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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Bana's S84 Quick Q's Press Conference Rules Seattle Bears Team Page S84 VHL Draft This season's PC's: Part One Part Two Part Three *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S84PC - Part X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! 37. Who will win between Calgary and Toronto? 38. Who will win between Davos and Riga? 39. Who was the Bears regular season MVP? 40. Seattle plays Chicago. Predict the series and who wins! 41. Helsinki plays Warsaw. Predict the series and who wins! 42. How did your player do this season? We're you happy with their performance? 43. What have you been up to lately?
  2. Playoffs are here and so are my days off.. Thank god for one of the two. Playoffs means it's time to get down to business and that the off-season is slowly creeping up... that means a lot of work - YIKES! Days off is good. It's nice to get away from that place for a little while because it's been very busy and the politics side of things can get very old.. same with kissing ass and higher ups not taking accountability Back to the VHL, playoffs are starting and while that does mean all the work is coming.. it also means the Bears are back in action once again for the playoffs and everyone is HYPED! Calgary plays Toronto and is currently up 2-0. They were VERY even in the regular season. Looking at their rosters, I'd give it to Toronto but here we are with a different story in the wildcard round of the playoffs. Davos and Riga are tied 1-1. I have to go with Davos here. Some best people are on that team and Riga is always consistently decent. Be nice to see Davos have some success for once. We play Chicago next, right? That's going to be a good series. Seattle had 9 more points, scored 9 more and let in 11 less. GF difference was +43 to +23.. While Chicago is an up and coming team, they have some strong pieces and depth within their O and D that can over power teams. It's going to be a fun series I bet and anyone can win it! GL!
  3. Well, it's about that time I finally put my fingers to work and earn that 15 uncapped for the VHL's Birthday Bash! I've had a busy couple of weeks between work and meeting new people and it's been a rollercoaster. It's been an absolute gong show at work with tons of stuff happening/going on and a lot of projects to manage. It can be overwhelming but even then I make it through. The meeting people thing has been a lot of fun and have done a lot of fun things. We'll get into more of this with Bana blabs maybe, okay? Outside of this stuff and inside the VHL, lots has been going on to and the Seattle Bears have been having a pretty fun season. The team is full of good players and better people and while it might not be our best season ever to date, we're a strong team with a good group that is willing to do the push into playoffs. Everyone knows that once you're there... anything can happen. Until then, let's take a little dive into the season and see what's been going on. Seattle is 41-19-6 and for the 16th time in 17 seasons, we will be heading into the playoffs. This is a pretty cool streak and has to be up there for some of the best playoff consistency in recent history and maybe all of history in a "healthy" VHL? Either way, super cool to have a good group of people that are always hyping it all up and heading into playoffs. I crossed the 1,400 win mark. I'm currently rocking a 1,422 - 951 - 213 record. That's pretty cool. Not bad. Those damn rough first few seasons and when you tanked back in the days, you TANKED. Looking back, wish I didn't as intense as we did, lol... @ajwllmsn is leading the team with 32 goals. ORI @ROOKIE745 is leading the team with 55 APPLES and MR. @FrostBeard player is moving it with 81 points. Pretty fun to see the diversity there. We no longer have Mr penalty himself in @dasboot so @Steve has so far taken over that honour with 90 @SlapshotDragon is a tank with 270 hits so far! My player Kovalchuk leads for Shots Blocked! @dustywilson22 is tied in 4th for the VHL with 35 wins and while he has a way to go on sharpening his game... for a rookie goalie hes DAMN GOOD. MILESTONE WATCH Jonathon Ori @ROOKIE745 just hits 100G and is 5 Assists away from 300 and 5 points away from 400!! (3 penalty minutes for 400) AJ Williams @ajwllmsn is 7 goals away from the big 200!!! LETS GO Kakapo Bushtit @Esso2264 is closing in on 100 points in their career - needing 13! Nils Godlander @Moon just hit 100 goals a bit ago and is 2 shots away from 1,100 in their career. Sigard Petrenko @SlapshotDragon is 5 points away from 300! Mikhail Kovalchuk @Banackock is 7 assists away from 100! Dusty Wilson @dustywilson22 is 5 wins away from their first ever 40 win season in their rookie season! The season has been a really fun one so far for the Bears. We look forward to the rest of the way and wish everyone fun and good luck! 546 birthday oh yeah
  4. At least you’re winning some kind of cup.
  5. Bump. New off-season. They’ve had some hurdles. I’m giving it one more season. maybe y’all can sign up and create your own team??
