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Everything posted by AwfulHomesick

  1. Fucking fuck fuckity fucking fucks fucking
  2. After looking at both my insufficient amount of money on my card and the prices on Stubhub for the Stadium Series game to my friend waking me up with a phone call saying "Wake up asshole, we're going to the game today" and I jumped out of bed. The game didn't quite go as I had hoped. But I wouldn't trade the experience for the world.
  3. "Riga Reign" phew, dodged a bullet there.
  4. I saw this post when I was with friends and I tried so hard to hold back my laughter.
  5. Do. It. Won't have enough for 30 but it'd be cool. But basically we'd have about a shortlist of 5 guys who could possibly win the rumble.
  6. Is that recommended when I have a player in the minors?
  7. I think I've played enough of the EA NHL series Be A GM mode and Eastside Hockey Manager to know where my managerial skills lie. It may be too early in my career to declare my desire for the job, but I'd just like to throw my name into the hat.
  8. Despite the points the inactives are putting up, I believe the new guys (Linholm) should be getting more minutes.
  9. Holy hell, I actually was freaked out Jericho was able to guess Ryder. Good listen nonetheless boys. Already thanked Chris for shitting on my media spot.
  10. Just a little halfway over the both the VHL and VHLM seasons, all teams in their respective league are looking at where they are in the standings and weighing their options. Do they sit back and watch the playoffs come with ease, do they execute trades to make or break the team, or do they prepare their own draft rankings to start building for the future? In a quick sudden shake up of things, Skylar Rift had hung up his skates. Quebec, a well built oiled machine, just saw a cog fall out. Some VHL analysts see the Meute management taking an already starting goaltender in order to compete for next season. Regardless, this leaves an empty starting goaltender spot somewhere. Blaine Olynick, the starting goaltender for the VHLM's Bern Royals, takes the loss of Rift as a lost opportunity to one day see him on the other side of the ice during a VHL game. But in bittersweet fashion, Olynick sees this as an opportunity to see his first VHL game sooner than later, perhaps. "I know I'll have to work twice as hard now, getting my practice hours progression rate at a much higher rate. The VHL GM that will draft me probably won't throw me to the wolves if he thinks I'm not ready, and I wouldn't blame him. When the time comes, I'll know if I'm ready or not. Until then, my main focus is on the Bern Royals and winning games", says Blaine.
  11. I didn't get to watch much of the game, but I heard our win was pretty ugly. A typical Devils game. Not sure if we would've taken that game if Ovy was dressed up.
  12. Welp. On the next plane to...
  13. Is it possible to apply for someone who currently isn't online? I talk to d3vilsfire quite a bit and he always asks me about grader openings. He's driven and wants to play a bigger role in the league, so you should hire him.
  14. JOCHEN WALSER. I knew you were a guy from around my time. I had the embarrassing username of "Brodeur2007" and my player's name was Alex Staal, if that rings any bells. I'm glad to see more guys from the beginning are coming back!
