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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Us scoring on you has nothing to do with your dick intake
  2. I'll be doing lines tonight finally, it's been a rough couple days at work but I'll set things up better tonight
  3. User Name: Bushito Cup Winner: EASTERN CONFERENCE (M1) Washington vs (W2) Toronto Winner: # of Games: 6 (M2) Pittsburgh vs (M3) Columbus Winner: # of Games: 6 (A1) Montreal vs (W1) New York Rangers Winner: # of Games: 6 (A2) Ottawa vs (A3) Boston Winner: # of Games: 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE (C1) Chicago vs (W2) Nashville Winner: # of Games: 6 (C2) Minnesota vs (C3) St. Louis Winner: # of Games: 6 (P1) Anaheim vs (W1) Calgary Winner: # of Games: 6 (P2) Edmonton vs (P3) San Jose Winner: # of Games: 6
  4. Street you're good shit and always have been. You're one of the few guys I can honestly say I respect a lot on this site. You've done good things for the VHL and sim leagues in general. I'm glad you can be open and honest and talk about the things that bother you. It took me a really long time to figure out my life and find the right people to talk to. If you ever want to talk about anything I'd be more than happy to lend an ear or anything you need really. I'm glad you are sticking around here in some capacity and I hope you know how sorely the league and its members would miss your presence if you did leave. Ultimately you need to do what is best for yourself and any decision you do make I'm sure everyone here would support that.
  5. S54 sent, I'll take a double double
  6. 1. J. Locke (QUE) 2. Over 3. Over 4. Over
  7. Alright bud it's to to unite on Oslo so we offer $1,000,000
  8. I'll post for you they must have missed you
  9. Woooo welcome back....... to Oslo with you.
  10. That's my boys right there making me proud.
  11. I honestly don't mean to come off like it's any fault of the two new VHLM commishs. You guys had this put on your plate and had to deal with the aftermath which I doubt is easy. The two of you are doing fine and I don't mean to project my frustrations onto either one of you.
  12. My advise would be to post that as a point task, very nice work dude.
  13. It's very nice and has cool features but it's back to black for me.
  14. This is the only season you will see an active UFA in the VHLM likely during your tender so a rule was just made to appease the most stacked team in VHLM history to get them another player they didn't need.
  15. Woooooo thanks brotha. I'll do my best to mouth off all the competition.
  16. I'm sure I will As well. I've been on plenty of teams here and never had a problem fitting in with them yet. Maybe I didn't stay long enough.
  17. See this is exactly how you come of to me. "You're a middle aged loser, try and be a better person." Shit like that just rubs me the wrong way. You talk like you know me in real life. I have mentored hundreds of apprentices and feel I'm pretty well respected by my peers, family, friends. Do I act like a jackass online, yeah I do and I don't really care how I come off, I just speak my mind as I see fit.
  18. Kyle is the only person I was mad at. It would have been nice to get a heads up like "Boubabi wants to change the sticks on the logo and touch it up a bit." You think I would have said no? It's boubabi for fuck sakes I would have been more than happy.
  19. I would have had no problems if someone would have contacted me or asked me if they could colab. But coming on and seeing this and you mouthing off my work, yeah it left a sour taste in my mouth. Then you go on saying my work was ripped off so you guys can take mine and do what you will with it. Well you know me. How did you think I would react to this? I don't have contradictory stances on anything, I don't want my work involved because you pissed me off not because @boubabi changed it, he did a great job. On a side note, if you think your respect is something I covet you might be the one on drugs. I wouldn't have an ounce of respect for someone that pisses on me when I try to do something helpful.
  20. I'm not threatening anything besides being a cunt until I get banned like I said. Like I said I would have been happy to colab but I'm not much for letting someone piss in my face and that's exactly what this bullshit topic was.
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