  6. Blues too lazy to make the post and hire next theme week is also birthday
  7. GG @Doomsday @dustywilson22
  8. Awesome my dudes
  9. Good luck with this one
  10. Hello, everyone. On day off #4/6 and loving life right now. Days on were stressful and I'm glad they're over with and done. Work has been busy and annoying but it is what it is. Do you have much of a choice? Not really. Been a busy set of days off but that's okay. My first day off I went and met a person I've been speaking to and it's the first person since my separation. Went for a walk by the river valley, got an ice cream, went to this food festival in Edmonton and then drank wine on their balcony. The rest we can't say, ya know? We then met up again on Saturday. This time we went hiking by Drumheller to have some fun with the river and the hoodoos with my two dobermans. Did the hike, got back to the truck and then we had a little picnic with some mimosas looking down on the river valley and hoodoo range. It was very beautiful. She came over after, we indulged in a vegan pizza and watched a movie! Pretty awesome stuff. Today went to the same food festival with my siblings and we tried SOOO many different kinds of foods. We bought 80 tickets and each item ranges from 2-5 tickets basically. It was amazing! Now to VHL, okay? Bears are still good. Not bad. Can't always been first place. Proud of the team. My player is doing good. It's been a lot of fun this season. I'm excited to have the Kovalchuk name bouncing once again. Theme week is fun. Crazy the VHL is 15 years old. Like, super crazy. Hard to believe I've been doing player sim leagues for this long too... like 11+ years. bye
  11. Bana's S84 Quick Q's Press Conference Rules Seattle Bears Team Page S84 VHL Draft This season's PC's: Part One Part Two *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S84PC - Part X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! 25. What's something positive that you've experienced lately? 26. What's something you're looking forward to? 27. How is your player doing this season? 28. How is your team doing this season? 29. Are you paying attention to any sports right now? If so, which and how is it going etc? 30. What did you have for supper tonight? 31. What is something you're looking forward to in life right now? 32. What did you write about for theme week? 33. Do you think the VHL will last forever? If not, what date will be the day it takes it's last breath? 34. Who is the MVP in the VHL so far this season? 35. How has the Bears LR been this season? 36. How has your time been on Seattle?
  12. THEME WEEK OKAY? 15 years has gone by for the VHL and the heart is maybe ticking better than ever? You know what they say... it's never too late to make changes that will strengthen the heart of what helps you stay alive. That's exactly what the VHL had done and look at where we are! For the most part, I'm incredibly proud to be part of the VHL and tons of people in my circle of life know that I am in it, what it's about and I frequently talk about it to them. Typically, it's a place to hang out with cool people from all around the world. A chance for everyone to come together for the main purpose of the league - the hockey simulation and our players. Since the beginning of my time here, there's been a lot of things bumping around so let's take an extremely brief look at them to get me my word count (as I am running out of time) and then get me on the road to some pink whitney and chicken wings ( @ajwllmsn). 1. My First Player - Blake Campbell - G While it's my first and should be harder to remember, I fondly can look back and know most things. of their career. I really enjoyed it up until the end and while it ended a bit too short, it was an awesome ride. I REALLY enjoyed playing for STO and @boubabi and while I did make the choice to leave, it ultimately led to a cup and Aidan Shaw with NYA. Can't say it was a bad move. This player retired and eventually became Blake Campbell the GM of the Bears. 2. VHLM GM I was GM for the Bratislava Watchmen's GM in the 40's immediately prior to, and connected to, my Seattle tenure. I think we won something like 2 championships in 5 seasons and it was a lot of fun. Overall, it was a lot of fun and the start to all of this crazy stuff. 3. Going in the WCoH and WJC I've been part of a lot of these tournaments and have won a lot of medals as a manager. Some teams have been good, some have been heavy underdogs and some have been very fun, surprising victories! I've always enjoyed helping new members in the WJC, building the hype and being part of these things to keep the members engaged and having fun. Winning is also fun. So is adding stuff to the GM resume on here! I miss it. I loved doing it. I don't have the time and that's why I retired from these tournaments. If I can't be 101%, I can't do it. 4. VHLM Commissioner One of my favourites spans on this league. I really enjoyed this role. I loved helping the league grow. I loved engaging with every single new member. Talking to the managers every day. Being a part of how things work, how things grow and the enjoyment every member would experience. I was incredibly passionate in the role and while things happened as they did, I look back on it with positive thoughts only. It was very great! 5. Bears Goat GM The best time I've had in any sim league and it just keeps going. Do I feel as energetic as before? Most days. Do I feel as passionate? Absolutely. Hungry? Yep. The team is always amazing. They're always loyal, always special, always just as hungry. They're amazing, smart, kind and open minded people. Maybe even some being forgiving! I've always been extremely fortunate to come across amazing people where the partnership extends beyond just the Bears and being on a team that tries to win. Say what you want, think what you want. Listen to those who play here. Listen to what they say, think and feel. Do not listen to old Bana. This role has even been a big part of my life in many ways! I hope it continues for some time but you never know.. still waiting on sleep boy to step the **** down. @hedgehog337 THAT'S ENOUGH. Let's pass the salt around now.
  13. Something something didn’t win the cup
  14. Good goalie battle V Dragons
  15. This job is not for you
  16. Awesome, man. We are very happy to have you in Seattle for the season!
  17. MIKE SMITH???? @oilmandan @a_Ferk
  18. GG @Tate DUSTY
  19. “That dudes French as fuck”
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