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Everything posted by AwfulHomesick

  1. I need a show of hands of people who plan to chip in for pizza for the draft party.
  2. Content: 3/3 - Good update on Linholm. It was great playing with you on the Royals and I'm sure you'll be a great service to any team that takes you. An offseason does good things for a prospect as they have the chance to sit back and watch their careers finally take shape. Enjoy it. Grammar: 2/2 - hark - hard prospects - prospect's Appearance: 1/1 - All good! Overall: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  3. Content: 3/3 - Humorous and creative media spot that definitely provided some laughs while reading. I don't play LoL myself but I'm glad it was used for a good cause for the giraffes. Had no idea Latvia had giraffes. Grammar: 2/2 - Nothing found! Appearance: 1/1 - Interesting pictures! Overall: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  4. Perhaps you'd like to have a draftee on the show? You have my Skype info, brother.
  5. Can we get an update on the draft picks?
  6. At least one team was able to seal the deal.
  7. Yukon and Davos are definitely working together.
  8. Olynick Stumbles But Marches On 26.2.2014 BERN, Switzerland After a very promising first professional season for Blaine Olynick, the heavy weight of failure and letting down his fans rained upon him after the heartbreaking 3-2 overtime loss against the Watchmen. Thus, eliminating the young Royals team from going to the VHLM Finals. Not quite used to the burden of defeat at such a magnitude quite yet, Olynick saw himself in the dark for a bit after that loss. Immediately after the loss he wasn't available to the media nor was open to scheduling interviews in the coming days. So what became of Blaine Olynick after that loss? "I took the first plane to Toronto that night," said Blaine. "After playing a 72+ game season, I went a long time without seeing my family for the first time in my career. I think all hype surrounding me through the past few months got to my head when I wasn't able to win it all. It sounds selfish but it's true, I couldn't sleep when I was home and I spent a few days just at home with my family trying to get things back in order." For any rookie, this problem could be quite common as young players learn to adapt to the grueling schedule of a 72 game season. But does a highly-touted goaltender like Olynick have the leeway to behave in such a manner at a professional level? This could mean the very beginning to a career shadowed by a downward spiral if he doesn't live up to expectations. Since childhood, winning has been implanted into Olynick's head as an element to be a supreme athlete. Recovering after a nasty injury and being ineligible to enter the NHL Entry Draft, he was lucky to fall into the VHL's lap. This may also be a learning season for Blaine. With the VHL Entry Draft on the horizon, he has the opportunity to be surrounded by positive energy and praise from his draftees and fans of his future team. With the draft lottery being completed and the top four picks already in place, his draft ranking has definitely taken a hit, but not because of his performance ability, but because of simple team structure and the draft position of teams where he is needed in places more than others. "It definitely stings a little, knowing you probably won't go as high as you were touted all year long, but I keep telling myself that no matter where I end up, all of us draftees start off with a clean slate. The second after the draft ends, we all have the next few years to determine who should've gone higher or lower, and that's my mindset going to this draft," said Olynick. Blaine credits his Bern teammates for the great season he's had and despite many of them leaving next season as they enter the next VHLM Dispersal Draft, he'll continue to keep contact with the first professional teammates he's ever had. "Guys like World Peace, Linholm, Sauve, Barrett, and Stormborn all really have made the transition from junior to pros much easier, as they are also going through the same experience. We've clicked since the day one and I know they'll have great careers in the VHL," said Blaine. It may have been a tough ending, but in reality this is only the beginning.
  10. I highly doubt Hogan is in any fighting condition. I see him doing special enforcer stuff or take a stand against Triple H in the COO position. If he inserts himself in any major storyline though, I'll be pissed.
  11. To any other wrestling folk based in Toronto or NYC: http://www.wrestleenigma.com/roh-news-ring-of-honor-announces-joint-shows-with-new-japan-pro-wrestling-at-honorcon
  12. Game 1: Davos Game 2: Toronto Game 4: Toronto Predict the score, Correctly predict the score and winner for 3 TPE Game 3 Davos 2 Toronto 1 Lindberg Landry Jones
  13. Would do wonders for a grader you could edit the yellow text. Brutally painful on the eyes
  14. For some reason I assumed this one-two punch you guys had would be very effective, and I wasn't wrong! I'm sure you have plenty of teams keeping an eye on you this draft.
  15. Go get that cup, Brats. Its had your name on it all year.
  16. This looks to be one hell of a series.
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