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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Plus, lets say having 96approx TPE on a 8 years career (which is like 1 year and a half) will give us the chance to have a legitimate break at one point in our career (exam week, vacation, family problems) So if we aren't on the website at one point, we will not be that much far behind and force us to recreate. And if we didn't need a break at one point, the difference will be a 1100 TPE player compare to a 1196 TPE player not much of a big deal
  2. You give the chance of having 8 more TPE to inactive member (with the welfare upgrade) but giving 16 tpe to active member is a big deal ? Nice way to reward activity Plus, doing a freaking team logo for the site gives 3 tpe but a futur inactive 100 tpe player give 5 tpe ? Interesting.
  3. people will do 8 in one batch and it will be done. That's not the point. If we constantly put 2 new renders every week (that is just 1 member only) it doesn't overload and it generate interest by current member to try those cuts. At the end, to create activity. and what the fuck is this 9/10 capped rule ? and how 40 new renders in 2 months is low ? lol
  4. I told you, not everyone have been on the sim league world for 7 years, not everyone is good at that. And you talk about balance when you already have 400+ tpe ? Strange way to brings thing. Of course making render should be rewarding at some points, it's only 12 TPE compare to someone who will do fantasy. It's a balance, we give the website some quality and interesting render and we got rewarded for that, that's is the basic. We give something to the website, we got something in returns. But anyway, you shouldn't be the person I should try to convince since you already made your mind and you aren't the one who,s taking the decision. I think the league in general may agreed but still, you have your opinion and that's right.
  5. Here my first proposition : 2 HD renders approved by me for 2 uncapped. People claiming that cannot claim the any Fantasy pts during the week. If a normal VHL season is 8 weeks, it's 16 more TPE per season, which is not much. Lets say someone doesn't do cuts and we say that we approx win 3 to 4 TPE per season with the Fantasy pts, it's only 12 more TPE. On a 8 seasons career, it's 96 more TPE which is not much (for a contribution of 128 renders (yes 128)) and since Richardson (Kendrick) have already claimed 50 tpe from recruiting and Green approx 100 TPE already, it's nothing. Everyone has their own specialties, I'm not good at recruiting people, but it shouldn't be a reason to stay behind in gaining TPE. Everyone can do cuts, it doesn't take any kind of originality. It only takes times. You don't have Photoshop ? Well, GIMP is a free software and it's really easy to do cuts with it. I already made tons of cut with GIMP. Plus, I'll propose myself to do a video tutorial on how to cut pictures properly so everyone has their chance. And to prevent any flaws, I'll be sure that people won't claim renders that aren't made by them. I hope I was somewhat clear in my explications. But that's only my opinion. You are free to disagree with it.
  6. it's updated. Lets now discuss the new pay.
  7. Color scheme was base with the Hersey Bears color scheme
  8. Seattle Teddy Bear who Looks like a Racoon HC
  9. yellow and blue aka Buffalo sabres/St-Louis Blues/nashville predator and call it Seattle Wolverines
  10. I'm updating the gallery at the moment. So if someone want to help by doing some render void, it would be kewl
  11. Not sure, but in French school we usually use French as our first language. This might explain some of it.
  12. Shadu Rathod Jr. 100 TPE Mark 5TPE x2 (S39 recruitement Drive)
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