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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Hell ya brother. Good to hear. 7 years is very impressive. I hope I can make it there
  2. GIVE HS PURPLE. WE WANT MORE THEMES. I think all for mobile look very much the same and none are really amazing.
  3. So long, Chad
  4. Another $35 for auction Transaction ID: 20464455804763987 Confirmed. -sterling
  5. I apply for CANADA. OR USA. CANADA
  6. Hot cold hot cold hot cold
  8. Damn
  9. Welcome to the league and best of luck!
  10. Thank you everyone for the kind words and support. Bana tough like bull! I think that goes along with most that try to quit - the fact that it isn't a one and done and usually takes quite a few times. It's tougher than hell and life will throw you so many excuses to pick them back up again. Some are lucky, others just need to go through it a few times. I have only been smoking about 8 years. I started being an actual "smoker" around 18 when I got this new job at a pipe mill. So while I don't have the length like some do, it's still 8 years of a nasty addiction/habit that's a massive pain in the ass to quit. I've done it a few times and my most recent one before this has so far been my most successful. I used Champex and managed to quit for 3 months. It worked really well. You did not want nor like the taste of cigarettes but it did give you some pretty good dreams, made you sick to your stomach and a little angry (some people get very depressed etc on it I guess). I too quit for about three months before I eventually started have "one here and there" with the guys at work when they offered me and eventually that led back into smoking mostly normally again. This time around - it's been mentally challenging. It's almost like I'm quitting smoking with a side of like.. maybe just mental exhaustion? I am definitely not depressed but sometimes shit gets to be a lot. I don't drink anymore, quit weed in September, quit smoking a month ago, have done my best to kick sugar, caffeine and sodium out of my diet as much as possible (I was much more intense before with sugar and sodium especially lol) and I mean, my girlfriends health stuff and the big elephant in the room, COVID! So I've definitely had my obstacles but you just need a mission, a goal, support and fucking do it. Keep it in your head. Even when you don't have cravings, focus on it. Say it in your head. That way when cravings and such do come, it's much more simpler because you're not only practicing it while you're struggling, but also succeeding and it becomes a part of that lifestyle as well. Best of luck and let me know if and when you do - or if you ever need anything. When you really think of it, yes it is nice, but damn it's a dirty habit - both financially and health-wise.
  11. As some may know, I quit smoking cigarettes just over a month again and have from time to time shared my app’s progress in my locker room as it’s either requested me to show people for helpful tools/tasks or because it does help a little bit in curbing the habit/addiction. A while into it I made that “Good News” post about my girlfriend being confirmed cancer free and also letting the rest of the league know that along with that bright light, I’ve also taken up the challenge of bettering myself and conquering the mountain that many know to be “quitting smoking”. Tonight, I found it cool to go on my phone and see a message from a fellow member that wanted to share a helpful message that they seen my post and have also quit smoking a few weeks ago. It made me proud of them. Maybe even a little bit because they were a newer member to the league and the Bears! I don’t think I had any impact on this, but a similar message popped in my head that many have echoed on here that it’s cool all the positivity going on, but also just how awesome this community and it’s members are. Kindness spreads faster than Covid. I mostly wanted to write this post up to help others (maybe myself too), have a place to chat or have resources or share stories about their successes (and maybe even failures). I know showing my progress to others, whether on here or in real life, offers up a great sense of pride and encouragement to continue a battle that often can be frustrating, exhausting and a pain in the damn ass. A few other things that have helped me are: - I have this app. Smoke Free it’s called for IOS. It tracks cravings, has a helpful bit if you need resources, have questions or are struggling. It also offers up tools and daily tasks to help you progress. I do some of these but what’s most significant for me is the money saved counter and the “Time Smoke Free” counter. Visually seeing my progress really helps me get through it. - Have a goal. Have a few if you want. My main ones moving forward and since the beginning have financial (1) and health (2). It’s fucked up probably that it’s backwards and health should be (1), but it’s a close race. I just really want to save money for whatever the hell I want - up to AND including my vacation property in the mountains. Again, that app mentioned above really does help with this . - Mental strength. You may be tough like buff Beav, but your mind is just as powerful - most likely more. The cravings can be tough as hell. I’ve had numerous moments and even portions of days where it’s in your mind at the start of quitting. Maybe a shit sleep, habitual things like driving, eating, boredom, sex, coffee, alcohol, being around those who smoke, socializing (not in today’s world lol!) or whatever. Maybe you’re having a shit day at work or just got bad news etc.. it happens and they’re (cravings) dry grass waiting for a match to drop.. but all fires can be put out! For me, weeks 1-2 were a decent struggle but once you hit that 3 weeks plateau .. it gets easier.. I’ve found it’s been a little tougher the last few days but that’s only because I think I’ve got focused in my head just how hard it’s going to be.. I had and have the thought of “I’ve quit for 36 days.. which is amazing.. but that’s only 36 days of the rest of my life” and the small accomplishment than stood beside a massive oncoming wave ready to crash into my progress lol.. One day at a time as my girlfriend reminds me. - Something that has helped me and could probably tie into the last one.. they become less frequent... your inner voice becomes louder than the cravings and they pass just as fast as they came.. in fact, I’ve had good luck with telling this thing to fuck off and be the louder one (I know some here probably aren’t surprised lmao).. they hit your mind and you either find a distraction, let them pass or I often find myself telling my mind “no. I’m not gonna smoke. I don’t like the health effects I’ve been having, don’t want to feel shamed and want to continue saving money”. So far, during this battle, I’m undefeated. I will continue to be. 36 days and counting, one at a time. - Good support. It’s helped me huge. Not so much to quench cravings but mostly just to feel encouragement and proud of myself. It’s a nice reminder as to why you’re doing it and feeling a sense of happiness and being proud always helps fuel motivation. Stay strong friends. It’s hard as shit but you can do it. If anyone needs someone to talk to or anything, I’m always a message away. Stay healthy, happy and safe. Best of luck
  12. Okie dokie
  13. He’s my favourite and underrated. HE WILL BE BRIGHT.
  14. Ah gotcha. Makes sense and good call
  15. I assumed this was your player Here Until I seen this: Lol which eventually led me here to your newest dude
  16. Banackock

    CGY/MAL; S75

    WOAH. Both GM's have their likes in this deal obviously or they wouldn't have made it, but for me, Calgary wins this deal by a healthy margin.
  17. this new player is already better than me welcome to the league
  18. I heard someone say the other day that that dude is going to be bad ass but I was sure who they were talking about. That dude, whoever the dude is, gotta be a good dude, dude.
  19. Sweet! GL!
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