  7. And why should I be enthused for more work/same pay.
  8. 10 lottery per week from now on
  9. Lovejoy vs Despres tho what a genius
  10. Thank you
  11. no, fuck you
  12. My try at this year cover http://i.imgur.com/c8PjRes.png
  13. Highest penalty shot rating in the league can't score in 2 games how fun
  14. what shia would say
  15. shock for mvp
  16. combined, we have 25% of today's post so -25% of that shit activity
  17. We found liquid water on Mars
  18. don't be fuhrerious
  19. Johnny
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