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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. interested in a wager match ?
  2. futur butt plug ok, i'm out
  3. fuck the internet
  4. fuck it was disgusting
  5. Emma Watson is overrated imo
  6. http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34100000/NYC-Exhibition-Sophie-Turner-John-Bradley-Natalie-Dormer-game-of-thrones-34160042-1520-1800.jpg I'll wreck them up
  7. anatoliiii
  8. love the textures work
  9. 181 Titans 18 Iron Eagles Legion Americans
  10. Happy I'm usefull for someone today
  11. First time ever I see Plekanec fake fo real
  12. Clean hit
  13. 2 more gogogo
  14. well, 6 goals against NYR not bad
  15. sad day for habs fans
  16. Welcome in !
  17. In this case, it's more the lightning efx on the bottom that makes the floating efx even MORE strong
  18. cool lightning not a fan of the text tho, looks like it's floating
  19. beside the text, thats actually pretty dope rework on text and this could be your best by far
  20. thats rightttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt
  21. ser gregor is the brother of the Hound
  22. thatsss rightttttttttttt
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