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Status Updates posted by Kendrick

  1. Day 4 has a strange clue.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BOOM


      Really? People are finding that clue difficult?

    3. Megster


      I'm not a smart person BOOM

    4. BOOM


      Fair enough.

  2. Penguins suck.

  3. Didn't want to be part of a full out rebuild that would take 3-4 seasons to come out of, so I got traded away. The GM though is taking order from a guy who has never won a VHL Championship as a GM. Cologne ladies and gentlemen, FA's beware!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Kendrick


      Usually I'd go along my way and wish a team farewell, but that was painful to see.

    3. Gudnason


      @Bushitroll I'm sending them back down after first sim since the rules state that they would still count towards the VHL cap. Only doing it to make cap floor.

    4. Da Trifecta

      Da Trifecta

      I already cleared that up with him @punkhippie. Other GM('s).

  4. LW: Kelly - C: Taylor - RW: Kohler


    D:Braun - D: Schwarz

    D: Kendrick - D: Richardson


    G1: Kjeldsen

    G2: King

    1. TheLastOlympian07


      if i were to rank you players imo:


      1.Mason Richardson

      2. Tyson Kohler

      3. Kameron Taylor

      4. Torsten Schwarz

      5. Joey Kendrick

      6. Kasey Braun

      7. Malcolm Kelly 

    2. Kendrick


      I actually have a different ranking for you:


      1. Taylor

      2. Kohler

      3. Richardson

      4. Kjeldsen

      5. Schwarz

      6. Kendrick

      7. Braun

      8. King

      9. Kelly

    3. STZ


      This is actually really cool.. Would be neat to have a member tourny.. 


      You would have some depth lol

  5. He's Triggered!

  6. My dog legitimately has a cold. He is sneezing and popping Tylenol PM's.

    1. Higgins


      I'm not your dog, bro.

    2. Kendrick


      I know you aren't, otherwise you'd be in a cage.

  7. The Snow on the VHL Homepage is another reason why we are hands down the best sim league out there. #Snowmageddon

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Smarch


      i broke all the lights and they came back on the next page, what is this wizard shit

    3. Will


      It's me in bulb form. You can never get rid of me Smarch!!!!!!

    4. Kendrick


      I have finally have bulbs to go with this Lousy @Smarch weather

  8. One month a year I troll/pester @Mr. Power and @Advantage. Let the Surge Commence!

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