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Everything posted by Trazan

  1. 1. We've had a tough start to our season. What can explain this? As someone said in the discord "Simon Giveth and Simon Taketh".. We have been much better lately and probably just good ol' TPE farming. 2. Give a shoutout to one of your teammates that's playing well despite the team results. Mancini is doing allright i think, Has bailed us out offensively a few times. 3. Do you think there is a move we could do to help us get out of this slump? Not really, not without selling of the future and i don't think we're there yet, I much rather we make moves based on starting to compete next season/2 seasons from now. This feels kinda like the last real tank season, Next year i Believe we have some good players coming up and a few good still on contract so i think this will be a season where we find happiness in individual success and as a team look towards the future. 4. Is there another in the VHL who's position in the standings surprises you? Warsaw Predators, I don't know why i just thought they would be better. 5. Some low ranked media outlet suggested that calling ourselves the « Americans » was disrespectful to the non-American players on the team. What do you think of the name yourself? As a Swede i do not Believe so, I signed a a contract because i wanted to play for New York which is in America so i am happy to celebrate everything American. when in Rome and all that. If not, Maybe i should have asked for a trade to the EU-Division. 6. What should we name ourselves instead? New York Narwhals, New York Neanderthal's, New York Tigers, New York Totems
  2. I want to be added to the pinglist please and thank you
  3. 1) What has the biggest surprise so far after a week of sims? Malmö, I thought they would be in the top. 2) Who is a darkhorse to win a championship this season that people are underestimating? Without knowing much about them Calgary Wrangels feels like a strong team. 3) Are their certain attributes (e.g SC, DF, PA) you are hoping to improve this season? I'm hoping to get Skating and Passing to 80 somewhere down the line 1) Who would you say mattered most in your childhood? 2) Coffee or Tea? Choose wisely. 3) What stat matters most to you? Goals, Assists, hits, SB ? or something else?
  4. 1. The Americans decided to trade away Napoleon Dynamite and Svatopluk Puk to the Los Angeles Stars. Were you surprised by the direction they took? Sure was, i thought we we're really going for playoffs this year. But i do trust the management and that they will do what sets us up for succes. 2. Are you excited by the addition of Xiver Zilla and WWWWWWWW to the team's prospect pool? Do you know anything about them? Don't know much about them really but i'm excited to get to know them and bring them onto our team 3. How do stay motivated throughout a rebuild process? It's a process, think about all the glory in the future! Winning or losing the personal stats is always fun to see and in a rebuilding team your player almost certainly gets to take on a bigger role. 4. Vegas put our over/under at 20.5 wins. Do you think we win more than that? Gotta say over, hoping for 30 5. What's one aspect of your game you wish you were better at? Hitting, it's a though stat because at the same time i don't wanna put my team on the boxplay too often. 6. If hockey was like baseball and you could choose a walkup song that would play in the arena everytime you enter the action, what song would it be and why? Lars Winnerbäck - Nåt som verkligen är bra (Something really good) but it would force him to change the lyrics to "Like a stolen chevrolet With a Springsteen cassette in it Like Tord Yvel in New York Something that is really good Something that is really good"
  5. NEW YORK AMERICANS OFFSEASON PRESS CONFERENCE 1. The Americans surprised the Bears in the first round of the playoffs. Did you expect the team to pull the upset? I must say i had my eyes more on the E so i had a very loose understanding of how the season went in the big leagues but no i thought it was too steep of a mountain to climb, but super cool that you guys did it 2. The VHL draft is right around the corner, who do you think goes 1st overall? I have no clue whos even eligible, let me take a look..... Well, i think its pretty obvius Yaboi Oven is going first 3. Is there a particular prospect you would like the Americans to select in this draft? looking at what we have in the pipeline i think we maybe need D-prospects but it looks pretty thin around 13 (going of tpe only) i would probably go King Kisslinger or Jarmo Ruutu 4. What are you working on during the offseason? Passing and puckhandling. 5. @frescoelmo has recently stepped down from his role as NYA AGM. Say something nice about him. Don't really know him but Elmo is a cool name 6. Thad decided to hire McWolf to replace Fresco. How do you think we should haze him? Get him drunk and have him record a podcast setting up the lines and do a mock draft for us :')
