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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Yeah big win!
  2. Semi-orgasm.
  3. Robbie never makes any engaging media articles...
  4. Shut it Denise, go curl your hair and get ready for school!
  5. Grinding it out like the gears!
  6. For the record Robbie, once you reach 175 TPE regardless of if you want to bank it or not before the season, you get bounced up to the VHL.
  7. Said many times that I am willing to sit a whole season just so I don't have to play for certain teams. I hope a team "takes a flyer" on me and I make them waste a pick. BUT! Keep in mind I have 3 teams that I am willing to play for in Europe and I know at least one of them is very interested in me. I doubt I slip to the second round since I am the second best player in the draft, and best forward in the draft. One of those 3 teams will pick me in the 1st round, since as of right now I will sign any deal with them. "Takes a flyer" implies that it is a late pick or one that doesn't matter in this case. So technically they wouldn't be wasting a pick considering the draft doesn't even have two rounds worth of prospects. But yeah if someone is interested, they are interested early. Well aware what it means, but I am a "flyer" in the first round for 7 out of 10 teams. Because if any of those 7 teams pick me it will be next to impossible to sign me. I am clearly 1st round talent, hell obviously even top two talent. But I am a "flyer" for them because they pick me since I am the best available but risk picking me for nothing That's kind of what I just said haha Eh... not really. You kinda danced around it. You said a flyer is a late pick or one that does not matter. But I went further by saying I am a "Flyer" even at 2nd overall technically if that team picking at 2nd overall is one of the teams I refuse to sign with/play for. For the most part you never take "flyers" that early Yes but what I'm saying is that if a 2nd overall team is one you don't want to go too, they may avoid you altogether and who knows you may drop a bit. Then some other team you hate comes along later and takes a "flyer" on you. A flyer and risk could be considered two different things.
  8. Look at the guys name, can you really blame him for being fucked up?
  9. Said many times that I am willing to sit a whole season just so I don't have to play for certain teams. I hope a team "takes a flyer" on me and I make them waste a pick. BUT! Keep in mind I have 3 teams that I am willing to play for in Europe and I know at least one of them is very interested in me. I doubt I slip to the second round since I am the second best player in the draft, and best forward in the draft. One of those 3 teams will pick me in the 1st round, since as of right now I will sign any deal with them. "Takes a flyer" implies that it is a late pick or one that doesn't matter in this case. So technically they wouldn't be wasting a pick considering the draft doesn't even have two rounds worth of prospects. But yeah if someone is interested, they are interested early. Well aware what it means, but I am a "flyer" in the first round for 7 out of 10 teams. Because if any of those 7 teams pick me it will be next to impossible to sign me. I am clearly 1st round talent, hell obviously even top two talent. But I am a "flyer" for them because they pick me since I am the best available but risk picking me for nothing That's kind of what I just said haha
  10. Said many times that I am willing to sit a whole season just so I don't have to play for certain teams. I hope a team "takes a flyer" on me and I make them waste a pick. BUT! Keep in mind I have 3 teams that I am willing to play for in Europe and I know at least one of them is very interested in me. I doubt I slip to the second round since I am the second best player in the draft, and best forward in the draft. One of those 3 teams will pick me in the 1st round, since as of right now I will sign any deal with them. "Takes a flyer" implies that it is a late pick or one that doesn't matter in this case. So technically they wouldn't be wasting a pick considering the draft doesn't even have two rounds worth of prospects. But yeah if someone is interested, they are interested early.
  11. The amount of fucks I give is incredibly low, maybe in the negatives haha
  12. While I agree with you, I don't think it really matters now that Facebook has been taken over by an older generation that post to it far more than the younger one does. Being someone in the middle generation, I find myself rarely using FB for anything other than joint message conversations to set up plans and such now. Hell even then I started using Slack instead. But "the kids" as it were have moved on to so much else now. You are so old Denise!
  13. But at the same time this can dig your own grave as well. You won't go undrafted as a team would take a flyer on you in the second round. Even if you didn't sign, you'd have to sit out a year (not even VHLM) per rules.
  14. Well this draft adds one more player to it's total as we near the trade deadline and hopefully he isn't the lats to join the shuffle! This week we saw some movement as well as some progression from some of our young draft hopefuls. We are nearing the two round mark, which is a bonus for General Managers who once saw this draft as one round only a few weeks ago. Luckily some new bodies have been added and the crop looks to be in better shape. We'd still love for more prospects so if you are reading this go recruit a buddy, on a forum or on a community post on Facebook or Craigslist! This week we saw another monster week from Felipe Rodriguez who is quickly turning more heads than fans at a formula one race track. Rodriguez was our top earner this week, but surprisingly that didn't bump him up any spots in the rankings as the title of top mover goes elsewhere. Vincent Adultman had a slow week, but did benefit from his closest competition failing to show up to practice at all. David Hamilton had a solid week by floating up to the third spot on the rankings. Newcomer Kendrick Cole came in and bounced his way into the first round conversation right away. All this talk and movement allows for great reactions though, so why not pull our favourite tweets and status' from social media!
  15. Claimed
  16. FINAL - One grade in 7 days is enough. 6 TPE
  17. 3-2 Davos
  18. ReignWranglersTitansMeute
  19. The NFC East sucks so bad that it really still is a realistic outcome at this point. I mean, I can't even get excited about it because this team is so bad, but it's not just wishful thinking.. No but Washington has been playing a more complete game than the Eagles. Even the Giants have been. Are those projected final records from before the year? Or now with the remaining schedules? remaining schedules Hmm.. interesting because even then I go with momentum. I hope the Eagles don't make it because I hate seeing the NFC East every damn time I turn the TV on so I just hope no NFC East team makes it, even though its not possible.
  20. The NFC East sucks so bad that it really still is a realistic outcome at this point. I mean, I can't even get excited about it because this team is so bad, but it's not just wishful thinking.. No but Washington has been playing a more complete game than the Eagles. Even the Giants have been. Are those projected final records from before the year? Or now with the remaining schedules?
  21. Well that's not nice!
  22. Haha Philly make the playoffs, yeah good one
  23. Good to see Elias at it again!
  24. Rigged more than the Jets winning the Super Bowl with Namath!
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