I was talking about @ShawnGlade ...
However, I will touch upon one subject Because you’e extremely wrong and stupid to think it. I’ve never asked any of my players to ever approach anyone on any team in the league while they were under contract with another organization or within an eligibility period for signings (FA). The only time I ever say to do a thing, or anytime I approach a player, is when they’re on my team or it’s free agency. Not once did I approach any players and never once did I mention or even joke about that idea.
So to your comment of “I’ll in turn make you look stupid”. Well, I basically mirror that statement back to you. Please, next time approach me with something factual and not just a “gut feeling” you get because you’ve alienated yourself and your team to think the league and all within conspire against you and Calgary.
As for your loss, I’ve already gave my condolences and extend them once again.