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Everything posted by AwfulHomesick

  1. I'm a goalie prospect on a team with a starter already there. The point has already been made that if I go up to the VHL I'll be missing out on some valuable TPE I won't receive if I get forced up.
  2. I guess you can get a general sense why I could be mad. But I'm happy because I'm going to a journalism convention-type of thing in NYC. A lot of interesting panels.
  3. Do you think seeing Brookside with 100-something TPE when I first joined stopped me from wanting to be the best goalie in the M last season? Did Lars Strummer, a player who had a big lead on me at the start of the season keep me from doing PT's? No. It only made me work harder to be behind Slaughter and Fjorsstrom in just the two months I had to build on my player. If the member is intimidated by my player, then it should motivate them to work harder.
  4. No matter which way you put it, because I'm a goalie, there's no way in hell I'd like to move up to the VHL. I'm not screwing Bushito out of a starting netminder. Hell, some of the points given to me were graders pay and a podcast. A podcast I was actually extremely proud of. It was the best one I've put out yet. A job I have after only being a member here for another that I applied for, and one that I don't take for granted because I give back to the league. If you really want to take the points I worked my ass off for, then by all means. This will only demotivate me and any other unfortunate soul who has to go through this. 20 TPE may be nothing to you guys but to me it's a lot considering the amount of TPE my first and only player had. If you want to take away those points from me, then go ahead. I'm done trying to prove to you guys that the league can actually be blamed for something but it just seems like they can't accept that they messed up by not enforcing the rule. Next time this happens, you guys better hope that it happens to a shitty member because i put a lot of work into my player until now. This only leaves a terrible sour taste in my mouth with the league and the simple "we ignored the other instances, oops!" isn't a valid argument either. But why listen to what I've been saying repeatedly right? If I don't say it enough times it definitely doesn't mean anything.
  5. Then it isn't really fair if you and I get disciplinary action while the other players, assuming they're all from active members, continue to play. Penalize the member's player of the TPE to make it truly fair.
  6. I think that point of view is skewed because in the sim, Player A is still at 170 until he gets that next update later in the month. Right now, Olynick is still at 173 TPE and games have started.
  7. Just for argument's sake, I'd really like to see a list of names of the players who got away with it and got a slap on the wrist.
  8. Not sure how you're seeing my posts, but this is why I'm taking this personally. Because other guys got away with it, and simply ignoring it is a terrible decision on the league's part. Didn't solve anything.
  9. Right, so I should store them until the end of the season like how it was already agreed to and I should continue to gain points as the season goes on? That's been established a while ago.
  10. Apparently I do have to claim the points because what everyone is saying is that even before I posted the points on my updates page, I was over 175.
  11. Points that I, and I'm reiterating this, automatically earned from end-of-the-year grade pay, and the Award Predictions. Those points would've put me over regardless whether or not I had the rest of the 18 TPE.
  12. The fact they didn't belong to a VHL is such a fucked and unfair advantage in favor of recreates.
  13. Because there's guys last season who dominated last season, (i.e.- Slaughter, Fjorsstrom, Brookside) who may or may not have had 175 TPE before the season, and because of that they were able to keep adding TPE to their player in the sim and tear the league apart. Why is my player being capped at 175 when there's forwards with a much smaller margin behind me than they did with those other 3? It only makes playing the rest of the season even harder for Olynick while the skaters get better and faster. So because Slaughter/Fjorsstrom/Brookside were able to keep their TPE under 175 before Game 1, they were handed the leeway to go up to 300+ TPE by the end of the season? I would love for anyone to tell me why that was okay to do last season but delaying the addition of points to stay in the minors is a crime.
  14. I'm ready to forfeit the points if everyone will just let this be and we can all just realize how broken and ass backwards the enforcement of this rule is. God forbid someone comes along and wants his goalie to be...what, good? I'm sorry for my attitude but this has been on my ass all day and I just want it to end. i was kidding about forfeiting the points.
  15. I'd rather not screw over my minor team that has a shot at a cup
  16. So what the hell happens to me? Am I getting sent to the gulag for overachieving?
  17. No update was made while I was over the precious 175 cap after the season and I spoke to Victor about it. Just like Moholot's situation, I'll be getting those points at the end of season. That looks to be the precedent here. EDIT: After the season started*
  18. So what about the points I was automatically awarded at the end of the season like Award Predictions and FIGA ratings? Those also put me over 175. It's not like I could've denied them, I earned them for stuff I did when I first joined.
  19. If you can, you should really try to get those points back. It's a damn shame that you had to forfeit them. I was promised to have them added at the end of the season, and I'm getting a PM from Victor (hopefully) to prove it to the updater at the end of the season.
  20. *creeps silently in the background*
  21. I spoke to Victor, and he admitted that the TPE cap rule is poorly placed on the site, currently in the VHL(M) Rulebook under "Announcements", which honestly, I had never heard of or seen until today. I suggested he add the rule to the updating subforum for all incoming players in the future.
  22. That German transposition went so much better than I expected. 4 out of 5 star German accent not actually Hitler
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