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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Claimed
  2. No everyone doesn't have the time you have haha
  3. But they are still in the feel out process. Markstrom had time and then got sent down, when he came back up (after being amazing in Utica) he still was crap. He buckles under the NHL pressure.
  4. It doesn't matter what he does, he won't be an NHL starter. Guy has played 50 games in the NHL and has a close to 3.00 GAA average. He is not going to be good. His five hole is as open as a 7 Eleven (hint: 24/7). Edit: Not to mention a .900%
  5. Yes replace this season, because you have to gun for a playoff spot....yawn. Who cares how they do, progress for the future.
  6. #getwrekt
  7. See I can agree there. In regards to what each brings to the squad, they are useless. Vey seems like a blackhole for offence. Sbisa looks as lost as someone can look and I don't know Prust enough to comment on.
  8. But Lack isn't there, so have to make due with what's left. Youth, youth and youth!
  9. Because they figured if he was good enough to start for Bayern, he was good enough for them.
  10. Much not as good as your racist ass.
  11. Even his humour is horrible haha
  12. I never said he good, I straight up said it's preseason and you are freaking out like they just lost the stanley cup. So fickle.
  13. Boubabi is still sour someone said something negatives about the Habs. Watch out, get the tissues!
  14. It's the fucking preseason, calm down. You sound like a Grade 8 female explaining to her girlfriends that her "boyfriend" hasn't even held her hand yet. P.S. Yes thats exactly what I meant...yawn.
  15. No game is worth that much honestly. Video games come down in price, especially when the holidays approach. There is no rush to buy them, especially considering nHL has recycled the same garbage for the last 5-6 years.
  16. And this ladies and gentleman is why the Vancouver Fanbase scares potential free agents away, they are far too critical. Sandro, you have been on the guys case ever since he got here. Sure hate the deal and think it's not true value, but it's not Sutter's fault. Don't paint a rabbit as a wolf and expect it to hunt deer.
  17. ...and that will do it boys!
  18. Love raiding Stockholm.
  19. Why? I never said I hated Bud, just said I don't know many people who use it haha
  20. If the package is your scrotum, don't bother. The sidewalks in Van are very uneven and paving rarely comes around, don't want you scraping that package.
  21. Believe it or not that might have been David Knight. Because I retired Malcolm Kelly in S17, but before that Knight traded me to Helsinki where I recreated. So unless David stepped down in the two weeks after that he was still the mastermind in that clusterfuck.
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