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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Not sure thats the best thing to say
  2. Huh? Why is licking pussy a bad thing? Strange thing to say.
  3. Oh that does seem weird. What is the reasoning behind this?
  4. I think they go to those teams but they do have to give up a pick in their draft years which is next year I imagine
  5. Well I was specifically eluding to guys who go inactive 2 weeks after coming back (i.e. Kuzie, IR, etc..)
  6. Yeah makes sense. I think it just confused me because it made it look like this appointment was the reason he had to retire his player haha
  7. Oh okay it made it seem like because he was becoming GM he had to retire him when I thin it's more of a "preference" decision if that.
  8. That was prior to him being a GM, I just hate people sticking up for people who obviously have gone inactive and don't seem to be interested in changing that notion. Yes we welcome everyone with open arms but if they have a history of bailing why are they given the driver seat to something we obviously know is at the leagues worry. In fact he got offended when I called him inactive. I like the guy and respect him, but you also gotta know when to just come on and post that you shouldn't be the GM.
  9. Sankara can't just be drafted by Davos? @Devise
  10. I did put my name in, but that was under different Commish's who felt Robbie was a better option for it. I did get a VHLM GM job but given what state it is in, I stepped down after one year because it was obvious the VHLM was not something we really hold to a high standard. He's still kicking about? As the Yukon GM he last posted there September 2nd.
  11. Huh? How am I in this discussion. Also, I should state you vouched for Laflamme but he kind of fits the whole "earn your chance or sulk" because he kind of went inactive...again.
  12. *For Keller
  13. *For King
  14. Yup, new GM needed there
  15. I know. He doesn't even know we made the playoffs. Yet he'll still tell us when he comes back that he intends on being the GM
  16. You could argue but not until the last couple weeks did we become the 4th team instead of the 5th
  17. Well we've underperformed all year so soak it up.
  18. Not too good
  19. Pretty bad
  20. Not bad
  21. Equally as impressive to build on
  22. Good way to start
  23. *Truth. You want to flip the script, change it. Otherwise stop whining
  24. He's always got a way with words eh? Congrats @Beketov and @Devise!
  25. Excuses? We go down this road every time and it goes something like this: Trifecta: "You always say I retire early and it's gets really old" Kendrick: "That's because you haven't shown you can hold onto a player for a while lately" Trifecta: "Well I'll show you that I can, but it kind of sounds like a broken record" Kendrick: "Well then change that record by writing a new chapter where you hold onto a player" Trifecta: *Goes and retires early creation* Look, I only write what is out there man. If you want to flip the script you are more than welcome to do so. Last time you said that the constant skepticism on you retiring early or not is something that drains your interest from the league. However, you keep retiring early so thats pretty much what you're known for now and I'll admit it's disappointing because no one should be known for that. That being said, if you don't like room; paint it a different colour. I'm not wrong here, you get upset when people doubt you but then you never give them a reason to actually have faith in your creating a player.
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