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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Don't fuckin go soft and ruin my fun panty waist. jk
  2. Yeah at least I PMed him back instead of waiting until he made a thread and then did it so I didn't look like a putz.
  3. TBH Chris I like to bug Kendrick, I like acting like an asshat sometimes as well. I know how I come off on this site and it doesn't bother me the slightest. I'm confident in who I am as a person in real life and people can hate me or love me here and it literally won't make a lick of difference to me. Creating drama and bullshit is something this league needs, it's so dry sometimes, "Rule 57-3 article 29 .7 of blah blah blah rule is being change to allow jimmy to have one extra TPE every 4th sunday", who gives a shit? I guess some do but for me it's too much like running a real team with all the junk, it has taken the simple sim league fun out of it. I on the other hand can just make my own fun, lol.
  4. First you guys beg for some drama, now you want bans over drama. bipolar much?
  5. 2 cups as well, should probably be in the HOF by now.
  6. Yeah I'll pull 650 TPE in two seasons and then bolt, good enough.
  7. "I am not allowed to give a reputation point to this user" WTF?
  8. they PM you and say "Hey I have 10th pick and you are a top 5 draftee, please waste your time filling out this questionaire."
  9. Yeah I came here and bugged you a bit and you got all butthurt and started claiming I was mad. You are the one with a teenage grudge and proved it with your shit as soon as you found out who I was your attitude completely changed. You have your little passive aggressive bullshit to try and turn things around on others who make any little comment against you or bug you a bit. It doesn't bother me at all, I laugh at your bullshit because I know you are a little turd pretending to be some big shot on an internet hockey league.
  10. More than two people have left this league because of you sunshine.
  11. I am making some sigs after work. I'll make you one.
  12. Maybe in a season and a half I'll create my second player as Mr.Grumpy Bear and refuse to play for anyone but Seattle and bitch about it the whole time.
  13. This guy..... I hope. Please don't make me go to Seattle or Davos. lol
  14. Bushito

    The New VHLM

    If I have any say in it Oslo will be in Edmonton after next season
  15. I'm off work in half an hour, PM me any ideas you have
  16. Next season my friend, I need time to get a logo together and all that good stuff
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