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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. That is true. I don’t think it’ll take 2-3 seasons to be either of those - all depends on everyone else. We have the roster and solid depth.
  2. 2-3 seasons down the road be a contender? If you thought we’d make more noise now, how will it be 2-3 more seasons? We were exactly where we thought we’d be. We don’t plan to get good and then pull a Shawn and rebuild, I think it’ll be less than 2-3 seasons. Especially 3.
  3. Season 68 Bears Press Conference (PART 1 OFF-SEASON) Press Conference Rules: LINK --> (3 Answers for 1 TPE) *You only have to answer 3 - more are listed for variety and preference. ** Feel free to ask one another Q's too to earn that extra 1 TPE 1. What are your thoughts on Vancouver winning the cup? 2. What are your thoughts on the Bears winning 3rd overall? 3. Who are some players you would draft? 4. Thoughts on the Bears and who they're protecting? 5. Would you have protected anyone differently? 6. Do you miss Thomas Kennedy (Fizz)? 7. Who are some people, currently not signed, that you'd like to see come to Seattle in FA? 8. Do you think the Bears will make any trades this off-season? 9. Who are going to be the bottom 3 teams next season? 10. Who are going to be the top 3 teams next season? 11. Predict the Bears record next season out of the 72 regular season games. (example, 46-20-6) 12. Who will score the most goals for Seattle next year? 13. How many fights will Hogan win next year? 14. Thoughts on new expansion teams (once they're announced)? 15. The purge is finally reality in the VHL community... 99.99% of crime is legal. What player would you off on an opposing team? 16. You have done it! You have your very own brand off liquor. What did you make? What is it called? (Example, Stark's = Whiskey = Dire Wolf). 40% alcohol. GET THEM TPEZ. @Spade18 @Rayzor_7 @DoktorFunk @Smarch @Dtayl @Acydburn @HenrikZoiderberg @berocka @diamond_ace @FakeJenton @Spade18 @HulkHogan @FrostBeard @Dangles13 @Eudaldkp
  4. plz order more coffee crisps ok
  5. 8K989822WD738722J Kovalchuk | Stark FREE WEEK \ FREE WEEK DOUBLE \ DOUBLE DOUBLE \ DOUBLE 5 TPE \ 5 TPE S68 donations
  6. Welcome.
  7. Are you sure it’s weed you smoke?
  8. We all remember what happened last season grats teams. Happily pick 3rd.
  9. Welcome ! @Dmo48
  10. Welcome to the league @ngine4
  11. Season 67 Bears Press Conference (PART 3 FINALE) Press Conference Rules: LINK --> (3 Answers for 1 TPE) *You only have to answer 3 - more are listed for variety and preference. ** Feel free to ask one another Q's too to earn that extra 1 TPE 57. Who wins it all this season? 58. Who wins playoff MVP? 59. Who, in your opinion, has played well enough to be considered the runner up? 60. Will @HulkHogan lose his heavy weight title next season or does he remain CHAMP? 61. Who do you want to see Hogan kick the shit out of next season? 62. Anyone excited for some Aussie love next season? @berocka 63. Predict the Bears regular season stats for NEXT SEASON! Wins, Loss, OTL and standings etc. 64. Where do the Bears end up in next seasons playoffs? 65. Who do you believe is the greatest athlete of all-time in YOUR favourite sport? Not necessarily in the world as lots of sports are incredibly different etc. Hard to measure maybe. 66. Are you rooting against Vancouver? I know I am! GET THEM TPEZ. @Spade18 @gregreg @Rayzor_7 @DoktorFunk @Smarch @Dtayl @Acydburn @HenrikZoiderberg @berocka @diamond_ace @FakeJenton @Spade18 @HulkHogan @Da Trifecta@Jose Gonzalez @FrostBeard @Dangles13 @Eudaldkp
  12. Welcome to the league!
  13. VHLM Achievement Tracker is up! If you're eligible to claim, head on over for some sweet TPE's. 

  14. S67 VHLM Achievement Tracker You must list your player name and position or else I will not be counting your tpe for you. You have until the conclusion of the VHL playoffs + 1 bonus day to complete this (due to posting later then we wanted). 1. Before the end of the VHL playoffs, players that want to and are eligible for TPE bonuses from the VHLM must declare in this thread their PRIMARY stats for tracking throughout the REGULAR SEASON. These stats will then be tracked for BONUS TPE and can be declared anytime throughout the season. 2. Unless a declaration is made in this thread, players will not receive BONUS TPE at the end of the season for their achievements. This thread will be locked upon completion of the VHL playoffs. 3. Inactive players cannot have their declarations be posted by their team GMs. 4. The following stat achievements can be declared for skaters: Goals Assists Points Hits Shot Blocks +/- Rating Faceoffs Won 5. Forward Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/10 Assists/12 Points/10 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/15 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight FO Won/150 6. Defensemen Achievements (Choose 2): Goals/5 Assists/10 Points/7 Hits/30 Shot Blocks/20 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0) Fights 2 points per fight 7. Goalie Achievements (All APPLICABLE) WINS/5 40 Games Started = 5 TPE Save % 0.900+ = 5 TPE Save % Sub 0.900 = 2TPE Shutouts = 3 TPE per SO 8. Declaration Form Format (Put choices in the order they are listed) Player Name Forward/Defenseman Choice 1 Choice 2 Example Mitch Higgins Forward Assists +/- *Please note that goalies do not select any choices, but must submit a TPE declaration. 9. S69 Prospects are not eligible 10. The VHLM Achievement Tracker is capped at 20 TPE per player. Whatever your formula gives you, add 3 TPE to it as mentioned below. 11. TPE from the Tracker cannot be applied to your player until the payout thread is posted by a VHLM Commissioner @VHLM Commissioner @VHLM GM @Commissioner *EDIT* It's not simply that the minimum goes up to 13, it's that whatever the formula gives you, add 3 to it. So if you'd otherwise have earned 13, you now have 16. You still max out at 20.
  15. ty old comments for letting me know the results
  16. Banackock


    @DilIsPickle I seen the notification of a topic named "bana". Clickity and I was presented with a link in the "thunder dome". Not gonna lie, my expression was:
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