  6. 1) Hump day check-in, how is your week going? Answering late and i do not believe it's still humpday but it's going fine, 2nd week off from work ending and i've got a lot done. 2) Thoughts on Vegas winning the cup last night? I don't like Vegas. So not happy about that but they earned it so can't be to critical. 3) What was your favorite move of the NYA offseason? Calling up Tord Yvel haha. I don't now yet, Seems like the offseason hasn't really started for the Americans yet. 4) Do we have a playoff push in us this year? Of course, You did it last season and i hope i can be of some help s90. 5) Any big summer plans? Going to some zoo's and themeparks with the kids. Trying to catch up with the house and cars. enjoying the long days with friends and family 6) Favorite logo in the VHL? hmm, I like Animal/creatures logos, i go with either Vancouver or Warsaw
  7. T’was season 89 and Tord Yvel had been traded from Geneva Rusch to Istanbul Red Wolves. A season that shall be remembered for more than personal reasons. With istanbul being erased from the league, we the players and the management team put a lot of pressure on ourselves to go out with a bang. Sadly we just fell short of that as i will go into more detail further into this Tord Yvel s89 Rambling-Wrap up. I would like to start with a big Thank You to all of the Management Team and my teammates. Without you guys there would be no Tord Yvel. So for Tord’s S89, It went well. Far above my expectations to be honest. I wasn't expecting Yvel to score a lot. Maybe 0,4-0,5 points a game. But he surpasses that by a wide margin by scoring at a 1,16 PPG rate for a total of 84 points. Most of them Assists. Tord even led the VHLE in assists for a good portion of season 89, Ending up sharing the second place for most assists with D-star in the making Cameron Elsby, both at 67 apples outdone only by Hannibal Barca who had 75. If someone had told me before the season that Tord would be sharing 2nd place with Cameron Elsby i would have laughed, ROFLMAO'D even. Add a measly 17 goals to Tord’s season and it may not sound fantastic, But for a D-man who hasn’t spent more than 5 TPE total in shots i think it’s alright. Tord isn't built to shoot, And thankfully Tord didn’t shoot much, 162 shots total with a 10,5 Sh%. If i have to guess Yvel will hover around 8-10% through his career, Maybe even a bit lower. That doesn’t bother me much. Although I will confess that i got kinda hooked counting points this season and checking the score sheets that's not the primary thing that I want Tord to bring to the table. Instead I want a Defense focused defenseman that can make good outlet passes to spring the other 4 players on man-advantage-runs and now onto where the S89 took an unfortunate turn for Yvel (and The Redwolves) a part we'll call "he didn’t really show up when it mattered, The sad sad playoffs" Going 4-4 must be pretty unusual, But that’s exactly what the Istanbul Red Wolves did. After giving Rome Gladiators a goose egg(0) Me and my red-jersey mates thought we had a good to great chance at winning the King's Cup.(*1) Unfortunately we ran into superteam Cologne Express and they gave us Zero, Noll. Nada. The truth is that they we're superior to us in pretty much every aspect of the game and I applaud them for that. They even succeeded in solving the riddle that was our goalie Evan Bihler who made us defensemen look better than we had any right to look. (*1 It was somewhere around here we learned that The RedWolves would cease to exist after these playoffs. You could really tell by the comment’s from both current and former members of Istanbul that the franchise would be sorely missed. Many greats have called it their home and have fond memories of their time there. I believe Masu Chan was on the cusp of a King’s Cup squad and I'm sad that Me and we couldn’t bring it home. I'll tell you I had a great time playing under Masu and hope he gets a shot to GM a VHL team some day(If that's what he wants). In the playoffs Tord underperformed deluxe. 0-6-6 total points, and horrible defense. In the future I hope to rectify the rumor that Tord Yvel doesn’t perform in the playoffs, but for now that reputation is well earned. Anyway, the show must go on. and soon enough we’ll be gearing up for S90 and i for one cant wait! . I can’t say anything for certain but there has been some rumblings about Tord Yvel graduating to the big league and joining the New York Americans in their hunt to become a perennial playoff-team after having a pretty long drought finally broken in the season of ‘89. Thank you all who made s'89 special I will always be proud to have worn the Red! ~720 words
