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VHLE Commissioner
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Everything posted by Enorama

  1. That's the Star Wars font btw
  2. 1. Excited for season 82? Sir I have some bad news. 2. Compared to the rest of the farts on the roster, nyko and I are zoomers too with late-2018 join dates.
  3. This and most of your complaints really can be explained by the fact that we are locked into whatever STHS has available to us. We can't change anything to do with the actual sim engine.
  4. this some manitobans say cal-gary too and it peeves me
  5. Tried some VERY different things for this one. Link to a few of my PSDs, including this one, is available if you're interested btw, just DM me for it. @jhatty8 Slapping back to some NoCopyrightSounds for this SOTW right here.
  6. @Nykonax get the measuring tape out and let's find out
  7. Also known as Team Seychelles @McWolf
  8. Two years in a row of sliding the maximum 1 smh
  9. oops forgot to post this one last week @adison you've already seen it tho
  10. He's getting rerolled to 0 TPA this off-season, so you'll be at all 40s in STHS if you choose not to apply. That's all I'm saying.
  11. You realize even getting to 199 TPA means you'll need to apply those 199 TPA in the new system right?
  12. Just stepping in to touch on something Bek + Spartan didn't. DI in STHS actually acts as basically anti-checking. Adding to both at the same time would essentially waste TPA on both sides of it.
  13. Right click and copy image address before pasting the link. That'll make your image actually embed sir
  14. 1. The same way other major changes like the update scale change or the weekly cap change. It changes for everyone all at once so when comparing people against their era it's the same as it's always been. 2. Kinda the same as above. We've had major changes before that have effected scoring and nothing has been asterisked. Additionally, this change is just expected to return scoring to a "normal" level that we had for the first 60-70 seasons in the league. The last 10-20 have occasionally been wildly inflated compared to overall history.
  15. Yes and no. We could consider that if we reduced starting attributes on the STHS side from 40 to something like 20 or 10. The reason we can't keep the 1-point-in-portal = 1-point-in-sths with atts also still starting at 40 is that they would almost certainly still have some clearly better than others unless we made it super unbalanced. Like to make it fair you'd like need 0.12 in SC and 0.88 in something else, well if you do that with DF and SK as well, then you'd start getting some super inflated minor attributes. Kind of, STHS was never built with 99s in mind. For example, McDavid has most of his attributes in the high-80s, low-90s iirc. Everyone across the board will have their growth a little stunted, so your build compared to your peers' should be comfortable. If you're concerned about that, keep in mind that we were also being asked to buff goalies recently because the 20 100-point-scorers (or however many we had last season) is just ridiculous. Nerfing players a bit with the new updating system should hopefully have a similar effect.
  16. Why would there be? It isn't abuse to stack cheap good players. Blame the players that started spamming rerolls and only wanted to build this way rather than managers who stacked players that will make their team win. Or, more realistically, don't blame anyone at all. I don't think anyone "abusing" the meta, players or managers, were doing anything wrong at all. It was on us to change the way the game works so that the min/maxing isn't possible anymore.
  17. Original sheet is now over three years old:
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