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Everything posted by AwfulHomesick

  1. Brookside being left hung out to dry.
  2. love me some Say Anything. Saw them live a few years ago. Possibly the best show I've gone too so far.
  3. I thought it would've been nice to have an active offensive force on the tea rather than have a dominant first line of ghosts. But, eh, what can you do.
  4. What constitutes a member as "average"?
  5. 1. Express , Malcom Spud 1 (Jamie Shetler, Blaine Olynick) at 7:20 (PP) 3. Express , Jamie Shetler 1 (Mikhail Mikhailovich, Blaine Olynick) at 1:09 (PP) Powerplay specialist over here.
  6. I see your argument of the Oxford comma. My own personal opinion of why it should be used twice in a sentence like that because when I read "Next week will feature Manitoba, Nova Scotia and Alberta." as if NS and Alberta were being spoken to, which is just incorrect overall. I remember being taught to use it once in grammar school and I never listened, no matter how many points I got deducted. Down with the system.
  7. Made a move on a girl he knew I've had a thing for for the longest time. I told him off afterwards. Never felt better to scream in someone's face like that.
  8. The Oslo Storm select right winger Jack Griffith.
  9. Doubtful he loses a full mark, unless the next grader finds several more errors in it, which I doubt.
  10. Strange, I always spelled them both without the hyphen. Never really saw them without it.
  11. The Oslo Storm select defenseman Spud Murphy.
  12. I'd hate to see the site alternate between red and blue for the next few seasons.
  13. Content: 5/5 - I disagree with Svoboda here. The rookie profile is supposed to talk about your player's strengths and weaknesses. The rubric states that no life story is needed to fulfill the content portion. Grammar: 1/1 - Svoboda's caught them all. Appearance: 1/1 - Looks very nice. Over 500 Words?: 1/1 - Overall: 8/8 Final: 8/8
  14. Content: 3/3 - Great story. We all had fun that day and I'm sure all the first gen players will definitely have the S37 draft as a constant memory in their head when they're all well into their VHL careers. Best of luck to you. Grammar: 2/2 - Nothing found. Appearance: 1/1 - Overall: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  15. Content: 3/3 - Liking the idea of the series. Grammar: 1.75/2 - Using the hyphen way too much in words that don't really need it. Province - province 35, 591 - 35,591 off-season - off season out-score - outscore all-around - all around less and less rarer - less and less rare stopping ground - stomping ground Nova Scotia and Alberta. - Nova Scotia, and Alberta. Appearance: 1/1 - Looks good. Overall: 5.75/6
  16. Content: 3/3 - Boychuk had a great season last year with KJA by his side. With the two of you greatly improving on the Lynx, I think they're a real contender this year. Good luck to you in the VHL! Grammar: 2/2 - Not much! Good job. nerve-racking - nerve wracking Appearance: 1/1 - Very nice. Overall: 6/6 Final: 6/6
  17. Content: 3/3 - Ethan Osbourne surely had a positive effect on the people he played with. You show how much Osbourne meant to Taylor in a great way. He'll be sorely missed on VHL ice. Grammar: 1.75/2 - Svoboda's got them all. Appearance: 1/1 - Very nice. Overall: 5.75/6 Final: 6/6
  18. Anyone know how to convert FLAC audio files to mp3? For my completely legal album downloads.
  19. Nearly all of them were from the European Conf. last season.
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