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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Ty for not starting Thorvald this time
  2. F - John Frostbeard @Renomitsu Team Bana F - Dan Willinsky F - Jet Jaguar F - John Frostbeard D - D - G - Rayz Funk
  4. Down with the hog
  5. Van won the game
  6. Welcome back @Corco If you need a hand getting back into the groove, give me a shout.
  7. @VHLM GM Some light changes that I'll just announce here as opposed to making an entirely different thread about. Active FA signing eligibility for TPA/TPE has gone from 150 to 250. It doesn't make sense to us to limit any active player in our league for being under everyone else's normal TPA/TPE amount. Thanks @VHLM Commissioner
  8. Jet Jaguar - C @DMaximus
  9. Toronto won the score
  10. Live From: St. Louis, USA Date and Time: November 10, 2019 @ 8PM EST Results: S69 VHLM Draft Results HERE
  11. Sent lines quite a while ago.
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