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Everything posted by NotAVHLM-GM

  1. We should
  2. Currently can access them, maybe it was mid upload indeed then
  3. Why Not Vasteras?
  4. Thats how we do it
  5. And in my 5th season now, so not done yet
  6. You cant afford to spend time in there Sandro, you need to lead the Legion to victory.
  7. I have a sluth for you in the sig. I kept it warm for you
  8. Not sure when the magazine will return, so decided to put in the media spot of my planned article to be sure. Hope to see some nice responses in the upcoming weeks of the prospects
  9. Prospect Watch: <Insert Your Name Here> Before the attack on the old site, an article similar to this had been prepared. It was an article where we were looking for people to actively participate in order to get their names in the magazine. For the past season we have been looking for players that stood out in the VHLM statistic wise, players who could turn out to be future Hall of Famers. We had a nice selection of players from all kind of teams, but they all had one thing in common: none of them contributed to their own article. With the magazine still being set up I decided to make this into a media spot in order to promote my future column and hopefully getting some activity out of it for the future articles. In order to make this a more living rubric I am looking for VHLM players who are interested in seeing their name in the magazine to future in Prospect Watch. Interested? The only thing you will have to do is to message me (Green) some details about your player. What makes your player unique? Does your player have a certain connection to another player (maybe family like the Franz and Hans Backenbauer, despite one being retired already) ? Does your player have a certain background or just a funny hobby? It are these little facts that I will want to weave into the articles. This will make the weekly rubric less filled with statistics but also able to provide a smile on the readers their faces. The Backenbauer Twins I hope that this is an idea that players will embrace and participate in. It’s a good way to get the magazine to be not only a weekly read, but also something the VHLM can relate to and participate in. After all the more there is to do in the sim, the more chance we have that people will actually stick around. I think we have moved to the new site now without losing much members, so the next VHLM season should be a good one. I have no access to the old draft results right now but there are some interesting prospects to write about next year. How creative these articles get depends on you as the manager of the player. Convince me why your player deserves to be in the VHLM Magazine. An example of a perfectly legit player background Prospect Watch will try to focus on the ideas of the users for the upcoming season. If this experiment is successful we will likely continue this in the seasons after wards as well. After the likes of Dan Tremblay, Steven Smyl, Davey Jones, Gabrial Johnson and Mikey Blade had their appearance you could be the next in line to feature in the weekly rubric. Do you have that spark of creativity that will ensure you a mention in the upcoming year, convince me why your player needs to be in and with some background information we can make this a fun year, for both me as writer as you as the player/reader of the magazine. I will be looking forward to your reactions, please private message them on the forums. Words: 536
  10. Still can't see it
  11. Shutout!
  12. Why not Lindberg?
  13. Can't access the links somehow, index opens, but schedule and game links give this screen:
  14. Cant see it, only have the BoD forum as extra forum
  15. Bad/Ugly loss
  16. Good win
  17. You should indeed.
  18. Did i get the invite yet? Just got back from a holidayand dont remember
  19. James Platts Welfare Program Any member may claim 2 TPE/week on weeks no point task is done, unless they are on a Pension Plan. VHL Pension Plan I – Members who have created one 400+ TPE player claim 3 TPE/week on weeks no point task is done. VHL Pension Plan II - Members who have created two or more 400+ TPE player claim 4 TPE/week on weeks no point task is done. For an overview of the eligible players: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AmcfC4GrdHZDdDg1cUxCbS10ZVBHbnY5UF83RzE2MFE There are still some unassigned players, feel free to post the missing username - player combinations in this thread, then I will update this. If this is your first player, do not worry if you are not on the list. You will be eligible for two points. Keep in mind - the 3/4 TPE upgrades only count if you have a previous player that is above 400 TPE, current players do not apply
  20. No more claiming for this week.
  21. Tor G's magic is gone
  22. You recreate more often than that you probably brush your teeth
  23. These for me aswell, on phone so doing it like this
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