I want to stop and just pause and point out some of the major things going on in the league in regards to our future and it's outlook. Reddit this time around was planned and the time that we posted on their website was a huge reason we are seeing dividends. That being said, we can't be complacent with what has turned out so far from that avenue. We have to strive to get more and if it takes 1 TPE to get people to do something so be it, but there are several different ways we can go from here. I urge everyone who already has (or can spare 2 minutes on signup steps) for Twitter to go follow Official_VHL. It isn't for my personal gain, so by doing so you are not really help Kendrick per say. You are however helping the VHL collect followers and buzz on Twitter. The nice thing about Twitter is that we can get engaged audiences and with enough talk and discussion through tweets, people do check our url out. If you can't spare the 2 minutes to log in or register just to give us a quick follow or retweet, we understand. However, if you can't do that you somewhat give up your right to complain about recruiting and how dry this league can be at times. We all need to take the steps to ensure this place is thriving even more than it is now and helping those who do find their way to our site. General Managers have more pressure because if you want to see league parity, this is where that parity begins; in Recruitment. Thanks!