  15. Your name sounds very familiar to me. What was your player(s) called?
  16. The second and last installment of the VHL-WWE Counterparts series is finally here. I procrastinated on this given that fact that I was snowed in most of these last few days. Watching the most wrestling I have the past few days than I probably ever have in the past I thought it'd be a good motivator to finally get this going. I was wrong. But school's back and I'm into a semi-productive mood. If you missed the first part or would like to recap, here's the link: http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/4076-vhl-wwe-counterparts-part-1/#entry30357 Now it's time for the European Conference. HC Davos Dynamo: 30-7-1: 61 pts What seems to be the big story out of Davos is the offensive production of Davy Jones. He was always a player held in high regard but he was a few seasons away from becoming an imposing threat. Being taken 4th overall in the S34 Draft by Cologne, it seems as if Cologne had given up on Jones prematurely and shipped him off to Davos where things began to click. Being supported by Odin Tordahl and Sergey Brovalenko, it was the final piece of the puzzle for Davos to actually reach a few steps higher than they probably should've never had reached if it wasn't for Davey Jones. Lennox Moher is putting up pretty spectacular numbers, with a 25-7-1 record, leading the league in wins. The team that nobody thought would be as big as they thought they were, became the team. They're sitting pretty with the most points in all the VHL, so it looks to be their year to shoot into stardom. WWE Counterpart: Daniel Bryan Riga Reign: 9-28-1: 19 pts The Riga Reign have had a nice reign of their own, but it seems as of S35 they have fallen back down to Earth, and crashing pretty hard. Their roster doesn't look to be bad on paper, with two Gow representatives, Brennan McQueen and Damon Tyrael carrying all the deadweight, there seems to be a shift in culture in Riga right now. With all the right core pieces in tact, it seems to be up to not just the GM to lead this team into a winning season again, but to the players to continue training and improving their play. Meanwhile, GM Szatkowski should be making phone calls getting all the right pieces and maybe things will click just like they have with Davos. Szatkowski Jr. looks to be a traffic cone in net and right now it may be make or break for the younger Szatkowski in these next few seasons. For the Riga Reign, it all seems to be a matter of hard work in order to get them over this hurdle. With the right kinks, they could see themselves as real contenders for the cup once again. WWE Counterpart: Zack Ryder Helsinki Titans: 26-10-2: 54 pts Wonder boy Ethan Osbourne has taken his spot as the VHL top point scorer, and he seems to be a one man machine. With Anatoli Zhumbayev acting in the supporting role with Willie Weber not far behind, the Helsinki Titans have no concerns over offensive talent. But perhaps they can't rely on Osbourne forever, and the team could use more supporting acts to be the number one team in the European Conference. Naomi Young looks to be doing fairly well, even if she's sitting as Helsinki's number two center behind Osbourne. Thomas Tukio is putting in his share of great play as well. This season he's inserted himself in the race for an Aiden Shaw Trophy with the likes of Rift, LeBeau, and Moher. The team has all the tools to go far, but the real question is how far can they go this season with just Ethan Osbourne leading the way? WWE Counterpart: The Wyatt Family Cologne Express: 13-19-6: 32 pts The Cologne Express are an interesting case for me, and I won't lie when I say this was a bit tough for me. Their current standings spot leaves them in the dust in terms of a playoff opportunity. Sitting 14 points behind Vasteras, Cologne's front office should be looking towards next season on how to improve themselves. Compared to last season's finish, this season can be considered a disappointment. But don't count them out for sure. Their current season could be thrown away but they sit in a spot where they have their foot in the door and they could push their way into a playoff race next season. During this slow decline, Kameron Taylor still shows he's capable of producing no matter what environment he's in. Chekov is trying to hold his own but with the competent defense in front of him, who knows what the solution could be. So overall it seems as if Cologne is depicted (on paper at least) as this dangerous force to the rest of the VHL when in reality they aren't near that level just yet. WWE Counterpart: Wade Barrett Vasteras Iron Eagles: 21-13-4: 46 pts Historically speaking, Vasteras may be the team that has been plagued with Cup-less seasons after another. Their last Continental Cup was way back in S26, and before that it was the inaugural season. Since then, it seems as if things haven't been going according to plan. Consistency is the main key that Vasteras could use a dose of to turn this curse around. But this season they have silenced their long standing critics by nearly safely securing a playoff spot for the post season. The only thing that could be stopping them is a sudden decline of the play of Eggly Bagelface, who could be deemed the savior of the team and a hero in Vasteras. The rest of the team aren't putting any shocking number, with Willem Janssen leading the way. The team seems to be an island of misfit toys where they are somehow getting the job done. Their X factor is Bagelface that is the factor of them getting wins. The rest of the team has banded together to play the rest of the season as true underdogs. It may seem that they could put up a good fight in the playoffs if there are changes made in the roster or in their determination. Could be a modern day Cinderella story. This was also a very hard decision, and I had to dig a little farther back to find a fit. WWF/E Counterpart: Crash Holly This very well may be the most time consuming media spot I'll ever do in my entire career. I appreciate everyone who took the time to read this, wrestling fan or not. Regardless, it was something I loved doing, combining my love of wrestling and the VHL. Thanks for reading!
  17. #shotsfired at us noobs This means war Mr. Kendrick
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