No one would be pissed off and if they are, fuck them (but I promise nobody is or was). You come first and what you’re going through is incredibly challenging, exhausting and full of many rollercoasters and unanswered questions that will take time being answered.
I did not have, but my partner had a form of cancer. We found the mass in May, Biopsies in June (bad samples..) and July, found out what it was in August and immediately begun Chemotherapy under R-CHOP within a few days of finding out. Even just finding the mass was scary because you think the worst (I do. Her family didn’t and I’m glad I did! Kinda helped me a bit maybe). It was challenging and scary at times for me - I can’t even imagine for her but she was so strong and incredible no matter how hard the chemotherapy got on her body and mind.. as it went on, obviously much tougher. I still remember the start of it.. we knew what it was without it being confirmed. At the time it was just a mass.. but getting the phone call after the biopsies was probably the craziest moment of my life. I don’t know how to explain it. Scary?
Im sure you’ve done your research and all of that. If you need someone to speak to or anything like that, I’ve spent many hours, at all hours of the day, researching and like I said, haven’t had it but never left the side of someone who did. I never missed a single appointment, chemo session or anything like that. 0300 start times at work sometimes just to take her to appointments.. the pandemic makes it worse because they literally can’t get sick or anything.
If you need something or such, don’t hesitate. You’re not alone (obviously). Also, look after you. The VHL isn’t going anywhere. You’re important and we want to make sure you’re happy and well - both here and in life I wish you the best - happiness and health @Kachur. STAY STRONG. YOU HAVE THIS!