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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Of course you do, I agree there. Just saying that if they come back and have shown they haven't changed then you know the first charge was warranted and it's just who they are.
  2. That wasn't the first infraction Jim. As stated elsewhere you really gotta brush up on your VHL history.
  3. @TheLastOlympian07 @Molholt @Corco @Bushito @BobertZ @KGR @Spade18 @Beaviss @Fire Hakstol @Quik @der meister @Sullvino @Phil @CoachReilly @jvd @Megster @Tyler @Exlaxchronicles @RadiatedGold @Mike @Confusion @Boomcheck @Blahblahblah @James @VHLwhat @Jeff @TheTruth @Beerfridge @Zark @Dingle @AlphaHawken @HistFer @Splat @FBR
  4. @JardyB10 *For King
  5. A goaltending battle for sure haha
  6. Damn a close one. Good game @STZ
  7. There were no personal shots. I know who Robbie is and we only really bicker VHL related whether who's players suck more. I've never dived into his personal life because that's not my business anyways.
  8. You'll go to sleep tonight and realize no matter how much you hate a person, making fun of a miscarriage is not fun. @BobertZ went through one and I pray to god no one else has too. It's a fucking mess. But be happy with your choice of words, or at least for the few minutes you got.
  9. Of course and those issues were because of bad days at work. You eliminate those and it's basically nothing
  10. It doesn't though, these aren't clever they are personal shots at my family; which has no relevance to an online sim league.
  11. Why do you keep digging the hole? So much anger.
  12. It was a personal shot that actually hit the nail on the head. It's the reason you don't touch peoples personal lives on a sim league
  13. You can hate me all you want, but to take a jab at someones personal life and their family like that. That speaks volumes about your knee jerk reactions. Completely classless.
  14. Because he already went at me with it. It's low and unnecessary regardless of how much you despise someone.
  15. There is honestly no need for that. Seriously, you have to be pretty fucked in the head to actually think that's a respectable thing to say to anyone. But to say it to someone who has lost a kid, that's absolutely insane. Give your head a shake.
  16. You mean like you with Cologne? Oh shit.
  17. I mean he has a point.
  18. Yes you of all people should be telling people to quit it. Get over yourself
  19. That's great, I don't feel the need to go after you personally because it's a waste of time anyways. You'll be out of the VHL soon enough. It's getting to you, which is great.
  20. Be what it is, but when you have a "bad" day don't come here looking for sympathy. Bringing anyones personal life on to the board isn't something people do. As a VHL GM it looks even poorly on Cologne for the future. To anyone that looks at Cologne they will see a GM with a "hot" and "cold" personality that results in him making knee jerk transactions and attacking people personally here and there. That's got to look great for the old franchise image.
  21. I don't think giving life advice should be something you do personally. Stop trying to justify bringing peoples personal lives onto a simulation league forum.
  22. One of the most underrated players in the sim. Congrats on a solid career! Glad to have played alongside you
  23. Oh you mean ones personal wealth doesn't factor into the amount of TPE I need for my attribute to go up each week? That's really strange. Some seem to think it's a major component haha.
  24. Where did you pull that from? Eldred didn't even have the ability to open up his email application haha
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