  8. F*ck! Great playing against you guys. Congratulations on earning The Kings Cup!
  9. Everyone who's been watching VHLE already knows most of this, for those who don’t; this may come as a bit of surprise, it certainly did for me. Istanbul won the Kings Cup and Tord Yvel had a great season. Let’s go into what went so well for us in the season of ‘89. The first thing we need to get out there is our goalie Evan Bihler who had a monster season and saved our asses multiple times. This feat would not be possible without such a strong netminder. 64 games played 48 wins, and 8 first star games. Best goalie in the league with a 2,16 GAA and shared first with 93,9 sv%. Just an incredible season. But as with anything you can’t do it alone. Istanbul's defense seen as a weakness before the season. Here’s a quote from Dougs S89VHL/VHLE/VHLM Preview (Credit to @DstevensonJr) “Weakness: Blueline. The 4th best first pairing and 5th best second pairing is what hurts the Red Wolves. Room for growth for consistent earners Yvel (S88) and Laas (S89) could absolutely strengthen this group to get where they need to go.” I don't know how our core four would stack up against the league's top pairings now but I suspect that we wouldn’t be too far off from the top. The pairs that's been running for most of the season are. How about: 61 Goals and 195 assists for a total of 256 points from the blueline. 110+ Shot Blocks from everyone 160+ hits from 3 out of four d-men with Erik Finck disching out a massive 233 hits in 72 games! That the defense turned it around and became somewhat of a strength was massive for Istanbul's way to success. The Offense certainly wasn't something to sneeze at either. The team Averaging 3.51 goals per game With Steve Lattimer leading the way in scoring with a whooping 104 points, leading all leftwings with a margin of 10 points. And looking at the top 5 in scoring for forwards Istanbul can proudly present Lattimer at place 4 and Legacy Gaming at 5 with 100 points. The other player above 1.0 ppg is Ray Withers who I thought really stepped up when needed. But if you want to be the team with the fewest goals against, even the forwards need to bring it at our end of the rink and although I have no individual stats to back it up, they surely did. You don't have a team goals against average of 2.29 if they don’t. And now i would like to take a little time talking about Tord Yvel(Myself) Traded from Geneva to Istanbul for a 3rd round pick and Tullamore Dew. Probably a fair deal at the time, Maybe even a little bit in favor of Geneva. But after this season I believe it would take a whole lot more to get Yvel. Leading Istanbul in Assists and shared second place league wide was more than I could have dreamt of. I was trying to build a defense-first Dman with a strong outlet pass to send the forwards away to do their job. Expecting to have many blocked shots and hits but doing poorly in the points column. It went the other way and my god it’s fun to score points, you can say I'm hooked. So will this change the way I build my player? Not really, I think the goal still is to be that type but maybe my build will lead to a more of a two-way defender than I thought. Let’s get the Playoff Hype going! Istanbul for VHLE Champs And a big congrats and Hurray for VHL’s Sweet sixteen!
