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Posts posted by Trazan

  1. A few days before opening night in season 89 a trade sent Tord Yvel from Geneva Rusch to the Istanbul Red Wolves.


    Tord was pumped about getting called upon to go play back in Europe, He had even ordered a Hoodie with Geneva Rush on it.

    Traveling out from Sweden after a offseason spent with family and lifting weights Tord had gotten the ticket on the Email and everything, Everything was set.

    Geneva was going to be home for season 89.


    But then Tord got a call from an unknown number, given the past of Mr.Yvel he didn’t answer.

    Unknown caller kept on calling.

    A quick google search showed it came from somewhere in Turkey.


    Then he received a text, In the notification he read;“



    Hello! I am the GM of the Istanbul Redwolves,

    we've recently acquired your player via trade………




    And then it rang again, This time Tord Yvel nervously answered the call. 


    Istanbul’s lovely GM Masu Chan welcomed Tord to the team and answered all of Tords questions.

    He had seen Tord Yvel on Geneva’s trade block and immediately called his AGM @RJMW and they started to watch some tapes from VHLM.

    Apparently it was Tords defense first mentality and strong skating that piqued the interest of Istanbul Red Wolves.

    The trade itself apparently went smoothly. There was a price and Istanbul was ready to pay for it, getting a plug and play Defender with defensive chops 

    in their quest for a championship. 


    In another article written in The Istanbul Not soFree Press 

     GM of the Red Wolves @Masu Chan said 

    “After the draft it was clear we were going to need another defender if we were going to compete. I think Yvel gives us the best chance to not only compete, but win the whole thing”


    Tord felt welcome and safe knowing that the Masu Chan traded for him because they liked him as a player and what he brings on the ice.

    First sad that he got traded away he soon became giddy at the thought of exploring Istanbul.

    Meeting new teammates and hopefully getting Istanbul and himself a lot closer to the championship!




    ~334 words

  2. 1. We just saw the VHLE draft happen, how do you think the Red Wolves made out compared to other teams?

    i'm not sure, Ive been away for a few days and just took important calls from family so i haven't been keeping up 

    2. Our roster is pretty much set for the coming season, how are you feeling about our chances heading into the first few games?

    I like our roster, i haven't been comparing with other teams but i feel good right now :)

    3. Is there anyone in particular on the team that you are looking forward to playing with/talking with?

    I don't know why but i have some players that i have formed a competative rivalry in my head with, That i compare Yvel with and Laas is one of them. And it feels like he has outshined Tord every step of the way so to play on the same team and maybe even the same line is going to be very fun :) 

    4. What are your goals for your player in the VHLE (or VHLM for the Young Red Wolves)?

    Play-offs to start with. I hope my player will be a huge part of why we make it.

    5. Are these goals similar to the ones you have for the VHL?

    The same.

    6. Did you or do you play any sports? Which ones?

    Played soccer and hockey when i was young. Started to play beerleauge hockey but cuold not make it work time wise. 

    7. We just saw 2 teams get crowned as champions in the NHL and NBA (both for the first time!) Did you expect Vegas and Denver to make these runs heading into the post-season?

    I surely wasn't. I do not have a clue about basket so i won't comment on that but i do not like Vegas and i personally hoped for a first round exit. on the other hand i always had a soft spot for the panther (Lou connection i suppose) and really wanted them to win.

    8. Do you hate the Golden Knights as much as I do? (I can't stand almost any aspect about them). 

    sure do, Theese youngsters get in the NHL and thinking their hot stuff....

  3. 1. To players playing in the WJC for the first time, what are your thoughts? To players returning to Europe/WJC competition, what's it feel like to be back on the world stage?

    Very very fun, My team missed the Playoffs and i'm getting a bit antsy to start up again. This will be perfect :)
    2. The rosters for the WJC have just been announced! Which team are you most looking forward to facing in the tournament?

    I haven't really looked a the others, But beating Canada is always big in hockey. 
    3. Which players that were selected are you most looking forward to playing with?

