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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Give me the power to do a skin and I'll do a skin - Batman
  2. I'm glad to have scotty's player in my team
  3. Tpe inflation is mostly related to recruitement TPE. This would only give money to players. And like I said, I think this is more of a brainstorming then something else, just to see other opinions.
  4. With the nflation problem, I don't think TPE should be given. It will only give a bigger edge to the best player.
  5. Individual stats, in my opinion, are only rewarded if you win an award. If not, your work isn't really appreicated at some point. Maybe I use wrong words here though. Player performance aren't set in stone in the sim engine so having to sign a contract with a sponsor to will give us a reason to watch our player play. Like i said, smaller sponsor will be easier for younger player with low TPE and they can secure some money with it, but at some point, elite player could gamble on their player performance and sign a contract with big sponsor. An example, if Lindberg woudl have signed with Reebok for a minimum of 65 passes and 150 hits for a 1.5 bonus reward, everyone should agree that, with a good season, I might acheive that mark. But like you see here, I'm now leading in goals and not in passes. Things aren't predictable these days and it could give a new dimension to the league and player performance wise.
  6. We all know Sidney Crosby and Beckham have made a lot of money with sponsor, but here's my idea to reflect that. I saw that on SBA and I found it pretty cool. I've though of something that could give player some extra cash after X amount of time. Let me explain the best I can. Lets have like x amounts of companies/corporation. For my example, I'll take 6 different companies. Player could choose, during their career, to sign a contract with one of those corporation for a contract of 1 to 5 years. What it does, their contract is related to player performance, example, if a player sign with Adidas, the Adidas contracts is set the give him a 1M dollar bonus if the player is able to score 35 goals this season. if he achieve that at the end of the season, he'll receive a 1M dollar bonus. Each companies will have a certain amount of specific challenge with specific reward. Like ''Nike'' could give 2M dollar to someone if he reaches 50 goals but like Reebok like to play it safer to it gives 350k for 25 goals. We could have members who could ''manage'' those companies/corporates and it could reflect like the early deal Mackinnon Drouin Jones who signed with CCM before entering in the NHL. Thordal could sign with Under Armor will Lindberg could sign with Nike and it gives new ideas for Media Spot and shit. So we might think, what will make the player go sign with someone else ? Like everyone wants to be with Nike or something like that ? We could give a certain amount of money to every companies to spend every year. of course, bigger companies will have a bigger amount of money but if the players who signed with them failed to achieve their ''goals'', they could cost some money and shit. I know what you are thinking, this guy is awful to explain something. Well, this is true, that's why I hope I'll receive some constructive criticisms and maybe starts a discussion around that, a big brainstorm.
  7. Having people quitting because of inactive LR directly affects the VHL This is not the first case.
  8. VHLM team should be reduce I'm telling you, it's a non-sense. The only "actives players" stay maximum 2 seasons if less. Some VHL team doesnt have an active LR and they are filled with people. 10 teams is too much for the VHLM imo
  9. The main problem here is there's a border on the render. Other then that, it's cool
  10. A) ^ IX) ^^ D.1.2) ^^^ Lets stop this madness
  11. A true flyers doesn't have all his teeth in his mouth
  12. Rimouski is one of the best team in the country so he might have a chance to win it all this year.
  13. The eagles are undefeated vs the Meute yet (3-0-0) if you know what I mean
  14. HC Dynamo Americans Iron Eagles Express
  15. Tyrone got his shit together.
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