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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. 1. You at one time stated you wanted to stay in the VHLM forever? 2. You have continuously told GM's that you are someone that shouldn't be known for retiring often. We've had this convo before and we keep coming back to it because you keep retiring and creating. Like I said last time, if you show you can go farther in a players career then others will take your players more seriously as well.
  2. You are literally making something out of nothing man. People wonder why I moved these to every two weeks. Theres always someone butthurt when I do them unintentionally.
  3. What fuel? There are literally forwards in front of you they'd select. Not to mention you do this every time haha
  4. Oh bbbbaby
  5. Oh wow!
  6. 10 Legion 12 HC Dynamo 14 Wranglers 16 Titans
  7. Markus King and Chase Keller are down!
  8. @ADV *For King
  9. Just boosting the stock
  10. Either way I'd say I'd end up there
  11. Chase Keller has been busy putting in work with the Yukon Rush this past season and it has resulted in a somewhat positive position in regards to his draft stock. Keller is currently listed as the number one prospect but sources say that could change depending on the team who wins the lottery. A few teams don't need a center and thus Keller isn't as high on their lists as he is on other teams' lists. Keller has been linked to New York and although his agent has never had a player play there, he would be stoked to be in their lineup moving forward. Keller's agent Joey Kendrick said that Keller reminds him a little bit of former client Kameron Taylor and his ability to lead from the middle of the ice. Keller said he doesn't really have thought on who will draft him but a couple teams are off his preferred destination list solely because of their situations at the moment.
  12. Send it
  13. That was a tight game
  14. We are terrible
  15. Bingo!
  16. I was rusty. Had to give them some hope
  17. Love this one
  18. Whatcha gonna do with all that Power
  19. Chase Keller Points & Faceoffs
  20. We used to have reports to the public but those were presented by Devise. That was transparency. There would be no point to the BOG if it was open to everyone haha. Not everything is so black and white
  21. And what is that stuff? Just asking because transparency is key. We've been told about the behind the scenes stuff but what exactly could go down behind the scenes. Swimming is out in the open, BOD is open to those who see it and the only forum for Commish is their actual forum.
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