  10. Great season bud! Thanks for doing the heavy lifting on our pair i'l follow you'r journey wherever the skates take you
  11. Hello Geneva(!?) It was almost time to go, I went up from my bed and checked the passport and tickets one more time like it suddenly wouldn’t be there in the suitcase. Passport,Check. Ticket, Check. I should arrive in Geneva in time to explore the town and facilities a bit before training camp starts. I don’t want to come in on the last day and feel like a lost little puppy. I kept thinking about Geneva and what it would be like. That night I slept like a baby. And in the morning I got the call that turned it upside down, I had gotten traded. I didn’t know what to think. Istanbul? That’s in turkey right? Oh, Sweden and Turkey don't have the best of relations right now. Will I be welcomed by the fans or do they see my nationality and boo me right off the bat? I got nervous right away. A conversation with the GM of the Red Wolves put some of my worries to rest and they had already bought me a ticket and planned to set me up in an apartment near the arena. Talking to Masu Chan( @Masu Chan) i felt that they really had a good plan for me and was going to take care of me the person and not just the hockey player. The frown turned upside down so to say, I began feeling excited again. Istanbul… yeah i think I can make it my home. The season went better than I could ever dream of. Red Wolves stood at the top of the VHLE with 9 points down to 2nd place. More than a point per game for me and even led some of the individual categories for stretches of the season. I can only say that this was a huge success. Many thanks goes to the people of this fine organization who put me in a place where I was able to succeed, Both on the ice and off the ice. For most of the season I've been on a first pairing with monster D-man Ben Laas. It goes without saying that he did contribute to our teams and my personal success in so many ways that I can't even count them. Anyways, here we are. Favorites going into the playoffs. A position I'm not used to and don’t particularly like. I’ve always been an underdog and I like to hit from below. But it’s a new experience and I will take on the challenge the only way I know how to: with a smile on my face. Not to sound too sure of myself or my team(After all I am Swedish and the Jantelag is strong in this one) I expect us to take home the cup. Anything below finals must be seen as a huge failure on our part. With this powerhouse of a team Masu Chan has assembled, anyone who faces us can’t go into the series feeling good about their chances. For myself, I must be at least a point per game player for us to succeed, Although offense isn’t my primary skill set, that is the bottomline of what I expect of myself. And more important and something that I didn't really show in the regular season is my physical game and defensive pedigree. When the games get faster,heavier and tighter in the playoffs, hitting and blocking shots becomes so much more important. We got Bihler behind us and he is an amazing goalie with a brilliant career ahead of him but we can’t have him saving our asses game after game. To summarize: I need to up my defensive game while keeping up my offense. I think we will make it and i can’t see anyone else lifting the cup than us. We’re just that good. In the future I don't know what will happen. I’m drafted by the Americans in the VHL and I haven’t yet talked to their GM about next season. let’s just say I wouldn’t be sad about another year in the Red wolves jersey and I,My agent and the two teams will make a decision after the season For now I just want to focus on the playoffs. Thank all of you for making this one of the greatest season of my career (i was trying out AI to generate a logo for VHLE but i couldn't quite get it right so its thrown in here as a bonus) . ~720 words
  12. It is! I've been afraid of the reality genre because i just love drama/gossip and i know i will be sucked right in
  13. 1. The team was on a 3 game losing streak and is in a pretty big slump, how will we snap out of it heading into the post season? The same way that kept us winning: Good teamplay and when that falls through Evans will 100% save us 2. After a few losses to Cologne are you nervous at all to potentially match up against them later in the playoffs? Yeah they've been having it out for us for a while and i think theres better matchups for us. But to be the best you gotta beat the best so bring em on 3. We've been seeing standout performances from several individuals all season, guys like Lattimer, Legacy, and Bihler having sensational seasons, what can we do as a team to continue enabling these guys but also ensure contribution from everyone else? It's all teamwork. We gotta keep having fun as a group and the guys will top each individual category. 4. What is your favorite part about the game? Hits? Points? Winning? It used to be and still is hits/sb/assists as a two way defender with a strong outletpass, But i'm starting to get hooked on the more offensive side of things :') 7. What is your favorite current TV Show or movie? Mine is The Bear ... if you don't watch tv then your favorite book, streamer, news network ? We are currently catching up on the swedish version of Survivor and i get so invested it's scary. I love gossip and this is the show for me.
