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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Last day off tomorrow.. days off are always easier for me than being at work.. however, a new milestone for me.. Next up - 60 days/2 months!! Also should plug in the old iPhone.
  2. Stockholm, Edmonton, Beijing, Tokyo, Denver/Colorado, Anaheim, Boston or fo back to Cologne woo. Ireland would kind of be neat honestly. Bratislava moving on up? Saint Petersburg? Maybe Australia? Paris would be awesome for LONDON!
  3. No one would be pissed off and if they are, fuck them (but I promise nobody is or was). You come first and what you’re going through is incredibly challenging, exhausting and full of many rollercoasters and unanswered questions that will take time being answered. I did not have, but my partner had a form of cancer. We found the mass in May, Biopsies in June (bad samples..) and July, found out what it was in August and immediately begun Chemotherapy under R-CHOP within a few days of finding out. Even just finding the mass was scary because you think the worst (I do. Her family didn’t and I’m glad I did! Kinda helped me a bit maybe). It was challenging and scary at times for me - I can’t even imagine for her but she was so strong and incredible no matter how hard the chemotherapy got on her body and mind.. as it went on, obviously much tougher. I still remember the start of it.. we knew what it was without it being confirmed. At the time it was just a mass.. but getting the phone call after the biopsies was probably the craziest moment of my life. I don’t know how to explain it. Scary? Im sure you’ve done your research and all of that. If you need someone to speak to or anything like that, I’ve spent many hours, at all hours of the day, researching and like I said, haven’t had it but never left the side of someone who did. I never missed a single appointment, chemo session or anything like that. 0300 start times at work sometimes just to take her to appointments.. the pandemic makes it worse because they literally can’t get sick or anything. If you need something or such, don’t hesitate. You’re not alone (obviously). Also, look after you. The VHL isn’t going anywhere. You’re important and we want to make sure you’re happy and well - both here and in life I wish you the best - happiness and health @Kachur. STAY STRONG. YOU HAVE THIS!
  4. I wasn’t gonna respond in here but now that I see Juice’s, it started my mouths engine and now we revving, baby. 1. I’d get @Juice an autographed photo of Patrick Roy boxing Detroit Red Wings in the face with his fist hammer. 2. Would buy @GustavMattias a better AGM. Or maybe.. would I set @Berocka free? Not sure on this one anymore. 3. @Rayzor_7 would invest my money into a Air Canada, predicting them to build a new electric airplane that is built out of hemp and canola seed oil, and capitalize on the gains by giving Ray the team he deserves when the league last expanded. 4. Fix London’s logo for the people. I am a man of the people. Also hire Elizabeth as their AGM. 5. Remove Vancouver entirely from the league, make it a mutable word like the c word (choreography) and start the witch hunt for Vancouver rebels. Anyone we find, joins Dil in the Thunderdome. Start an aromatherapy session held once a week to remove the Vancouver demons from their souls.
  5. USA, USA, USA... I smell gold. #WJC

  6. pArItY
  7. This just further proves how bad it is when members only claim practice facility or PF and only welfare... this was done in 3 minutes and while hot trash, it earned me 2 more TPE. Come on homies. GRIND BABY, GRIND.
  8. Well, look at me go. I am waiting until the very final minutes to write this bad boy. We currently have 6 minutes to go until the day flips on over to Dec 28 so I am typing like a mad men. Christmas has come and go for the world and the league and what a good one it was. With everything going on in the world, it was kind of a shit christmas for people who wanted it to be but we made the very best of it. I think the same could be said about the VHL. A lot of members are going through things but look how the site has come together. There's less drama, less issues and everyone is coming together to be part of some positivity. It warms my heart and makes me extremely giddy. Bana really struggling here but excited for the new week so I can start pumping stuff out again. I think the VFC isn't going to hit out of the gate right away and will be on hiatus. I need to use up the double PT week BS and also the free week so we gonna roll with that stuff. Anyway, that's the words and with 3 minutes to spare. 23:57 yesss
  9. Good luck the rest of the way Chicago! *bird on fire noises*
  10. Quit prolonging my doom until 2am @Devise

    1. IamMOOSE


      Seattle bout to make a comeback, quiet.

  11. Making lasagna. What you doing for supper? 

  12. Hell ya toast
  13. Losing to weak teams like it's a boxing day sale must buy! #Rice+Seaddle
  14. Done well at work. Won’t go in depth but our territory has one of the best records. Our area has been injury free for 3 entire years as well (all injuries). I put too much on my shoulders and it eats me away.. something I’ll need to work on but at least the results have mostly all been strong. Girlfriend discovered a tumour in May, was diagnosed with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma in August, and was cleared of cancer in December after 4 chemotherapy cycles. She is the strongest warrior. What an experience... all I can say. Fingers crossed it doesn’t comeback.. Quit smoking cigarettes.. it’s been 47 days.. or 4,100,369 seconds (thanks, app).. $$ and health! Slowly working on bettering myself mentally and physically.. from the things above like removing cigarettes, no devils lettuce, and removing as much sodium, sugar and caffeine as I can. Lots to go.. Mental health is very, very.. very important. Time flies.. feels like the pandemic just started.. now it’s Dec 27, 2020..
  15. Sometimes you don’t need to understand. Good games Chicago! Your sacrifices have apparently pleased STHS this season!
  16. Lines in for Santa. Best of luck to all teams. MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  17. Second... Ill have lines in sometime tomorrow morning or early afternoon.. It’s Christmas and 1030PM soooo.
  18. TINKY
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