    Probably Jensen, Let's see if i can give him some crisp passes.
    4. What are you looking to gain most from participating in the WJC?

    Experience,Fun and some hardware.  

    5. Lemme hear your early predictions for Team Europe MVP?

    Ima go with Admir Bala. Our defense(Myself included) could be better so i think Bala will need to play MVP-level for us to go far.
    6. What are you doing personally in your day to day life to save the bees and why is it not enough?

    I don't mow my lawn enough, I keep a row of wildflowers and bushes. They love our flowers and when our apple-trees blossom they go nuts for them

    bees are the reason anything grows basically, I've heard a lot about it on the radio and apparently the EU are giving money for initiatives that saves the bees, Like a community letting a plot of grass grow and spread it with wildflower seeds.Pretty intresting stuff.

  4. What excites you the most about the VHL?

    Being part of a team, Something to do in the morning whilst drinking coffee   

    Do you have a specific team you would like to play for? Are you playing for that team now?

    Not really, Was drafted by Americans, Geneva and Saskatoon. Right now my goal is VHLE and Geneva, But i'm happy to play for anyone of those teams.

    Everyone has a pre-game ritual. What is yours?

    Pasta and loud punk music.

    Is there any music you listen to to pump you up for a game? Do you have a playlist?

    Hard music, Rock,Punk, metal. That style.

    If there was any other sport you could play what would it be?

    Probably motorracing of some sort. Maybe MotoCross.

    What's the worst hockey-related injury your player has endured?

    Tord Yvel had a broken anus once, Don't ask.

  5. Q1) favourite tv show as a kid?

    Hmm, Ive always loved Astrid Lindgren-tales. Pippi Longstocking and those. 

    Q2) Would you rather pina coladas or any pop for the rest of your life?

    Pina Coladas

    Q3) If you could choose what age you are right now what would it be?

    Probably 25, Would love to be a little younger with the kids :)



    1.Do you have a nickname IRL or here?

    2. Who's your favorite person right now?

    3.What do you know about Sweden? (If you are Swedish, What do you know about USA)


  6. 1. It seems like we’ve hit a stand still without much success in our recent games. Any idea what could’ve been the cause of this?

    I'm not sure, one thing is for sure and we need more goals. I'm just not sure how 😕


    2. How does your player deal with adversity?

    Booze and hard training, Often combined.


    3. What’s something unique about your player on the ice?

    hes stride, Not a bad skater but has a very clunky style.


    4. How does your player handle situations of pressure?

    Keeps the world out, Listen to music and walks if he can.


    5. What is a sport that doesn’t get enough love?

    Hockey, Living in Sweden the game of hockey is pretty big. But sadly due to time differences most swedes don't follow the more action-packed  NHL-hockey.


    6. Favourite soft drink?

    VItamin-Drink(Citrus-Elderflower) or Julmust

  7. 1. We’ve been winning games left and right, what has contributed most to our success?

    Secondary Scoring, It feels like Otis'jr and a few others really have warmed up. and our goaltending has felt fantastic lately


    2. The Western Conference will be a tough and bloody battle against all 5 teams. Which team is the weakest link and miss out in the playoffs?

    I think vegas will be the odd team out, Not because they are bud but as you said its a though well balanced conference this year.


    3. More than a quarter of the season has finished. Are you satisfied with your players stats?

    Not really, While the points is better than i would imagine my hits and blocked shots are not where i want them to be.


    4. Who is the goat of modern day hockey?

    Hate to say it but McDavid, He's just on another level than anyone else. I think you could argue that he is better than Gretzky.


    5. What does your daily routine look like to get ready for game day?

    lots of rest and music. Eat a lot of pasta.


    6. With all the hype around the NHL playoffs, which teams do you think will faceoff in the Stanley Cup Finals?

    Since Canucks have been a tirefire this year ive kinda slacked of NHL this year. But maybe Colorado - Carolina 

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