Okay as you can see by my other responses I understood this deal was good now, bit was the future I was questioning. The part in the rule book that says "GM Rule" is the part I was wondering about and a part I didn't see until now (because of the addition I was used to seeing that in there).
What my concern/question was is this:
If a GM's first player (John Wilson) was acquired with the GM Rule and before his 7th season he is traded from Team A to Team B, then in that same off-season would he be able to transfer that title to Mike Smith (his 2nd Player acquired through the draft by Team A)? Then 5-6 seasons down the line he creates another player (Roger Williams) after Wilson had retired, transfer the title to Williams and trade Smith away? Basically meaning he never really has to go out an acquire any of his players. Am I lost in my own thinking?