  14. TOP OF THE LEAGUE EDITION Hell yeah baby! 1. We are on an 8 game winstreak right now, can we keep this unbeaten run going? Apparently not, But i think we have something special here and will keep our place at the top of the standings :) 2. The team is pretty comfortably at the top of the standings, what do we need to do to carry this form into the end of the season? Keep getting our TPE, don't get satisfied. if i have to say something a smidge more offence wouldn't hurt but i don't think it's a problem. 3. Evan Bihler has solidified himself as the best goalie in the league right now, and he just recorded two crucial shutouts in back to back games. How impressed have you been by his performance? Very impressed, he carries us on his shoulders and that is no small task. 4. We just faced two of the top 4 teams in a row and won both of our games, now knowing that we are capable of getting points off everyone, does this add pressure and expectations to the end result of the season? I think we will go in to the playoffs as major favorites and if we get beat in the first round it would be extremely disappointing so i do think it adds some pressure. But at the end of the day its a game and we're here to have fun 6. Do you go grocery shopping often? Do you make a list or wing it? I'm trying to get better at looking for offers and trying to buy a lot when it's cheap but most of the time i just wing it. 8. Who is your favorite athlete of all time? Why? The Sedins, Humble down to earth and they had something special that i don't ever will be replicated.
  15. Found a whole new set of options to play around with. Will continue to experiment.
  16. RED WOLVES PRESS CONFERENCE 2. Lattimer is ripping it2 up right now, do you think he can carry this form to the end of the season? Will he finish as the leading scorer? I think and hope so, He would deserve it and as you say he's really going. 3. Do you feel that this season has been a success so far? I do, As long as we reach playoff i think it's a success. Then we'll take it from there 5. Are you in any other sim leagues? Nope. 6. Do you like swimming? What is your favorite place to swim? (Ocean, pool etc.) Don't like to swim, i'm bad at it. i can but not well, But i love the ocean. 7.What is your go to number when asked to pick between 1 and 10 2 always. Got assigned #2 in my first hockey game when i was a kid, the coach just threw a random jersey and it happened to be 2 and since then it has been my lucky/favorite number. 8. What do you do that brings you joy? Right now pretty much all my time goes to my kids and they make me pissed of to no end sometimes but they also brings me so much joy it's scary.
  17. F - Johnny Xavier @v.2 edit; Always choosing retired players
  18. G - Art Vandelay @UnkemptCL4PTP
  19. Oh c*ck, Thanks i will do that and then i will change and take F - Vasile Lamb
  20. 1. The team is off to a hot start, however most of our wins are against one team, Vasteras. What do we need to do to compete with the top teams? I think we can compete with the other teams as is, so i think some minor tweaks to the lineup should do it 2. Ronald Johnson MacWallace III recently discussed his dislike for Vasteras in an interview, did this impact the teams mindset heading into the start of the season and your run of games vs Vasteras? It sure got more interesting, And i heard rumblings about one of our goalies used to be on that team to so it kinda feels a bit like a rivalry. 3. Tord Yvel is off to a very hot start and despite not being known for his offensive side, he's currently second in points in the league. Can he keep this pace up? Probably not Scoring points is fun and i'm starting to get a bit hooked but my with my build im going for more of a steady-eddy type of defender. 4. How beneficial do you feel it is for you to have consistent linemates? Do you mind having to play with different players or would you rather build chemistry with a couple of guys? I have nothing against either, I trust my coach to do what he think is best for the team. 5. We just acquired Mikhail Lospenov from Stockholm, he's a veteran of the VHLE, and should add some size to the wing. What are your thoughts on the make up of the roster after this trade? I like our roster as it was and i think it got even stronger so no complaints here. 6. Do you believe that life exists outside our planet? Yes, i dont know what kind of life but just seeing the enormous size of the universe there's gotta be at least some snails or something out there.
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